Night out

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Jimin was sick of the sudden  reticence of the other members of staff since Jungkooks announcement. He'd had fun with them before but now they held back a bit.
It got to a boiling point two days later , Jungkook had gone to a meeting , Jimin was still sorting things out into a viable way of working in the computer system.
He needed a break so stood up to go get a coffee from the staff room.
"Anyone else want a coffee?" He called out.
"Oh let me do it sir"
"Sit down one off us we can get things for you..."
Everyone froze looking at Jimin.
"Why have you all changed towards me?"
"Er Jimin your the alphas mate....."
"And that makes me different from when I came here?"
"I hate this, I hate being put in a box where you are treated differently, before we all took turns to make coffees and we all took on various jobs, I'm no different, so he says he's my mate, so what? We haven't acted on it and if we ever did I'm still the same person, being an omega does not decide your fate you do!"
"Gosh Jimin, your bad ass!" Rosie laughed making the rest chuckle too.
Jimin smiled," so we can go back to normal?"
"Sure, mines a black coffee and did you bring in some of your cookies?"
"I did..., let me get them,"
Jungkook came back from his meeting to see Jimin laughing with staff, they were eating some cookies.
"Oh, can I have one!"
"No," Jimin said," we have eaten them,"
"Can't you buy some more they smell yummy!"
"Oh you can't buy them, Jimin makes them," one member of staff said.
"You didn't save me a cookie you'd baked?!?"
"Nope, no reason I should is there?"
Rosie snorted," er um I'll get back to work," she said.
Jimin turned to his office too.
"Jimin could you come in a minute?"
Jimin followed him into his office and closing the door .
"Do you have to show that attitude around others?"
"What attitude?"
"Well they all know I'm your mate show some regard for me...."
"Is this all because of a cookie?" He scoffed.
"Well,I'm your mate you should have thought of me..." jungkook whined.
"Look..., you know and I know that you don't want a mate so stop pushing it!"
"You know?........ you we're awake when I said that!"
"Yes...., so let's agree to do our own thing ok?"
"So you don't feel a thing?"
"You sure little omega ?"
Jungkook stepped close suddenly caging Jimin against the desk.
Jimins body heated up, he breathed in the scent of the other closing his eyes and biting his bottom lip.
"I think your lying Jimin..." Jungkook said huskily pulling an unresisting Jimin to him. His hands pressed Jimin close, there was no hiding the reaction both had at the contact.
Jungkook leaned down pressing soft kisses on Jimins neck. A small moan escaped Jimins lips and his small hands gripped Jungkooks shoulders, he felt himself willingly giving in when suddenly he was pushed away.
"So glad I have no effect on you," Jungkook smirked his eyes travelling lower to Jimins arousal.
Jimin looked up in shock, he'd just been played!
"You want me to take care of that for you?"
Jimin clenched his fists and retorted,
"No thanks asshole, there's plenty more fish in the sea,"
Adjusting himself he walked out as if he didn't have a care in the world, while really his head was full of tortuous things he wanted to do to the arrogant ass he'd just left.
Jungkook laughed then frowned, what did he mean more fish in the sea, he better not hook up with someone else!
He didn't think about himself and what he would do around others he just knew he didn't want Jimin getting it on with anyone but him!
Tae turned up at Jimins office, he had found a supplier to make his designs the shop was being renovated and all in all he felt happy.
"Jimin fancy a night out at Hobi's ?"
"Your crush's place?"
Tae reddened," yer, I want to tell him about it."
"Sure but I'm not playing third wheel!"
"Oh, no Jin is coming as Namjoon is meeting up with Suga and Kook."
"Fine, what time?"
"I'll pick you up seven thirty, dress up it's a cool place!"
"Ok, now shift I have work !"
Tae waved goodbye leaving Jimin to get on.
The day passed with Jungkook ' accidentally' needing coffee the same time Jimin did, or leaning over him when he was by someone's desk, so Jimin was relieved when the time came for him to go home.
"Hey Jimin,I'll give you a lift home," Jungkook said coming to stand next to him.
"No thank you,"
"Oh don't sulk,"
"I'm not I have to go shopping,"
"You should have said, you could have gone out earlier,"
"I don't need to if I can go now."
"Hmmm, we'll ok, goodnight ,"
Jimin nodded, dismissing Jungkook.
Hah, he's probably hiding the fact he wants to be near me, Jungkook surmised as he left the building.
In fact Jimin realised after seeing Tae that he didn't have ' something cool' to wear. His wardrobe was limited due to the short time he'd been there. Sweatshirts and sweat bottoms plus two suits and five work shirts were his limit.
He had the money but not the inclination so now was as good a time as any.
Not too long after he was in a taxi going home bags surrounding him and a happy smile on his face.
At home he spread his new garments out, two black jeans, a dressy open neck shirt in pale blue, a black shirt, ripped blue jeans and five T shirts slightly loose that showed his collarbone off. Add to that some chains and earrings and he was happy.
He hung the clothes up deciding on black jeans and black shirt with a silver moon chain and earrings.
After a shower he dried his hair then dressed just in time for Tae's knock.
"Woah! You brush up well Jimin, so sexy! You must let me design something for you!"
"You're looking hot too Tae, I'm sure Hobi will notice!"
They got in Tae's car and drove to Hobi's nightspot. The bouncers let Tae and Jimin straight in.
"Oh there they are," Tae pointed.
He led Jimin to a table that overlooked the dance floor Jin was there talking to another man.
"Hiya Hobi,Jin..., Hobi this is Jimin."
Jimin was given a bright smile by the male he didn't know.
"Hey Jimin how are you?"
"I'm fine Jin,"
"Yes brat?"
"I'm not a brat! Why do you treat me like a child!" Tae whined.
"Ok, so what did you want to say?"
"I quit working for Jungkook."
"What? Tae you need a job you can't just drift by, be responsible," Hobi said frowning.
Tae looked downcast at Hobi's words,
"I'll get us some drinks Jimin ," he muttered going off to the bar.
"God when will he grow up!" Hobi said.
Jimin couldn't keep his mouth shut,
"When are you going to treat him like the adult he is not the kid you knew, he was so excited to tell you his news but you rained on his parade!"
Hobi looked astonished at the small omega.
"Look you don't understand he just flutters away at life he's never committed, I wish...., Damn I just want him to be ok..."
"Well then instead of crushing him down ask him his plans. Neither Jungkook or you seemed to ever have asked what he wants!"
Tae came back passing a beer to Jimin. He stared down at the table his happiness dispersed.
Hobi cleared his throat feeling guilty,
"Er Tae you rushed off before I could ask, have you made any plans, thought what you want to do?"
Tae's head shot up and he smiled .
"You are now looking at the owner of Jimtae designs, I own a shop and have people making my designs. I've always wanted it but never felt confident , that is until Jimin came along, Jungkook supports me too he said he's happy I've found what I'm looking for."
"Jimtae?" Jimin asked
"Yes it has a certain ring to it"
"The other names were good too..."
"But I want it to have some of your name after all you got me this far.." he hugged Jimin and Jimin couldn't help seeing Hobi's frown at the action, well, we'll he thought.
"That's great Tae, have you got any pics of your designs?" Jin asked.
Tae pulled out his phone showing some pictures of his drawings.
"Wow Tae your really good...." Hobi said.
Tae was ecstatic at the praise. He pulled Jimin up,
"C'mon let's dance..., I'm so happy,"
Jimin laughed at him and followed him.
"Did you see Jimin? Hobi was impressed, maybe he will see me differently!"
"I think he sees you in the way you want, he was frowning when you hugged me!"
"Really? Gosh I need to make that work for me but what can I do?"
"Shall we make him jealous?"
"How ?"
"What about a sexy dance collab? Have you got the moves?"
"You bet and I know just the song, illl get the DJ to play it,"
He hurried over to the Dj coming back to Jimin, soon the music to ' Filter 'came on,"
"Oooh I love this," Jimin said.
"We'll come on let's show them our moves!"
They were perfectly in tune dancing sexily and all eyes were on them.
Jungkook walked into the club, Namjoon and Suga following.
"Hey babe, why you here I thought you three were going out?"
"Well our out is here,Suga wants to play at DJ, Hobi said he could didn't you?"
Hobi was silent just staring down at the dance floor as if mesmerised .
"What's his problem?" Suga asked.
"Tae and Jimin," Jin gestured to the dance floor .
Hearing Jimins name Jungkook looked down and his breath nearly stopped.
Jimin was dancing and totally owning the moves, he looked amazing, his clothes like a second skin.his moves.., Jungkook frowned others were staring at him. Getting close...,
A low growl cam from him...., another from Hobi who hadn't taken his eyes off Tae.
" cute you two are," Jin laughed and Namjoon put his arm around him," reminds me of us when we got together..."
"Eugh, I'm going to talk to the Dj ," Suga said walking away.
The music changed to a slow dance, Tae and Jimin were surrounded by keen people who wanted to dance with them.
"Hell no!" Jungkook said rushing down to the floor.
"Not while I'm here," Hobi said roughly as he dashed down to Tae.
Jimin was trying to turn someone down when a familiar aroma swept over him and strong arms went around his waist.
"He's dancing with me...," Jungkook growled making the others back off.
Jimin huffed but had no choice as he was turned expertly and brought close against the other , he caught sight of Tae and Hobi smooching as they swayed to the music.
"One dance then we are done," jimin mumbled unconvincingly.
"Oh we are nowhere near done little omega, you were flaunting yourself in front of others, it's time you knew who you belonged to."
He smashed his lips onto Jimins coaxing a response, Jimin for once didn't hold back showing his neediness.
As things got more heated Jimin suddenly pushed Jungkook away taking him by surprise.
With a large smirk Jumin said," glad to see I don't affect you much," then sauntered away to where Jin sat, leaving Jungkook with a boner and a need to make Jimin his..."
"Fuck!" He groaned , the little shit had got him back.
He walked back to the table ,Jimin stared innocently at him before drinking his beer,
"You look like you need something to cool you down, alpha?"
"Oh this is nothing I can't handle..., believe me," he answered the small male.
Jimin turned his head away guiltily , shit he'd stirred the wolf up....,
"Drinks anyone?" Namjoon broke the stare off .
"I'll help you , keep an eye on my mate Jin, don't want him to disappear."
Jin snorted with laughter while Jimin hit his arm lightly.
Jungkook and Namjoon went to the bar.
"Well if your running go now..."
Jimin looked at Jin and nodded hugging him and running out.
Jin sighed," silly boy everyone knows you don't run from a wolf.....!"

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