Harmony is togetherness

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Jimin sat on the jetty leaning against a post rubbing his stomach and talking to his babies.
"I promise I will do my best I know daddy is mad at me I'm a horrible person, I didn't want to worry him but I made him mad. Your daddy will be the best parent, he takes care of me but I'm selfish, don't turn out like me turn out like your daddy.if he forgives me I will change I will try harder so that he and you will be proud."
"Don't you ever change and I'm sorry for getting mad baby,"
Jimin turned in shock nearly falling into the water but Jungkook was there holding onto him.
"Fuck Jimin come here,"he said worriedly.
He held Jimin close.
Jimin just burst out crying, sobbing his heart out.
"I'm sorry I'm such a bad mate...."
"Your not..., this is all new to both of us, we learn as we go along,was I happy you hid that news no, did I react correctly No I didn't ."
"No you were right Jin was right he said to tell you and I didn't , I'm useless why did you want someone like me...."
Jimin was getting more and more distraught and Jungkook could feel his pain and distress so he pulled him to him and claimed his mouth kissing him passionately. Jimin was stunned at the sudden onslaught but couldn't help responding ,jungkook used all his skill to turn Jimin from a sobbing mess into a needy omega.
Jimin moaned out loud as Jungkooks mouth and hands worked their magic.
Jungkook pulled back looking around then dragged Jimin to the car, he undid his trousers then sat on the back seat pulling them down freeing his large member,
"Ride me Jimin" he demanded.
Jimin glanced around then pulled his lower clothes off climbing astride Jungkook and sinking down on him.
"Oh....yes...." He moaned out
He held onto Jungkooks shoulders bobbing up and down making erotic sounds.
Jungkook in turn held his hips thrusting up into him.
"Your so damn beautiful and your mine," he groaned
One of Jimins hands came down to pump himself Jungkooks hand overlapped his.
"I'm gonna fill your tight hole up and your gonna come aren't you baby?"
Jimin shuddered as he came spurts covering his and Jungkooks hand. He panted overwhelmed with the pleasure as Jungkook stil thrust into him.
Jungkook lifted both their hands licking them clean, a few more thrusts and he groaned aloud.
"Shhhhhhhit! "
He felt himself release into Jimin whose hole was still clenching from his own release.
"So good baby...."
Jimin flopped against him.
"I'm sorry babe but we are gonna have to move it's broad daylight and anyone could catch us!"
Jimin whined but moved to the seat, Jungkook climbed out zipping himself up.
"Just lie down in the back I'll drive us home no one will see you,"
Jimin did as he said. Jungkook placed his clothes inside and shut the door then got in the front and drove home, he wasn't surprised to hear tiny snores halfway home.
Parking in the driveway he opened the back door, Jimin had woken and stepped drowsily out his shirt just covering his modesty, jungkook grabbed his clothes and guided him to the door.
Once inside , he told Jimin to go and shower, jimin nodded and heard Jungkook answer his phone halfway there he suddenly remembered going to his shirt pocket he pulled the scan photo out and ran downstairs.
Jungkook was still talking but looked up as Jimin stood in front of him.
Jimin shoved something in his hand and disappeared.
"Yes Jin he's ok no we are both fine, three weeks ok I won't forget, bye."
He looked to see what Jimin had handed him and saw the photo. His face lit up as he saw two indeterminable blobs, his babies, his and Jimins children. He kissed the photo.
"You two have an amazing mummy, he will take care of you, always worry about you and never hurt you, so grow up kind like him and look after him with me."
He placed the photo on the side table then rushed upstairs stripping off and joining his mate in the shower.
"You ok now Jimin?"
His mate gave a slight nod.
"Talk to me I can feel your worry,"
"I just...., I'm scared I'll turn out like my father, I hurt you without thinking what if I'm an awful parent? I promise I'll try harder in this relationship, I'll try and be a better person not so selfish....."
"Jimin...., you are the most unselfish person I've ever met. You have the kindest heart and I don't want you to change in any way....., I love you for being you, what I would like though is if you would only work part time, not because I'm trying to be bossy but I think as your pregnancy progresses you will feel uncomfortable and a lot more tired?"
"I said ok, your right, how about I just do mornings?"
"That's great baby, how about you train Rosie to do your job too?"
"Yes,I trust her she won't let anyone take my man!"
They finished their shower, Jimin put in a floor length kaftan Tae had designed it was comfortable and he didn't need to put underwear on.
Jungkook slung on sweats and a T shirt.
"What about work we really should have gone in?"
"Nah, I rang in said I will work from home, let's get some lunch inside us."
"Can we eat outside it's so sunny?"
Jungkook whipped up a quick meal they ate in the sun,
"I might stay out here a while if your working ,"
"Ok let me put the lounger in view of my office window so I can see your ok,"
Jimin nodded," I'll go and get a book to read."
Soon both were settled where they should be, jungkook would glance out to see Jimin reading. Then he saw Jimin with the book on his bump his eyes closed and deep in sleep.
The next week was busy, well for Jungkook, furniture arrived at his new house daily and he made a point of going over to see that everything was as it should be. He didn't want Jimin to have to do anything.
The day before the move their old house had packed boxes around full of personnel things clothing photographs all would be picked up in the morning.
Jimin was on his own the Friday afternoon, he felt energetic so decided to clean the kitchen.
All disposable food that could go out of date he threw out. Tin goods he left who knew what his in-laws might want? Crockery and cutlery were left to they had new in their new home. He flitted around wiping things down he wanted to leave a good impression. He was panting a bit so sat down just as his phone rang,
"Hi Kookie what's up did you need something?"
"What have you been doing, why to I feel breathless?"
"I um, we'll I cleaned the kitchen chucked out food that could go off, you know just left it tidy for your parents..."
"Jimin your supposed to rest!"
"I am right now!"
"Look babe I know your worried about leaving a good impression but I've already hired cleaners to come in once we are finally gone tomorrow ,"
"It's fine, it's nesting, I read up on it,"
"You did?"
"Of course I need to know what goes on while your pregnant."
"We'll tie a sack of potatoes around your stomach and walk around, I swear I'm balloooning!!"
"Well your tummy is fuller, my hand doesn't cover your bump like it used to."
"Just for that I'm gonna get a taxi to the cake shop,"
"No,too many sweet things are not good!"
"Love you babe see you later!"
"Bring me cake home!" Jimin shouted before he clicked the phone off.
Of course his mate did, so he gave him a reward much later showing his mate how skilful his mouth was.
The move went smoothly and Jimin found that the garden there relaxed him, it had so many beautiful flowers in it he often would sit out and relax there.
His check up with Jin went well.
"That's better although slightly raised your BO is much better, now then eight weeks...."
"No I'm a lot more than eight weeks?"
"Eight weeks til your scheduled caesarean ,"
"What!! That's all, I mean are the babies grown enough, Kookie eight weeks we are going to be parents!"
"Babe it's ok, you've been growing them well look at your tummy!"
"I know but eight weeks!"
Jin chuckled," you can't keep them in there forever Jimin!"
Jimin gave a sheepish grin," I know but it seems so soon!"
Jin gave them all the details they needed for the day and they got up to go.
"Oh of course I don't need to tell you any pains or discomfort before then and you come in, it's just a reminder it shouldn't happen as we bring your due date forward a week with twins anyway, so take care."
They got outside then Jimin stopped.
"Oh no!"
"What? Are you ok?"
"We have the cribs and baby furniture and bedding but no baby clothes!"
Jungkook looked dumbstruck too how could he have forgotten too?
"How about we go tomorrow ?"
"No I need to do it now.."
"But Jimin I have an important meeting I can't miss!"
"Oh ok....."
Seeing Jimins suddenly sad face he took his phone out calling someone.
"Tae,you busy? Jimin needs to shop for baby stuff, you can great I will drop him at the mall don't let him carry much make sure he stops for rests get it all sent over to the house."
"Come on, I'll drop you off take my card and don't worry about what you spend."
Jimin was excited, he got even more so when he and Tae hit the shops. Both were soon squealing over cute outfits.
"Omg look at these so tiny!"
"Shame you don't know the gender,"
"I'll go for pastel outfits they're neutral, pale yellow, mint green , cream, what do I need?"
A shop assistant came over ,
"Can I help you?"
Tae stepped forward," we need everything for twins we don't know the gender but we need like a start up kit that can be added to later."
The woman smiled," this way, you will need vests, baby gros, cardigans, we also do legging and top sets, then of course there are nappies, most use disposable and bottles and sterilisers, blah, blah , blah....."
Jimin and Tae stared as she kept on talking.
"That's just the basics ?" Jimin asked
"Oh yes sir, of course you have the pram the car seats blankets..."
"Oh god," Jimin said
"Whoopee let's go!" Tae said
Jimin sat down near the cash desk as things were totted up, who knew babies needed so much!
"So sir the clothing can be delivered tomorrow along with the nappies bottles and accessories like the baby bath and was stuff but the pram and car seats come in two days?"
Jimin nodded grimacing as he saw the total.
"Gosh to think I'll have to do all this when I get pregnant," Tae said excitedly.
"Lunch, I need food..." Jimin whined
"Come on my treat "Tae said.
When Jungkook came home he found Jimin sprawled along the sofa.
"You ok?"
"Can I kiss you?"
"Only if you come here."
"Did you get what you wanted?"
"Do you know how much stuff babies need?!?I think I've bankrupted you."
"I'm sure your exaggerating love..."
"Look at this receipt...."
"Exactly and that's just when they are babies! We are going to have to work forever to keep them," he said dramatically.
"Baby. I don't know if I mentioned this but I'm rich...., very rich,so don't worry."
Jimin sighed," Kookie I'm too tired to cook can we order in?"
"Of course we can, let me see to it, you wanna shower and change while I order?"
"No I'm not  moving, I'm eating here I may even sleep here..."
"Aw baby, we can have an early night I can rub your back..., would you like that?"
"I'd love it...."
So after eating the two cuddled up Jimin telling Jungkook all about the things he bought and then he was cuddled til he fell into an exhausted sleep ,caring arms holding him.

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