Leave the old life in the past.

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Jungkook rang Jimin but couldn't get through.was he asleep still?
He made himself breakfast then rang again after six more attempts he got frustrated and drove to Jimins house knocking on the door.
When there was no answer he called out but silence was the answer.
"Damn it Jimin what are you up to?"
He turned the door handle purely in frustration not expecting it to open but it did.
Worried now he walked in, Jimin was so particular he wouldn't have left the door unlocked. He hurried around the small house but it was empty.his eyes were drawn to a bin nearby, he looked down in confusion then realising what it was he took it out his hand shaking.
Pregnant? Jimin was pregnant? He was going to be a father!
His face broke into a huge smile, he was going to have a pup with Jimin!!
His smile vanished quickly, why had Jimin not told him? Where was he what was going on?
He sat down thinking about why Jimin wouldn't have told him.
It was weird only yesterday another alpha had questioned him on having a family . Of course he had brushed it off as he didn't want Jimin to be harassed about it when he still wasn't on board with the whole mates thing....
Shit, Jimin must have heard he'd been right there. Did he think Jungkook meant he was against having kids? His whole demeanour had changed from that point on yesterday, Damn it! Why hadn't he taken more notice.....
He got up looking in Jimins room for any sign and on the dressing table saw a scribbled note,' train leaves eight thirty,connection leaves ten thirty.
He'd gone? Had he already left for home? Damn he'd be tired it would arrive early morning , he probably wouldn't have slept.......
He called into work saying he would be away and that anything urgent would have to wait, he drove home slinging clothes into a bag then looked up his destination before leaving. It would be quicker by car, no stops and plenty of motorway.Determindly he got in his car and left.
Jimin stretched he'd slept solidly, he looked at his watch it was 12.30.
His stomach rumbled reminding him he hadn't eaten for a while.
"Sorry baby are you hungry? I'll see what's here."
He went into the kitchen opening windows as he went to let fresh air into the house.
He put the kettle on,opening the fridge he opened the milk but quickly threw it down the sink.
"Black coffee it is," he murmured.
There were eggs there so he made an omelette. He sat outside in the sun eating but suddenly heard someone walking round the side of the house.
"Whoever you are this is private property..." an authorative voice said.
Jimin frowned he knew that voice...
"Woo bin?"
"Jimin? Thank god we didn't know what had happened to you til the officials came, they told us about the Alpha and your dad and that you had been there at their sentencing!"
"Oh Woo Bin, it's so good to see you, how are you and why are you here?"
Woo Bin scratched his head and guiltily said,
"I have replaced your father in second in command to the new Alpha and he wanted us to keep an eye on this place in case of squatters or damage, he said you would want to finalise things."
"Who is it do I know him?"
Woo Bin laughed," it's your old crush from pre school, Min Ho ."
Jimin blushed," that was so many years ago and all because he picked me up when I got a scraped knee, I was four he was six, we out grew each other!"
Woo Bin chuckled," you two were cute together,you thought your heart was broken when he went to bigger school and found new friends!"
"As I say we both moved on...."
"So what are you going to do with the place are you staying?"
"No....., my life is elsewhere, now he's had his assets taken from him I've been told I can do what I want with this place. It wasn't a happy home for me, I wondered if I could hand it over to the Alpha he could use it as he wants, maybe finally give the town  a centre for children , learn skills have a bed to sleep in?The old Alpha made a lot of children orphans and let them try to make do , taking their homes away and keeping them on the streets.I'm sure Min Ho has plans to help but maybe he could use this place it's big has a nice garden....."
"I'm sure he will appreciate it Jimin, I can drive you to him if you want?"
"Ok, but first do you know where my mother is buried?"
Woo Bin looked uneasy," Min Ho came here as soon as he was made Alpha, nobody had heard of her funeral being held so he came here to see if there was an urn."
"Why do I get the feeling there's an and?"
"Your mother had been cremated, but her ashes....., they were in a cardboard box sent by the funeral home....., he had put the box in a bin,"
Jimins fists clenched," that bastard , she loved him but she knew what he did was wrong, she saved me Woo Bin at the cost of her own life...., I hate him, I hate him so much!!"
"Don't let him control you now, he's not worth your thoughts, Min Ho organised a place for holding your mothers ashes and he  put her name plaque up next to it and a photo inside of just you and her.Do you want to go there?"
Jimin nodded, he washed and changed and got into Woo Bins car.
They drove to a cemetery and went inside where there were hundreds of tiny cubicles holding urns. Wii Bun eventually stopped in front of one and stepping forward Jimin could see an elegant urn engraved with
"Your time to soon
Your life too short
Left behind your son
For whom you fought
Always look down
On him from above
Nothing can stop
A mothers love'
A photograph of a baby Jimin laughing up at his mother was placed by the urn.
Tears rolled down Jimins face when he read the words, his small hand touched the glass door keeping the urn safe.
"I'm sorry mother,I didn't think this would happen, I hope I will love my child as you did."
Woo Bins phone rang and he stepped away.
After his call he touched Jimins shoulder.
"Jimin when your ready, Min Ho will meet us at your place."
Jimin nodded but stood for another ten minutes whispering words to his mother before meeting Woo Bun by his car and they headed back.
When they arrived Min Ho was leaning against his car waiting. He stood up as the car stopped.
Jimin got out his tearful face evident.
He held out his arms and a sobbing Jimin ran into them.
"I'm so sorry Jimin,it's not right what happened just know that she loved you lots,"
He hugged Jimin tightly a car door slammed and he looked up to see a very angry looking Alpha storming towards them.
Jimin turned quickly at the growling Alpha ,
"Kookie? Why did you come?"
Jungkooks gaze softened as he looked at his worried mate.
"Where else would I be babe but by your side, now is he going to take his hands off you or should I make him?"

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