Trust in me

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"Kookie no, it's ok, Min Ho is an old friend he was comforting me!"
"Kookie.....are you Alpha Jungkook?"
Jungkook was startled,"how do you know me?"
"Well thanks to you I'm now the Alpha here."
"Ok....., but why are you hugging my Jimin?"
Min Ho laughed but backed away,
"Sorry Alpha I didn't realise Jimin was mated but it's purely a friendly hug, we have known each other since we were small. And he was upset because he just visited his mothers resting place."
Jungkook immediately held Jimin,
"Are you ok? I told you I'd come with you,you had me so worried I've been calling for hours!"
"You have? I'm sorry my phone is somewhere inside I haven't checked it."
Jungkook kept his hold on him possesively.
"You sure your ok? Your not hurt. Or uncomfortable ?"
"Of course I'm not hurt why are you so.......concerned?"
"Well because off....., I mean Erm ....., well it must have been a long journey by train....." he finished foolishly knowing he couldn't say what he knew.
"I've had a good sleep, er Min Ho did Woo Bin tell you what I want to do with this place?"
"He did, are you sure Jimin?"
"It's not happy memories for me I'll just pack up what I want and you can do what you like with the rest..."
"You want help it will be done quicker ?"
"I'm here now I can help him," Jungkook said poking his tongue in his cheek.
"Kookie be nice!"
"Ok.., no thank you he doesn't need your help,"
Min Ho smothered a laugh.
"Ah Jimin you used to have a crush on me and now?ahhh,"
"You knew?"
"Of course you were like a clingy koala,"
"I was young!"
"I know,but it was sweet,"
"Ahem! When you two have quite finished going down memory lane....!"
"Yer,yer god you wondered why I didn't bring you!"
"Is he always this whiny?"
"Most of the time.."
"I'm standing right here you know!!"
Min Ho doubled over with laughter, Woo Bin covered his mouth while Jimin just gave his mate an ' are you really being this childish' look.
"I'm sorry I can't offer you refreshments I need to shop,"
"It's fine Jimin, here's my number call me if you need anything...., call me if you don't too," he smirked glancing sideways at the highly irritated other Alpha.
Min Ho and Woo Bin left, Jimin picked up the house keys and opened the front door.
"Where are you going now?"
"For some shopping, there's nothing here,you can rest in the sitting room it must have been a long drive.."
"I'm coming,"
He followed Jimin out of the house,jimin started walking,
"How far is it?"
"Mmm just over a mile..."
"Get in the car,"
"Why we can walk there?"
"And carry back a load of shopping?"
"What's wrong with that?"
"You shouldn't be doing that...."
"Er we can buy more if we take the car...."
"Ok if you want...." Jimin turned and got into Jungkooks car.
The Alpha was smiling pleased Jimin had done as he asked, after all he shouldn't be carrying heavy shopping.
He double checked Jimins seat belt and then drove to the store. If he was honest shopping for food bored him so he pushed the trolley around as Jimin picked out the food.
Jimin stopped in front of the ice cream freezer. He just stood staring at them all.
"Hello earth calling Jimin? What's up?"
"Eh....oh I don't really like ice cream but I really want some strawberry ice cream...., or maybe caramel....."
"Get both?"
"But it's a waste I don't usually like it?"
Oh my baby has a craving Jungkook thought to himself as he took a carton of each and put in the trolley.
"We should get some healthy stuff too...." Jungkook thought aloud.
"What's come over you?"
"Nothing I just think you..., er we should eat healthy "
Jimin rolled his eyes and just went to the cash desk turning to see Jungkook put lots of fruit and milk in the trolley.
"Your not coming shopping again!"
"Don't be mean..." Jungkook whined.
Jimin started bagging things up and went to pay but Jungkook got there before him. Jungkook then lifted the heavy bags taking them to the car.
Driving back Jimin yawned.
"You should sleep when we get back,"
"I got up late..., I need to start checking the house ."
"Jungkook honestly! Why so suffocating !"
Jungkook felt hurt, he just wanted to look after his mate.
Jimin saw the genuine distress on the others face,
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't snap I know you think your helping but it just seems weird, "
Jungkook brightened up a bit.
"I'll make us a sandwich and glass of milk then we can start ok?"
The shopping was put away and Jungkook made up two sandwiches and two glasses of milk.
"I'll just wash these up go sit down," he told Jimin.
He cleared up in the kitchen and walked back to Jimin smiling when he saw him sprawled asleep on the sofa.
He gingerly climbed in next to him placing his arm around him, Jimin nuzzled closer sighing in his sleep.
Soon both were fast asleep.
Jimin woke with a start he jumped off the sofa and ran to the bathroom immediately throwing up.
"Er I'm ok Kookie, I ate too quickly earlier," he lied
Jungkook wasn't stupid but he let Jimin get away with it...., for now.
Rinsing his mouth he felt better and came out.
"Right let's do Room by room."
He went upstairs to his old room shocked when he opened the door..., th whole room was empty .
"My clothes ..., my books there's nothing....., he got rid of me ever being here."
He suddenly ran over to a floorboard in front of the window scrabbling he lifted it up.
"She did it......"
He pulled out some paper.
"What's that?"
"When I was smaller mum used to leave me little notes for when I came back from school, silly notes like, I missed you today but enjoy playing with your friends, or, always know what you want don't settle for less."
He opened the papers, they were dated from when Jimin was beaten.
They both read them.
"Jimin I'm sorry I couldn't stop the beating what sort of mother am I "
"My baby I got you out, even if I can never see you again I'm happy your safe"
"I miss you my baby"
"He knows I know he does, my baby think of me when I'm gone."
Jimin was in tears," she knew, she must have been so scared"
"Your mother didn't want you to go through what she did, you were always in her thoughts til the end."
Jimin nodded folding the papers carefully and putting them in his pocket . They wandered through spare bedrooms but there wasn't anything Jimin wanted to keep .
They came to the master bedroom , it was lavish, his fathers taste not his mothers. There was one photograph of his mother on her own pregnant with Jimin . He took it holding it close.
"I'll have this the others have him in them.... "
Jungkook nodded, he looked around and saw a jewellery box, he opened it, what about your mothers jewellry?"
Jimin came and checked.
"This locket it has my baby photo in it, she wore it often, the rest is garish stuff mum didn't like but he bought her."
They opened closets but only his fathers clothes were in there nothing of his mothers.
"He's just got rid of us both like trash, help me bag up his expensive suits they can go to charity shops."
They worked quickly the room was emptied off personal items, they burnt paperwork boxed valuables to be sold as Jimin wanted nothing of his.
Jimin went to pick up one box.
"Hey, hey you can't do that in your condition...!"
"Pardon? My condition?"
Jungkook facepalmed then sighed,
"Jimin I know your pregnant..., I was worried went looking for you, your house was unlocked which worried me more..., I saw the pregnancy test."
Jimin looked scared," look I didn't plan it I forgot the tablets with all that was going on.., I heard what you said but....., I can't get rid of it so ...., if it's too much I will leave."
He hung his head, biting his lip.
Two strong arms encircled him.
"I know what you heard but it's not that I didn't want kids it's that I didn't want you bothered by the alohas you had enough to deal with..., I'm ecstatic your pregnant !"
"You are?"
"Of course I am, Jimin we are mates I know we haven't  done things like a normal couple but I'm willing to wait,trust me, I only want your happiness."
Jimin gave a watery smile then pecked Jungkooks lips.
"Thank you Kookie, can we go out to eat?"
"Of course I can't have you hungry,"
"Maybe we should book into a hotel?"
"I don't mind sleeping on the sofa with you,"
"How did you know I slept there?"
"Well the rooms are short on beds and I don't think you would want to sleep. In your fathers..."
"Eugh no but I want to go to a hotel,"
"Ok..., I'll find one with a restaurant,"
"Good because I don't want it to happen here."
"Hmmm? Don't want what?"
Jimin gulped then said," I want you to mark me as your mate, but not here,....."
Jungkooks eyes deepened in colour and filled with lust.
"Oh baby your gonna make me sit through a meal when all I'll be thinking of is sinking my teeth into your neck as I sink my dick into you!"
Jimin blushed a deep red," patience or I'll change my mind!"
"No,no! Get ready then pack a small bag mines in the car...."
While Jimin got some stuff together he looked up hotels and restaurants choosing an extravagant one. He rang it and asked for a suite and asked if they served food in the room.
Jimin came back to see a satisfied smile in the others face.
"What's that look for,"
"I've booked a suite and a meal served in the room,"
"Kookie that's extravagant?"
"Anything for you baby "
They got in the car, Jimin felt Jungkooks hand squeeze his thigh.
He was nervous and excited all in one, this night would change his life for good,he was getting rid of his fears and growing up he was the Alphas mate.

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