Deny and retreat

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Murmured voices slipped into his brain.
"Is he dead?"
"No he's not, don't be stupid,"
"Good catch by the way, shall I take him while you get up?"
"Keep your hands off him he's mine!"
"Aw he's so small and cute,"
Jimin felt as though he was lifted, he smelt that amazing aroma again and his face nuzzled into a warm neck, before he slipped into unconsciousness again.
Jungkook breathed in his mates scent, god it was intoxicating.
Tae opened the house door glancing inside,
"This place should be demolished!"
Jungkook looked in then turned carrying Jimin to his car.
"Drive us to my house," he said to Tae.
He got in the back with Jimin cradled against him. Whatever Jimin had used before to dull his scent was seemingly washed off by the rain so it now came through strongly . He felt himself getting hard. He fidgeted wishing the short drive was over.
Once at his home he carried Jimin to a sofa.
"Shouldn't he have come round by now?" Tae asked
"It's probably shock but call Jin anyway"
Tae went off and Jungkook stared at the small male.
"Even though I don't want a mate yet you scared me half to death when you fell..." he whispered ,little knowing Jimin was now awake but firmly keeping his eyes closed, this Alpha was playing with his hormones, then the word mate  reverberated around his brain. No, no..., he didn't want a mate....,hang on did he just hear this Alpha say that....., ?why didn't the stupid Alpha want him..., he was a good catch, he was intelligent, not bad looking..., he suddenly realised where his thoughts were taking him, Jimin your so foolish..., you don't want a mate yet your annoyed he doesn't!
He needed to get home take his pill and ignore this as if it hadn't happened, how could he do that? He sighed then realised the other must have heard him so he opened his eyes slowly to see the Alpha looking at him as if he was a meal to be eaten.
"Erm, where am I and who are you?"
"I'm Alpha Jeon Jungkook, we met the other day at the tattoo parlour remember?"
Jimin feigned ignorance," oh was that you I can't remember."
Jungkook frowned, he didn't remember him?
"Do you mean you've lost your memory?"
"What? I just didn't take much notice of who was there...."
Jungkook felt deflated, did this little omega feel nothing?
"Er, I best be going now," Jimin swung his legs to the floor but the Alpha stalled him placing his hand on his chest stopping him from standing.
Jimin felt tingles through his body at the others touch and he almost moaned aloud but bit his lip to stop it.
"No my friend Jin is a doctor, he's coming to take a look at you, you were out for sometime."
"It was just the shock of falling I guess,"
"I don't mean to be rude but why didn't you change to your wolf form and jump off?"
Jimin fidgeted with his fingers keeping his head down then spoke," I can't change when I'm scared. I hate storms and heights, and then got stuck ...., so changing wasn't an option it's just an annoying habit, so if you don't mind I'm going."
This time he stood up and got to the door, unused to being ignored Jungkook used his Alpha voice which stalled Jimin momentarily.
"Stop! You should get checked over I insist"
Gulping tension down Jimin turned, it took all his willpower to deny his mate.
"I'm sorry but you don't own me I'm going,"
He yanked the door open and dashed out slamming straight into two people," oooof!"
He landed on his backside.
Jungkook had followed Jimin and rushed to pick him up.
"Wow sorry little omega are you ok?"
Jimin looked to see another omega smiling at him.
"I'm ok...." He said.
"Great! I'm Tae the Alphas brother, don't hate me for being related too him!"
Jimin couldn't help giggling ," I won't ,"
A cough turned their heads towards the second man
" hi I'm Jin a doctor, You passed out, can I check you
"No...,I mean thank you but I'm ok"
He was fighting off the unfamiliar feeling of being around his mate,, he needed to get home and take that pill.
"Let me drive you back then, it's still raining," Jungkook said in an irritated voice annoyed that his mate wouldn't let him take care of him.
"What! No.., he can!" He said looking at Tae.
"Ok" and "no" were heard at the same time.
"I'll take him, I came in my own car and as I'm not needed I'll be leaving anyway," Jin stated lifting an enquiring eyebrow to Jimin.
"Yes,yes right now!" He grabbed Jins arm and ran out to the rain .
"Quick get in," Jin said opening the door of one car.
Jimin jumped in, looking out the window to see Jungkook moving towards them.
"Shit,er can we go ...,like now!"
Jin started the car and drove off, hearing Jimins sigh of relief.
"Any reason you want to get away from the Alpha?"
"Erm no just want to get back to my house."
"Are you really living in old man Choi's house? It seriously should have been checked over before you moved in, Jungkooks pissed at Tae."
"Well, he's supposed to inform him of new wolves in town, he didn't , he hasn't got a good administrative mind but Jungkook keeps him around until Tae can make up his mind what he really wants to do..., anyway if he had informed Jungkook he would have insisted the agents fix the place up."
"Oh well..., it's my home now, today was unfortunate but I won't need the Alpha butting into my business."
"Fiesty! I think you protest too much! Do you like the alpha?"
"What! No! "
"No tingles, heat going through you a feeling like you can't get close enough?"
Jimin reddened but shook his head.
"Oh......., never mind , he's a good alpha you know, very good to the pack, takes care of them."
"Hmmm, he looks like a playboy to me.."
"He's a good leader, he's trying at the moment to find if anyone is pedalling drugs in our town, he will put a stop to it."
"Drugs? It doesn't seem the kind of town to have addicts."
"Oh there are a few outsiders that have come here bringing their habits with them, but he set up a drug therapy unit at the hospital I work in, at the moment it's other drugs he's looking for."
"Like what?"
"There's one that stops Omegas reacting to their mate, it tones down their mates pheromones to a minor smell."
"Well that's not too bad is it, what's the problem, maybe some aren't ready for the responsibility that comes with being mated."
"Well actually it's a bad idea because these pills can be bad for the body, they have been  known to make wolves infertile."
Jimin was shocked , was that true?
"Are you sure? I-it's not just scaremongering, Alphas like to be bossy so maybe they just put that out there?"
Jin glanced sideways at Jimin.
"Are you asking out of curiosity or have you taken these?"
They pulled up at Jimins home so he declined to answer, he jumped out turning to say thanks but Jin was stepping out.
"Not going to offer an overworked doctor some coffee?"
"Oh...,er sure come in."
They went in and Jin glanced around.
"You've been busy,"
"Hmm,oh yes, it needed a lot of cleaning and I'm getting there."
He went into the kitchen putting the kettle on, he quickly glanced at Jin seeing he was busy looking at the books Jimin liked to read , he poured himself some water and opening his rucksack nearby took out the pills only to have his hand gripped by a determined and annoyed Jin.
"I knew it! What the hell do you think your doing, these are so damaging!"
"Why because some Alphas say so?"
"No, because I've seen omegas kill themselves because they are sterile and can't give their mate the family they want!!"
Jimin was shocked," really?" He whispered
"Yes really, why do this to your body!"
"I-I didn't know, it helped when Alphas tried it on, someone gave them to me...., it was so much easier...., it was how I managed to escape from a planned unwanted union, otherwise I'd be some old letch's mate now god knows what my life would be like."
He slumped in a chair, was he sterile had he made himself like that?
Jin could see the confusion on the little omegas face and felt sorry for him.
"There is a blood test I can do, it will show if your ok or not, it will take a few days for the results to come back..., I can do it here if you want?"
Jimin looked up and slowly nodded.
Jin got his bag from the car and took some blood.
"So..., I'll take this to the hospital..., tell me, your hurrry to get away from Jungkook?"
"H-he's my mate...."
"Holy crap! This should be interesting!"
Jin shook his head then patting Jimin on the back he said he would be in touch and left.

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