Meeting the devil

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Jungkook and Suga were shocked at Jimins words.
"Him?!? But he's a good thirty or more years older than you!"
Jimin nodded at Suga.
"He is thirty six years older, cruel and of old school , he beats others into submission or has others do it for him. He doesn't like to hear the word no."
"And this is who your father deemed you should marry?" Jungkook said angrily.
"My father does everything he asks.When this Alpha took a liking to me he told my father I was going to be his mate and carry on the bloodline.I actually thought my father was joking when he told me, I found out how much my father cared more for being a reliable pack beta than a father. He beat me badly when I first said no and the sadistic Alpha watched, almost like he enjoyed it. I wouldn't say yes so each day I got a beating until my mother smuggled me out. With her help I started my new life, I just hope they never found out she helped me."
"I'm sorry Jimin, if you want to keep out of the way while the meeting goes on you can I don't want you to feel scared with him around."
Jimin looked at his mate seeing his concern.
"No, I'm an adult, my father should never have treated me that way and....., well, you'll be there, so I will be safe."
Jungkook puffed up in pride at Jimins words.
"Jimin it may be your father that comes with him, they don't name the staff members they bring..." Suga said.
Jimin nodded...," I can do this"
Jungkook came behind him and hugged him,
"I'm proud of you my little omega,"
Jimin blushed at his words but smiled.
"Shall we carry on,,,?" He suggested.
They finished up and although Jimin had felt brave now he had time on his hands he felt ansty.
He got himself a coffee from the staff room but his hands were shaking as he held the cup which didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook who came in to grab a coffee too.
The little omega was startled and hot coffee went over his hand.
Jungkook rushed over and taking the coffee from him took him to the sink to run cold water over the burn.
"I'm sorry I startled you,"
"It's my fault I was daydreaming, it's fine,"
He pulled his hand away and dried it.
Jimin then picked his coffee cup up and went to his office, Jungkook followed.
"Jimin, would you stay at mine for the next few days?"
"But why?"
"I don't want you alone, it will be harder to protect you, my place has surveillance."
"It does?"
Jimin considered for a moment then nodded which made Jungkook give a sigh of relief.
After work they drove to Jimins collecting some clothes and then went on to Jungkooks.
"Are you going to use my room or do you want your own?"
Jimin was surprised, he'd naturally assumed he'd be sharing with Jungkook but maybe the other didn't want that?"
"Erm, is that what you want?"
"Jimin I'm giving you a choice he'll you know I want you with me...."
Jimin smiled," I prefer to be with you,"
"Good,we are making progress!"
They went to the bedroom and Jungkook made room for Jimins clothes.
"You know I feel hot I need a shower,"
"Oh shall I go and make some food?" Jimin asked innocently.
"No, I'll have my starters here!"
He pulled Jimin to him kissing him deeply while undressing him, he quickly got his own clothes off and picked Jimin up carrying him to the shower, as the water rained down on them he thrust inside a ready Jimin pinning him to the shower wall.
"Aaah harder Kookie," moaned Jimin
"So needy..." Jungkook panted out thrusting hard.
He kissed along Jimins collarbone his teeth elongating the tips scratching Jimins skin.
"N-no Kookie..., I'm not ready,"
Jungkook sighed but pulled his mouth away," ok Jimin but you do make it hard..."
"I'm sorry but just fuck me Kookie I need you filling me up..."
"Sure baby..."
With harsh breaths the passion built, jimin rubbed his own arousal against the other as they thrust together and soon he let out a high keening sound as he came.
Jungkook captured the sound with his mouth, then erupted inside Jimin.
They stayed together while they got their breath then Jungkook allowed Jimin to stand so they could both wash themselves.
Drying off in the bedroom Jimin realised he hadn't brought casual clothes.
"What's up?"
"I was so worried about bringing respectable clothes here I forgot casual stuff to sit around in.
"Wear one of my T shirts.."
"I suppose that will do it will be more like a dress on me, I can put boxers on underneath."
"Or not..," Jungkook said smirking." Oh I forgot Tae dropped of the suit your going to wear to the party when he dropped mine off, I said you were staying here."
"Oh good, he has such an eye for clothes,"
"I don't know you wouldn't show me!"
"Tae said it's for shock value!"
"Hmmm, we'll as long as there isn't skin showing, I'm ok, I was impressed at what he's done, he really is into this, he said he'd thrown in some other stuff he wanted you to have too,"
"That's not good business giving stuff away he wouldn't let me pay for the suit either!"
"Cheeky brat made me pay for mine!"
Jimin giggled," he did?"
"Yer said I wasn't such a good advertisement as you! I mean c'mon a suits a suit, right?"
Jimin nodded keeping his smile in, he couldn't wait to wear his and see Jungkooks reaction.
They went downstairs, Jimin looked cute in the oversized t shirt.
He helped Jungkook cook and they both ate, then Jimin washed up while Jungkook answered a call. He came back to find Jimin staring out at the forest.
"You ok?"
"Er yer fine just a bit on edge,"
"You wanna go for a run together?"
Jimin looked at him then nodded.
Jungkook started to undress, Jimin whipped the t shirt off.
"You didn't wear boxers!"
Jimin glanced over his shoulder mischievously opening the door and saying,
"I was just obeying my alpha..."
He changed into the beautiful small white wolf he was, he ran outside.
Jungkook who had been staring at his mate in his changed form suddenly whipped his other clothing off and changed into a black wolf bounding after his mate.
The pair ran in the forest, nipping and play fighting each other, their wolf forms taking over their mind and body eager to be with each other, the alpha wolf held down the omega rutting into him as animals do, a knot formed keeping the pair together, it was a powerful bond never felt by either before .
When they eventually could part they scampered back to the house changing to their human form.
"Well...., that was a first...," Jungkook said.
"It felt different..."
"Mmmm, I wonder if it will ever happen in our human form, it's kinda nice."
"Your dicks big enough as it is without enlarging anymore!"
Jungkook laughed out loud,
"How can you seem so innocent and potty mouthed at the same time!"
"Pfft, let someone stick their dick up your ass!"
Jungkook now curled up in laughter then followed Jimin picking up their clothes and going up to shower again.
They did this quickly , jimin put the T shirt on but Jungkook climbed into bed naked, pulling Jimin close.
"Goodnight Jimin..."
"Mmm night..."
The pair settled, Jungkook fell asleep quickly while Jimin kept thinking of what the day would bring but eventually his eyes closed as sleep claimed him.
"No...,no more, don't hit me ... no..."
Jungkook was woken by the whimpers of his mate, Jimin was crying,
Jungkook held him close,
"Sssh baby it's ok , I've got you..,ssshhh."
Jimin quietened down almost as if he knew it was his mate.
Jungkook lay awake for a bit, his phone call earlier had been Suga, he found out more information on Jimins dad and his boss. That Alpha was a mean cruel bastard and he was glad Jimin had got away.
The next day they went into work as the guests would not be met until the party or that was the plan.
Jimin heard a commotion in the outside office but as he was on the phone at the time he ignored it. He heard Jungkook come from his office greeting someone although his voice had an edge to it.
The voices moved to Jungkooks office and he could hear murmured tones. Finishing his call he came outside.
"Oh Jimin one of the alphas came here with his staff, he demanded to see Jungkook, some of them do that to try and get their point in before they gather."
"Oh,ok, I suppose I should go and help out..."
He walked to Jungkooks office knocking then opening the door.
"Hello I'm Mr Jeons personal assistant Park...."
"Jimin," a voice sneered.
Jimin went deathly white as he saw Alpha Lai staring at him like he'd got his prize and his father, with a scar now down one side of his face looking at his son with disgust.

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