Time passes..secrets told

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Three weeks passed, Jimin got bigger, Jungkooks parents had left again with orders to Jungkook to call immediately when they had a due date.
Jin had seen Jimin again and although his blood pressure was down from last time it still wasn't good.
Jimin forstalled his worries by saying he'd had to pack his old home up and sell it but now life was easier.
Jin wasn't completely convinced but couldn't do anything.
Work was busy as always but Jungkook made sure he took Jimin out for lunch and that he never worked late.
Tae had supplied Jimin with casual comfortable workwear so now he didn't have to feel uncomfortable.
The pair were sitting watching tv one night when Jungkook spoke.
"Jimin , I've bought Mr Lai's old home,"
"Because we will need a bigger place,"
"I don't know..., how big is their place?"
"Hear me out.., if we move there once it's done to how we want, mum and dad can move here use it as a base, it's close by."
"Well, that's a good idea..., can we go see it tomorrow?"
"Of course, we can meet an architect there at nine thirty."
"I'm surprised he sold it to you,"
"Let's just say the agent told him a business man wanted it no names mentioned."
Jimin smiled," crafty..."
The next day they went to the house it wasn't that far from Jimins old home, he'd just never been down that road before.
They met the agent and walked inside, looking around all was clean and tidy but Jimin felt it was ostentatious.
"Speak up Jimin I can sense what your feeling,"
"It's a lovely house but..., we'll a bit over the top, this wallpaper it's garish, plain walls would look more modern, this staircase... glass and chrome would give it a classier feel, the kitchens fine it's fairly neutral , basically I prefer pastel colour walls and soft carpets not these dark wooden floors, the patio doors could look better....., I'm sorry is this too much ?"
"You have a good eye sir, what your suggesting will bring this house up to date actually make it more...welcoming there's too much dark wood, if I may suggest , replace all windows and as you say extend the patio door opening to give a better view of the garden."
Jimin looked at Jungkook,
"Is it going to be too expensive?" He whispered
"Baby the money is no problem at all, now let's go choose our room and the nursery ,"
They went upstairs, Jimin chose a large room overlooking the garden, he asked for pastel blue and white walls and redo the en-suite in grey tiles getting rid of the dark red ones there already.
Next door to that was a room that currently seemed used as a storage room, that was big enough for a crib chair baby dresser they asked to have a through door to their room put in and it painted in pale mint green.
They went around the rest of the house, Jimin feeling more excited.
"So sir what timespan are we thinking?"
"As soon as possible, I want us settled before the baby comes,"
"If we start next week it can be done in six weeks,"
"That's perfect, we look forward to hearing from you,"
They left driving to work.
"That will be three houses I've moved into in a few months!" Jimin surmised.
"Well this will hopefully be the last, we have enough rooms for the family to grow and guests stay over, also mum and dad will be nearby so can babysit when we want time for ourselves," Jungkook said suggestively.
"Kookie! Not in front of the baby!"
"I'm sure our baby knows how much their daddy enjoys it's mommas body it hears your passionate yells when I fuck you!"
Jimin went red," no more it's embarrassing!"
Jungkook chuckled shaking his head at how his little mate seemed so innocent at times.
Of course along with a new house came new furniture, the pair walked around various shops choosing for different rooms, if Jimin felt tired he tried not to show it because of how enthusiastic Jungkook was.
Soon the house was done, Jimin and Jungkook had a final meet up with the architect and manager of the workforce.
It was amazing how brighter and modern everything looked, Jimin literally squealed in excitement as he went from room to room.
"It's gorgeous I love it!"
Jungkook thanked the men and they left, Jungkook back hugged Jimin,his hands over his protruding tummy.
"This time next week once the furniture is in we will be seeing this view everyday...,Woah !!"
He stepped forward," did you feel that? Our baby moved!"
"I know gosh it feels weird!!"
Jungkook put his hands back and laughed as he felt Jimins stomach move again.
"Our baby has a strong kick!"
"Means they will be strong in life too,"Jimin said
"Come on we have our first scan to go too, I can't wait to see the baby!"
Both walked eagerly into the hospital,they met Jin.
"Hey you two how are things?"
"We have a new house it's been done out and we move in next week," Jungkook said proudly.
Jin didn't look as pleased as Jungkook expected, instead he was frowning at Jimin who was trying to ignore him.
"Ok what's going on?"
"Nothing," Jimin said quickly but he was a lousy liar.
Jin was dying to say something but couldn't , jungkook stood up," Jin I'm your alpha,as such I demand you tell me!" He said using his alpha voice which no omega could ignore.
"I-I'm sorry Jimin, I have to...., Jimins BP has been too high, too much stress all this moving, his father.., high blood pressure is dangerous in pregnancy..."
Jungkook was furious...
"You thought I shouldn't know? Jimin I can understand Jin he took an oath but you, your my mate, I'm thinking everything is ok, when I'm causing this!"
"No,no your not, the house is lovely you've done it for us all,I'm ok..."
"I've been dragging you around shops getting you tired and you've known you shouldn't be doing this! For gods sake this is a partnership, I waited and waited for you to be ready, you chose when we mated, I've given in all the way and you don't have the decency to tell me something this important? I can't look at you right now, take a taxi back..."
He stormed out so angry and confused at why he'd been left in the dark.
"I'm so sorry Jimin."
Jimin lay on the examination bed tears rolling down his face.
"Don't be Jin you were right all along, I've been so selfish, he's right everything has been my way, I've not considered how he would feel and I can feel his emotions right now, he's so unhappy and I did this."
"Do you want to carry on with the scan?"
"Sure can I get a photo a-at least he will see his baby.."
Jin patted his shoulder then set up the equipment, he ran the scan over Jimins tummy,
"What,is the baby ok, have I hurt it?"
"No, no Jimin,.....er your having twins! Another reason why you have been so tired."
"Here, look..." Jin turned the screen and showed Jimin the two heartbeats.
"I'm having two, oh god what if I'm an awful parent, what if they don't like me..., oh god.....,"
"Calm down, look your sending your blood pressure up!"
"Yes,calm,keep calm,twins!"
Jin printed of a photo and handed it over.
"Now go home, rest up, make up.."
"Yer , rewind...,two,"
He picked up his belongings not noticing his phone had dropped from his pocket.
"Come back in three weeks, you'll be moved by then I want to see everything back to normal."
Jimin nodded went and made the appointment then left the hospital.as he got outside a cab pulled up letting people out Jimin immediately went over and got in.
"Can you take me..." he thought how angry Jungkook had been so instead of home he said," to the river near the jetty."
They drove off Jimin looking at the pictures of his babies.
Jin cleared up the room worried about his friends then he noticed the phone he presumed it was Jimins from where it was.
Sighing he rang Jungkooks number.
"Hello to you too,"
"I'm sorry Jin, I....wait is everything ok why are you phoning?"
"So you are still concerned good,"
"Of course I am, I just ...why didn't he tell me?"
"Because he didn't want you to worry...., not that it's an excuse but Jimins had to look after himself a long time."
"I know,I do..., is he still there?"
"No, he's left his phone here though,"
"Ok he should be back soon I'll get it after......,did he have the scan?"
"And? It's all ok right?"
Jin chuckled," well he's probably still in shock,"
"What? Why?"
"Congratulations Kook your having twins......."
A sudden thump was heard.
"Jungkook hey kook? I don't believe it he's passed out!"
Jungkook opened his eyes to find himself on the floor and Jin yelling out the phone.
"I'm here...., don't yell!"
"Did you pass out? You haven't hurt anything have you?"
"Only my pride, did you say we are having twins?"
"God Jimin is panicking I can feel it, I was so mad now I just want him here safe."
"He should have got home by now, maybe he went somewhere else?"
"I probably scared him, I'm so dumb...."
"Call the taxi firm, they would have picked him up around ten thirty."
"Ok, I'll do that bye Jin."
Jungkook cut the call, he had to find his mate and soon he could feel the others unsettled emotions and was worried.

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