Take it easy

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Jimin woke up surprised to find himself on a sofa in Jungkooks office in front of him was a large bouquet of flowers, he sat up and read the card.
"No flower can hold a candle to your beauty but I hope you like them"
"Too cheesy?" A voice asked.
Jimin looked over to Jungkooks desk to see him smiling at him.
"Very cheesy but I love them," he said inhaling their scent.
"Ready to go home?"
"What but work....."
"Jimin everyone else has left, I didn't want to wake you,"
Jimin glanced at the clock,
"Gosh I'm so sorry, come on I'm wide awake now let's go I'll cook you something you must be hungry."
"Well actually I have a little date night planned,come on."
Jimin took his flowers placing them carefully in the car.
Jungkook drive for a while until they hit an off road track leading to a jetty.
A boat was there and a man welcomed them aboard.
"Who's boat?" Jimin whispered.
"Dads , he keeps it for little jaunts, I thought we could have a meal aboard admire the scenery as we go?"
They sat at one end of the boat where a canopy was and a table set for two.
After they were seated staff came and served a meal then left them together to watch along the river banks.
"I feel like royalty!" Jimin giggled.
"Well you are in a way, I'm the pack Alpha and you the pack Luna."
"Wow! I hope the pack thinks I'm ok and your parents, what if they don't like me?"
"God you sound like them!"
"I called them earlier to tell them about my mate, they were all," what if he doesn't like us, does he like certain things, can we get him anything on our travels, and apologising because they weren't here!"
"Aw they sound sweet,"
Jungkook smiled then," Jimin I rang Jin I was worried about how tired you have been..., he said you have an appointment tomorrow?Can I come?"
Jimin was glad of his mates concern," of course you can, I'm sure it's just routine boring stuff but yes you can come."
He held onto Jungkooks hand sensing relief go through his mate.
The boat got back to the jetty and they thanked the staff before getting in the car and driving home.
Jimin arranged his flowers while Jungkook showered then afterwards he showered too before climbing into bed.
"Do you mind if I go on my iPad? I had such a long sleep earlier I'm not tired now."
"Jimin you don't have to ask permission, I could put a film on if you want? He said yawning.
"No I'll just play games or something, you go to sleep your tired."
"Ok but don't stay up too late...."
"Ok," jimin kissed his mate, then Jungkook snuggled down and was asleep in minutes , Jimin stared at him then switching on his iPad wrote in..,' why am I so tired when I'm pregnant?'
He read through frowning a little at some of the answers. Hmmm maybe he could get some alone time with Jin tomorrow? He read a bit more then cleared his history before turning it off and settling down although it was nearly an hour before he fell asleep.
The next day they went to the hospital and were called in to see Jin.
"Hi you two...., oh gosh you finally mated!"
Jimin blushed and Jungkook puffed up in pride.
"So Jimin what's wrong?"
"Erm....,I'm pregnant I took a home test."
"Congratulations ! So we are checking you over then?"
"Er yes and whatever I do when I'm pregnant, I've been feeling really tired lately."
"He had Jin is it normal?" Jungkook fussed
Jin could see strain in Jimins face and said.
"Let me take bloods and check you over in the examination room."
They walked into a sideroom Jungkook got up to follow.
"Oh Jungkook can you go to the receptionist and fill out some forms while I do this?"
Jungkook hesitated," Jimin?"
"Yes go Kookie then we can leave straight after."
He smiled and went off to do Jins bidding.
Jin raised an eyebrow," bit full on is he?"
"No it's fine..., he cares, I just wanted to talk before he comes back I've read up so much on tiredness it's normal, it's bad usual google stuff!"
Jin laughed," come on then let's examine you,"
He took blood then felt Jimins tummy then did his blood pressure.
"Hmmm, your blood pressure is high, it might be that you just feel stressed about today or it could lead to problems if it doesn't go down, I will need to keep an eye on it and tell Jungkook not to let you do too much."
"No!... I mean as you say Erm I've had a lot of stress lately it should be ok but if you tell him that he won't let me work and he will be too protective,"
"Jimin..., it is a real worry, premature birth...., your health as well as the babies...."
"Please Jin I'm begging you as your patient don't tell him the bad things...., just say recent stress if you have to is making me tired....."
"As your doctor I'm not happy about it but as your doctor I can't do anything as I swore an oath."
A knock came and Jungkook poked his head in,
"All done?"
"Yes Kookie Erm Jin got cross said the recent stress has made me tired but I told him it's all over now and your good at looking after me."
"I sure am, he must be ok Jin as he has a fiesty temper on him when he wants...," he regaled Jin n the recent Mr Lee and Mai news.
"God I remember her such a self entitled little bitch!"
Jimin and Jungkook laughed.
"So he's good to go?"
"We'll just remember our pregnancy span isn't as long as a human and being a male omega you have the reproductive organs but not the ones to give birth so it will be by Caesarian ."
"Does it hurt?" Jimin asked
"You'll be sedated and just need to let yourself heal properly after, not like the old days..."
"What happened then?"
"Male omegas were sliced open no anaesthetic and it was hit and miss if they survived the pup usually did but not the omega , quite barbaric actually."
"Ew! Thank god for modern medicine!" Jimin said.
"Ok, I want to see you in a month so look after yourself, take it easy...,you understand?"
Jin glanced at Jimin meaningfully.
"Sure thing doc, c'mon Kookie let's go for something to eat before work."
They went to a cafe near the workplace, Tae was there with Hobi being little lovebirds.
"Get a room you two," Jimin whispered close to Tae's ear making him jump.
"Jimin "he stood up swinging Jimin around.
"Stop!" Jungkook said worriedly
"What's got your back up bro I'm just saying hello to my little Jimin,"
"He's pregnant Tae!"
"What! Jimin your pregnant I'm going to be an uncle?"he went to swing Jimin again then realised and instead pulled a chair out helping his friend to sit down.
"And you two have mated, neat mark Jimin!"
"Congratulations you two," Hobi smiled.
"OMG! I can design some comfy outfits for you, you can be the most glamorous pregnant omega ever!"
"Thanks Tae, but I just think I'll wear bigger clothes?"
"No,no,no I insist!"
Jungkook rolled his eyes,
"Give in Jimin he won't stop til you do, mum and dad say hi and well done in your new venture."
"You told them? I-I was worried they would be disappointed in me."
"Of course they aren't we are all proud of you!"
Tae smiled and Hobi patted his arm.
A waitress came over and took their orders.
"A macchiato please, Jimin?"
"Can I have a chai tea, and a bacon and jam roll.....what?" He saw the others looking at him with grimaces on their faces.
"Bacon and jam?" The waitress repeated.
"Yes...,I'm pregnant and I want it!"
"Coming up," the waitress smiled.
The other three watched in disgust as Jimin ate the concoction," mmmm lovely!" Jimin said in delight.
"Ok well that's put me off lunch," Tae said candidly," I'm going to work coming Hobi?"
"Sorry Tae I have to go sort out something at the club,"
"Ok,see you later..."
Tae disappeared and a nervous Hobi stopped the other two from leaving.
"W-what do you think of this?"
He held a box with a platinum band with little diamonds in it.
"Wow so pretty! Are you going to ask Tae to be your mate?"
"Yer, we are pretty much together anyway I just want to make it official, I know our kind don't usually have a wedding as such but Tae...,Tae is Tae and I'm arranging a little ceremony."
"He will love it, if we can help we will!" Jimin said excitedly.
"Well Jungkook are your parents popping back anytime soon?"
"Actually in two weeks they are eager to meet Jimin before they fly off again."
"That's great, we can hold the do at my place but I'll have to get Tae out...." He looked perplexed.
"No we can do it at ours, can't we Kookie?"
"Sure just send me the details,"
"How can I get Tae to dress up though?" Hobi asked
"Simple, I go with him out somewhere we can get our hair done then I can say I want to see his latest outfits, we can change and then I'll say I demand that you two take us out dressed up!" Jimin said.
"Wow,your good," Hobi and Jungkook said together..
And so arrangements were made.
Mr and Mrs Jeon came back, nobody told Tae.
Jimin fell in love with his in laws they were friendly and caring people, they stayed at Jungkooks having to hide away when Tae turned up unexpectedly one day before the ceremony.
The doorbell rang in the evening,Jimin answered it to a glum looking Tae.
If Tae heard the sudden scuffle as Jungkook and his parents hid in the spare room he didn't seem interested.
"Tae what's up?"
"Eugh! Men! Hobi's been so busy lately, doesn't have time if I want to go out in the day.....where's Jungkook?"
"Oh er he's um showering...."
"Can I stay in the spare room tonight,"
Jimin didn't know what he could say so he told the first lie he could think off.
"Oh sorry Tae...,we are painting it as a nursery it's all over the place and Hobi will be sad if you don't go home.
"You think so...?"
"I'll tell you what, why don't you and I go out in the morning get our hair done and then if you want you can show me some outfits, we can dress up and demand our partners take us out!"
"Really? Great I'd love it..., but Hobi probably wouldn't come....."
"He will if a fiesty pregnant omega demands it!"
Tae giggled," your cute and fiesty, ok I'm gonna go sort out some stuff in my shop, how fancy do you want to go?"
"Red carpet smart!"
"Heehee, those damn he men don't stand a chance with us! See you nine tomorrow ,"
"Ok, bye Tae..."
The other left and Jimin leaned against the door heaving a sigh of relief.
Jungkook and his parents came out.
"Phew that was close!"
"Painting the bedroom? Good one Jimin,"
"Thank you sir..,I think!"
"Call me dad Jimin,"
"Jimin we need to move..," Jungkook blurted out.
"Why Kookie?"
"I just realised when you said it, we will need a nursery and spare rooms for family to stay and........"
"Kookie...,later after this ceremony we can talk then ok?"
"Oh ok right, sorry babe,"
"If you'll excuse me I need some sleep, it's gonn be a long day tomorrow goodnight ,"
He bowed to Jungkooks parents then went wearily to bed,hearing his parents ask if he was ok and Jungkook reassuring them Jin had seen him.
He was sound asleep when his mate came to bed, gently lifting him so he was sprawled across Jungkook who held him possesively as he too fell asleep.

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