Who's this?

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Jimin had been at work for nearly two hours before Jungkook came in.
"Mr Park..., my office now," he said in a no nonsense voice.
Whispers were heard around the office,'Mr Park?'
Jimin walked to Jungkooks office standing in the doorway.
"Shut the door."
Jimin did so and stood nervously , why was Jungkook so...rigid?
"Was there a reason you didn't bother to wake me?"
Jimin sighed he had been worried he'd done something wrong in his job.
"Your bringing that into the office? If that's all....."
He turned to go but,
"Do you normally ignore your bosses questions?"
"No..., but how is this work related?"
"So you think you being at work is more important than me being here?"
"Well no..., but...."
"Well....,you know we had been Erm ...., busy all weekend and you looked tired and I thought people might guess what had happened if we both didn't come in on time...."
"Now who's bringing stuff into the workplace? It didn't occur to you to wake me up before you left? Your just hell bent on making sure nobody associates you with me is that it?"
Jungkook was keeping his face straight with trouble, Jimins suddenly worried look got to him but he needed Jimin to see it wasn't all about him.
"Well, no but....."
"No? Everyone knows your my mate so nobody would have thought anything of it, but you seem determined that everyone knows you don't want anything to do with me, is it me or all alphas, are you going to let them think you will hook up with anyone during your heat rather than go to your mate, do you not see how that not only makes me look but you too?"
Jimin hadn't, he thought everything could be hidden nobody none the wiser, forgetting for their kind it happened to all of them and Jungkook was right, he too would look bad if everyone thought he would go to someone else rather than the mate they knew off .
He felt ashamed of himself, when had he become someone who used others but disrespected them too.?
"I apologise," he said quietly.
Jungkook walked over to him.
"Jimin I'm not a monster, all Alphas aren't the same, did we not feel comfortable together these last few days?"
"Y-es..., I don't know what's stopping me accepting you, I was nearly pushed into one relationship which I managed to escape from and I seem to be falling into another........, I don't really know you that well so it seems.... Strange this pull we have...."
Jungkook hugged him close," I know and honestly I wasn't prepared for it either , if you feel we need to get to know each other we can do that but please at least try?"
Jimin sighed leaning against the other," ok.... Can I go back to work now, I'm sure they are all glued to the door waiting to see what has happened..."
"Jimin..., your worrying again, don't be so uptight!"
Uptight?!? He'd show him.
He walked to the door opening it then said," jungkook?"
Jungkook came over unprepared for the way Jimin hooked a small hand around his neck and pulled his face down kissing him on the lips,
"Thanks for the weekend Kookie," he said loud enough for others to hear.
Whispers and giggles were heard while Jungkook wanted to grab the small omega back and kiss him passionately instead of standing there with a stupid grin on his face.
Jimin walked unhurriedly to his office then sat in his seat head in his hands, oh god how could he! He still felt the tingle from his kiss with the other and with a silly smile on his face he got back on with work.
Now that he'd sorted out the office system things got a lot easier,jungkook relayed to him that a meeting of Alphas would be occurring in two weeks, about twenty Alphas would come, to discuss relevant laws or misdeeds done by others, but accommodation needed to be booked for them and their mates if they came. Also Jungkook would hold a party at his house on the first night so caterers and staff had to be booked.
"What laws and why here?" Jimin asked with interest.
"It's moved every two years, it's my turn and it can be a pain in the ass. You have old school Alphas trying to impose their will on the younger alphas, everyone gets annoyed if their law they want doesn't get sanctioned, you also have the mean nasty alphas who are demeaning to Omegas but fortunately there aren't that many who think like that now."
"Is your house big enough?" Jimin asked innocently .
Jungkook stared at him," oh of course you've never seen it, how about I drive you there after work?"
"Erm...., "
"No funny business...., unless you want to," Jungkook said wiggling his eyebrows.
Jimin blushed then smiled," ok,"
"Ok? Really?"
"Sure..., unless you've changed your mind?" Jimin said in a seductive voice.
"Aaah Jiminah..., don't tease.....!"
And that was how Jimin found himself staring around a beautiful large house, large glass walls in certain areas looking out onto beautiful patios and garden areas with a huge forest at the back.
"Wow, this place is beautiful,"
"Thank you,"
"You have a forest like me at the back...,"
"Actually it's the same forest, your house can be reached directly through there but the road twists and turns a lot which probably confused you to how near we actually are."
Jimin was surprised," I ran through there the other day when I changed, it must be a large forest,"
"It is, do you change often what colour are you?"
"Just boring white nothing special I don't change often but I like to run sometimes offices can make you feel stifled, what about you?"
"I enjoy the freedom , maybe one day we can go together?"
"Hmm, maybe.." Jimin said shyly.
"Ok let's raid my kitchen, I'll see what I can cook you,"
"You cook?"
"Of course ..., "
"I thought as Alpha you'd have people doing that for you,"
"You've known the wrong type of Alphas, how can we look after a mate if we can't even cook? I enjoy it come on."
They were soon sitting down enjoying some delicious food and Jungkook was regaling Jimin with tales of his friends.
"Namjoon, Jins partner, he is the clumsiest person going."
"But isn't he a tattooist?"
"Yer..., that he seems to manage but growing up..., he decided his dads car needed fixing so lay a blanket on the ground and started pulling bits off from the engine area cleaning them and putting them on the blanket, it was only later he realised he hadn't a clue where he'd got all the parts from and his dad got so mad because he had to call a mechanic to fix it."
"But he was only trying to help?"
"He was but he'd washed parts in soapy water to clean off the oil only to find that the oil lubrucated certain parts but now blew bubbles out of them!"
"Oh dear..., but he seems a nice guy,"
"He is and Jin, complete opposites but madly in love,"
"What about...Suga? What does he do?"
"Ah well he has his finger in a lot of things, I rely on him to find things out for me,like the Alphas that are coming, he will know who gets on with whom, who hates who, little secrets they might try and hide, things that could be helpful."
"Like a private eye?"
Jungkook chuckled," sort of but he does it mainly on computer, he will swing by the day before they get here so we can see who is who, what hotels we should put them in I mean can you imagine two that hate each others guts staying in rooms next to each other!"
"Oh, ok so I need to be there when he does that so I write down their names and put them in the correct hotels, yes?"
"That's right, I know you don't like Alphas much and I don't expect you to come to the party if they affect you like that but I will need you in on the meetings?"
"I can come to the party, it's work related after all and you'll be there so they won't bother me."
"Good,good actually Tae rang to say he has the perfect outfit for you to wear, maybe meet up with him tomorrow."
"But it's a work day..."
"And your outfit is work related, if it makes you feel better, I'll go too, I haven't seen his shop."
Jimin nodded, then took his dishes to the sink.
"I um better go....."
"I can walk...."
"No I can take you....."
"But then you'll have to drive back...."
"It doesn't matter,"
"Seems silly,"
"I don't mind...."
"I-or I could stay....?"
"Fuck I thought you'd never suggest it!"
Jungkook claimed Jimins lips, igniting the tingly feeling between them.
Jimins fingers were at Jungkooks shirt buttons while Jungkook undid Jimins trousers.
Jungkook was about to push Jimin down onto the sofa but the little omega denied him squatting down to enclose his plump lips around Jungkooks arousal.
"Oh fuck!" Jungkook moaned out.
Jimin licked and sucked until Jungkook decided it was enough, he lay Jimin on the sofa pushing his legs back and thrusting into Jimins depths.
"Ah Kookie!!"
Their bodies moved together , jungkook leaning down to kiss Jimin.
His gums felt sore where his teeth wanted to come out and mark Jimin as his but groaning he sucked on his collarbone instead.
Ultimately the pressure exploded in both of them and they came. Satiated they curled up together on the sofa Jungkook pulled a throw over them and they slept.
Jungkook woke up just over an hour later and carried his little omega to his bed, spooning against him and gradually falling asleep again.
In the morning Jimin awoke first wondering where he was, then shaking Jungkook awake this time he said he was going to shower, rushing into the bathroom to hide his nakedness, jungkook chuckled and craftily followed him in earning a shriek of surprise that was soon changed to muffled moans of pleasure.
The two dressed,Jimin borrowing a shirt from Jungkook to go with his suit from the day before and brand new underwear.
Both after eating breakfast drive to work together.
Over the next two weeks they spent odd nights together, Jimin insisted it wasn't every night as he needed time alone to sort through his feelings.
It came to the day when Suga joined them both at the officec.
"Right,so shall we begin,I've sent the files to your laptops but will do a who's who with you now, some you know Jungkook, some have been replaced and some have just never bothered with this before.
They were two thirds down the list when Jungkook turned to Jimin to see a look of fear on his face.
He looked at his own laptop to see the next Alpha,
Suga too was now looking at Jimin.
"Who's that ?" Jungkook asked Suga,
"It's..." Suga began
"The Alpha my father tried to marry me off to," Jimin said in a monotone looking at the man he'd never wanted to see again.

The Strong Alpha and shy omegaWhere stories live. Discover now