The Smart boys mine.

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Jimin had regretted his agreement as soon as he got home. What on earth would he do around an Alpha that was his mate when neither wanted that connection?
Tae had transformed into a happy enthusiastic onega after they left. He had dragged Jimin along to the shop owners and negotiated a deal, with help from Jimin there and then.
He'd driven Jimin home then driven off to get the ball rolling on his new business.
Jimin had been amazed at the progress on his home. The garden had been tidied and tamed, showing off flowers that had been hidden under trailing weeds. The roof was fixed and the outside nearly painted , inside the painting for the sitting room had been done and when Jimin brought the paint in for the other rooms the men carried on.
Jimin was astounded at the difference, they wouldn't let him help so he decided to bake cookies which he dished up with a drink when they stopped for a break.
"Thank you all so much, I wouldn't have got this far in weeks let alone a day!"
They all smiled, the little omega was so friendly.
"You need to get that boiler checked it's quite old,"
"Yes, actually someone is coming tomorrow, the water doesn't get hot just warm and the boilers a bit noisy"
"Old man Choi didn't like to spend money, that shower is a relic , new ones are more efficient."
"Hmm, where can I get one ?"
"We have friends in the business, I can pick one up and get it fitted?"
"Hmm, I will need to get some tiles to put around,"
The men looked at each other," er no we are supposed to redo inside so once it's done we will come in and do it?"
"Gosh really? Wow thanks."
They smiled at him again, little did Jimin know that the Alpha had swung by earlier and told them he wanted everything done no stone unturned.
The next day Jimin got up before the workmen came and baked more cookies. He heard a knock and thinking it was them opened the door but it was Jin.
"Hi Jimin,"
"Oh Erm hi come in,"
"Well this place looks different!"
"Doesn't it, some workmen were sent over and are transforming the place!"
"Good," he stared at Jimin who worriedly stared back.
"Are those cookies? Can I have one?"
"Oh Erm yes let me make coffee too,"
Jimin made the coffee and put out some cookies.
"Mmm, my god these are yummy, you must give me the recipe ."
Jimin who couldn't stand the wait anymore burst out.
"Well..., is it good or bad news..., it's bad isn't it, that's why your not saying, oh god what have I done!"
"Calm down..., your levels were not high enough to cause infertility but if you had taken them for a few more months they would have been. Stopping them allows your body to get back to normal."
Jimin gasped at his close call, he picked his cup up with a shaking hand burning his lips on the hot drink.
Putting the cup down carefully he stared at Jin.
"So I can have kids... one day?"
"You can, but I advise birth control if you don't want them now."
"I take that for when I'm in heat, I don't want babies from a casual acquaintance ."
"Good...., how's things going with the Alpha?"
"Going? Er I'm starting work for him on Monday as his PA."
"Wow, so things will hit up between you then?"
"No, neither of us want a mate so it will be fine,"
Jin chuckled," oh you innocent babe, that's not how it works, but fine you'll see."
"Do you have a mate?"
"I do, he's called Namjoon, he works in a tattoo parlour."
"I may have seen him, I got a tattoo the other day."
"Your the omega he was on about?"
"Was he?"
"His friend tattooed you with some words, his friend said someone had beaten you up and that you were very brave."
Jimin blushed," I'm not brave..., I'm a scaredy cat, I couldn't transform and jump off the roof because I hate heights and storms."
"Well they think your brave and that's what counts, accept the praise!"
Jimin giggled, a knock was heard.
"Oh the workmen must be here."
"Ok, we'll I'm off, hope to see you again soon."
He left, Jimin greeted the workmen and spent a happy day with them.
It was Monday morning, Jimin woke up stretching feeling happy to be sleeping in a bed again.
His home was done, it was clean and bright and homey.
The furniture looked good the rooms looked good and he'd made firm friends with the workmen.
He got up showering, admiring his new look bathroom.
After having breakfast he made a packed lunch put it in his rucksack and left to walk to work.
He arrived and was directed to the second floor. He walked into the large office space, seeing people chatting.
"So you came let's see how long you last, Jungkook is sure to find out your a fraud," a haughty voice said making him turn to face the woman he'd seen with Jungkook.
"And you are?"
"Oh she hopes to be Mrs Jeon but she's just like the rest of us a secretary, hi I'm Rosie, you must be Mr Park, she's Elise but ignore her."
"Gladly," Jimin laughed making Rosie and the other staff titter with laughter while Elise stomped back to her desk.
"Ok, so Jungkook will be in soon I'll show you your office ."
"Is it first name basis here? If so I'm Jimin,"
"Nice to meet you Jimin, yes the alpha likes to keep it friendly. So Tae had Erm a unique .. filing system."
She pulled a drawer out and instead of alphabetical files were under,' ugly ass dickhead', 'idiot fusspot',
"What the..."
"Yer,we'll as I said unique, idiot fusspot is Mr Foy, this one 'lousy liar ' is Mr Lee."
"Oh Tae what have you let me in for,"
"It sort of makes sense, the derogatory name begins with their surname initial, but it's time consuming."
"Right, I can sort that, what else?"
"Jungkook has a diary, Tae should have had a duplicate but..., well Tae was Tae, it's on Jungkooks desk."
"So what time is he due?"
"In forty minutes"
"Our stationery office?"
She took him down a corridor where he picked up blank file folders and a yearly diary, he got Rosie to bring Jungkooks diary to him and spent forty minutes painstakingly writing out a duplicate diary.
Jungkook walked in, he'd meant to get here earlier but he'd been held up by a phone call.
Walking in he saw Elise rush up to him.
"Jungkook I could be your PA you don't need him," she pouted.
"Elise, haven't you got work to do? And don't forget
'he' will be in charge of all of you."
"What! But..."
"But nothing I want this place to run smoothly hes being given full reign."
He walked towards Tae's old office smelling that beautiful scent the nearer he got.
He found Jimin crouched on the floor all the files around him on the floor. He was painstakingly sorting and labelling files correctly. Jungkook admired the view as Jimin leaned over displaying his butt in well fitting trousers.
"So you can decipher Tae's system?"
Jimin jumped nearly toppling over. He stood up turning to face the alpha.
"How the hell did you get anything done? You have capable secretaries out there you haven't made use of , the whole office is un planned and ill managed!"
Jungkook felt like a naughty schoolboy who had been told off.
"But.., but I'm the alpha !"
"And as such should have a well run base! God how dumb can you get!"
Jungkook closed the door stepping towards the fiesty male.
"You know if your trying to be intimidating it's not working, you just look like a cute fuzz ball."
"I'm a highly sort out PA and your lucky to have me"Jimin said prodding the others chest with a small finger.
"Oh I'd love to have you little omega!" Jungkook smirked.
"You...,you..., you have a meeting in ten minutes, your diary is on your desk!"
"Aren't you going to sit on my lap and take notes?"
"Aaargh! God your annoying use the dictaphone I saw on your desk!"
"Where's the fun in that?"
"I have work to do now get out!"
Jungkook laughed," by the way, I want you to utilise the office staff, sort them into where they are best capable, I want a well run office, choose someone to help you."
He turned walking out the smirking turned back came to Jimin lifted him slightly and pecked his lips ,
"welcome to the office," he laughed before leaving a slightly dazed Jimin.
Damn arrogant alpha Jimin thought touching his lips with his fingers before he went and called Rosie and they got stuck in to the files.
Three days had passed and Jungkooks office had been transformed. Jimin had done a major overhaul, desks were moved , people worked busily, things got done.
If you asked for something it was easily located . The only fly in the ointment was Elise. Jimin found her to be lazy and slapdash. It came to a head when Jungkook came in one morning to find them facing off .
"Elise, you haven't checked your work it's untidy and not what I would expect."
"Who cares, you bulldoze in here you change things, how am I supposed to keep up!"
"Well everyone else has!"
"Don't you think he's being a bully? We should tell Jungkook he's nothing special just an omega...," she said turning to the others .
"Elise, his system is easy and more productive so much better."
"Well I think he's a bully!"
"I'm sorry you feel that way, look how can I help you, what is difficult for you?" Jimin asked although he didn't like her much he didn't like seeing people struggle.
Jimin held his face, his lip was cut from a ring she wore.
A disturbing growl was heard behind them and Elise saw Jungkook. She ran to him fake tears falling.
"Jungkook he's bullying me..."
"How dare you!"
Elise smirked then realised he was looking at her not Jimin.
"You slapped him, he's bleeding!"
"It was a tap, but it's his fault..."
"You do not touch him!"
"Jungkook I'm telling you he's just a bully,"
"He's my mate and you harmed him!!"
The office was silent then...
"M-mate...,he's your mate, no Jungkook it can't be.." Elise cried out eyes looking daggers at Jimin who was looking dumbfounded that the other had said it out loud.
"Pack your things and go, I never want to set eyes on you again," he shouted at her. She gathered her things quickly and ran scared off the wrath in his face.
He walked over to Jimin picking him up and taking him to his office, sitting him on his desk and reaching for a tissue gently wiping the blood.
"Are you ok? Does it hurt?"
Jimin stared up into his caring eyes before shaking himself and with a grumpy look said.
"You ass, why say that , I know you don't want a mate and neither do I , now they all know!"
Jungkook stared at him then smirked," maybe I changed my mind and now they all know your mine!"
"Dumbass I belong to myself, now let me work."
Jimin pushed at the muscled chest in front of him, tingles going through his fingers.
"Don't worry babe, you'll get used to it!"
He laughed as a disgruntled Jimin cursed under his breath and stood up throwing an evil glare his way before stomping out.
Wow Jungkook thought who knew having a mate could be such fun!
He whistled a song as he sat down to start his days work, while in another office a small grumpy omega was kicking the furniture.

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