New home new life

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Jimin wandered along the street staring into the different windows. He didn't notice the glances that followed him he was intent on finding the place he was looking for.
Today was the beginning of the rest of his life, no more worrying about never being good enough, so what if his parents had disowned him for turning down the pack Alpha, who was an old letch. Just because he was an omega he still should have some say in his life and that disgusting man wasn't going to be any part of it.
He took out the spray that diminished his scent, who knew who would be inside the shop he wanted to visit, he didn't want anyone making a play on him just because he was an omega.
He got to the place he'd been looking for and stared at the pictures around the window not noticing the group inside.
"Hey Kook look at that nervous little omega." Suga laughed.
Jungkook spun around on the seat he was currently sitting on waiting for his tattooist to turn up.
"Sheesh he looks like he will pass out once they get started."
"What do you reckon?A flower, a tiny heart?"
Jungkook laughed, he couldn't see the small males face he was turned to the side looking at something.
"I think he will run right out once he hears the buzz of the needle!"
The man called Suga laughed as did the man behind the desk.
Suddenly the door opened and the small male walked in, hit by the dominant smell of an Alpha and some betas.
He glanced over at them nervously before going to the desk.
"Erm, I want a tattoo?"
"Sure cutie, what will it be?"
Jimin blushed at the nickname then cleared his throat,
"I want some words on my side and ribs,"
Jungkook raised a brow, he wasn't expecting that, he stared at the small male feeling a protective urge come over him, he looked so small and defenceless and that sweet aroma.
Jimins nose twitched there was a beguiling smell of pine trees and sandlewood.
"Well you can come straight through if you want?"
"Oh but they were here before me...."
"Go ahead my tattooist is on his way." Jungkook said his voice making the small omega jump.
Jimin turned to him noticing the strong looking Alpha had bare arms one tattooed heavily, he was the one the heavenly smell came from. Jimin wondered if he deliberately wore muscle vests to look sexy, then admonished himself at thinking like that.
He nodded at him and walked past, Jungkook suddenly sat up straighter in the chair his whole body turned to the small male as he was taken to one of the back rooms.
"Shit, no!" He muttered.
"Hmmm, you say something Kook?"
"No, nothing..." he couldn't tell his best friend that the small male currently nearby seemed to be his mate!
Damn , he wasn't ready for this, he liked his lifestyle , he was free and easy and it suited him.
They both suddenly heard the buzz of the tattoo needle.
So he wasn't running out scared...., he was getting some tattoo on his milky skin, a growl he couldn't hold back at the thought of someone touching the male in any way other than him, made him want to spring up and stop the tattooist himself.
"Let's go to the coffee shop, call me when Namjoon gets in.." he told the man at the desk.
He strode out quickly,Suga following.
They both ordered coffees and sat down.
"So you gonna explain what's up?"
"What do you mean ok, I'm panicking because my life as I know it will change and you say  ok!?!"
Suga looked at him confused.
"Your not making sense?"
"My mate....., that boy is my mate!"
"What! Holy crap! Wow your a goner!"
"I know..., I'm sure he was masking his scent but I still smelt it , vanilla and peaches."
"I didn't smell it, but then your senses have always been high....., how come he didn't react to you though?"
Jungkook for once was lost for words, Yer how did the small male ignore him?
He looked at his friend," that's true, how did he do it?"
"Well I know there are backstreet prescriptions that omegas take when they don't want to be hit on....."
"In my town? I hope not , it upsets the balance of nature, look into it Suga, I don't want unauthorised drugs being pedalled."
"Sure I'll look into it, but aren't you happy he can't see you as his mate?";
About to say yes, his wolf howled inside his head,affronted that he was going to deny his mate.
At that moment his phone rang,
"Well I'm here where are you?"
"I'll be right over Namjoon,"
They both stood up but were stopped by a girl who wrapped her arm around Jungkooks.
"Alpha you going to ignore me?"
"Er hi,Sila, what do you want?"
"How about another night in your bed?"
"Not now Sila, I told you it was for my Rut, it doesn't mean anything."
"But it could...?"
"No..., it can't , we all have mates, your not mine."
With that he brushed past her making Suga smirk and the girl pull an angry face.
They walked into the tattoo shop, jungkook listened but couldn't hear any needle going neither could he smell the scent strongly only a faint hint of it.
"He's gone..."
"Who?" Namjoon asked as the other tattooist came out of the back room looking bemused.
"That sweet omega, some people deserve to be shot" he grumbled.
"Why what's wrong with him?" Jungkook asked hastily.
"Oh hi alpha..., I just had a sweet young omega in wanted a tattoo saying Never Mind on his side and ribs, I asked why that particular wording and he took off his shirt. His other side was covered in healing bruises, someone did a number on him. I asked if he was sure he wanted the tattoo done as he looked hurt enough and he smiled..., he actually smiled and said the bruises would heal, the ' Never Mind' was a statement to himself that the reason he got the bruising was in the past and he was moving forward  with his life, the past didn't matter. He's helluva strong omega , didn't wince at all even though it must have hurt, such a cutie."
He was stopped by the angry growl coming from the alpha.
"Calm down Kook, don't get possessive,"
"Possessive over what?" Namjoon asked.
"The fact that someone called my mate a cutie!!"
The other man gulped," er sorry alpha I didn't know, he didn't say...."
Suga placed his hand on Jungkooks arm calming him.
"Kook , just get your tattoo done eh,"
Jungkook stomped down the hall Namjoon hurried after him.
"Hmm this is going to be interesting," Suga sighed,
"did the omega say anything about where he is?"
"No just new to town..."
Suga nodded then sat down to get on with the other matter Jungkook had asked him to do.
"So your mate eh?" Namjoon said.
"So it seems," the irritated alpha said.
"What you gonna do about it?"
"Find him," he growled out

The Strong Alpha and shy omegaWhere stories live. Discover now