Learning about being together

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After that night the pair were like lovestruck kids. While Jimin sorted through the house and got things set up with Min Ho, jungkook would make sure he didn't get tired and keep him close when Min Ho was around.
Eventually ,two days later it was done and they said their goodbyes and left.
They stopped halfway home to get something to eat then drove on arriving home early evening.
Jungkook automatically drove to his house.
"Kookie I should go home, I have laundry to do catch up on the cleaning......"
Jungkook stared at his little mate,
"Jimin now we are mated you live with me........"
Jimin blushed in embarrassment," I'm sorry Kookie...,it didn't occur to me I just, well I don't know what I thought really!"
Jungkook laughed.
"I know...., are you ok with it?"
Jimin nodded.
"What do you want to do with your place?"
"Well now it's in good condition I'll sell it and give you the money, I should bring something to this relationship...."
"Sell it by all means but you keep the money,as your mate it's my responsibility to look after you, but you keeping the money means you have independence too, does that work for you?"
Jimin pecked his lips," yes my Alpha,"
"Ah Jimin you know that turns me on when you say that...."
"Good job we are home then!"
The pair were needless to say, engaged in bedroom activities for a while,then showered and dressed in comfy clothes before eating and watching tv.
"Best go to bed, we have work tomorrow," Jimin said as he yawned.
"I suppose I should look for a new assistant to start."
"What? Why?"
"Well obviously you shouldn't work....."
Jimin stood up arms crossed,
"I'm pregnant not ill, pregnant people work!"
"But babe, you don't have to work,"
"Now listen here," Jimin said poking the others chest with a small finger," I'm working until I decide not to, you understand!"
"Ouch! Yes...ok,Damn you can be fiesty!"
"You know I don't believe in all this' me alpha you omega do as I say' crap!!"
"Calm down ok, it's fine, you work but please stop poking me!"
Jimin was suddenly all sweetness and light,
"Good now that's sorted let's go to bed....,"
He walked off to the bedroom, Jungkook muttering under his breath about how a an omega can be sweet then turn into a devil.
They were eating breakfast the next morning when Jimin said,
"Do you know we haven't even really gone on a date?"
"But we went to that hotel...?"
"That wasn't a date that was a , I'm hungry and let's become mates night!"
"But most dates end up like that bar the marking?" Jungkook blurted without thinking.
Jimin stared daggers at him," you mean that's always your end game? Ask out eat fuck go home? You never just spend time chatting asking about the other..., dropping them off without a booty call?"
Jungkook gulped," er......"
Jimin stood up in a huff," I'll wash these we can go then."
He washed the dishes ignoring Jungkook who felt like he needed to say something but wasn't sure what.
"Er, that's in the past, I'm different now..."
"So....., when have we done anything other than fuck?" Jimin said calling his bluff.
"But......" Jungkook stopped when Jimin glared at him then turned back to the washing up.
"Your totally right," he corrected himself," I will sort something out, by the way should we try and get you an appointment with Jin, you know to check you over?"
"I'll ring him later," said a slightly mollified Jimin," now come on we need to go."
They both arrived at the office.
"Remember,no lovey dovey stuff here,we are professionals," Jimin whispered as they walked in.
"But the staff know we are mates!"
"Professional! "Jimin hissed walking straight to his office.
Jungkook chuckled to himself as he watched his beloved walk away, how cute he looked trying to act all grown up and dignified.
"Oh, Jungkook  Mr Cain Lee and his daughter have booked a meeting with you at ten thirty,I accepted it as I know you have been waiting to see him since he came back from abroad," Rosie said.
"Thanks,don't bother Jimin with it he wants to catch up on his work,"
Jungkook sighed, Mr Lee and his family had been close with Jungkooks parents when they were younger, his daughter had always hung around the young Jungkook whining if she didn't get his full attention his father telling him to be nicer to her.
Then suddenly the family had upped and left, gone abroad, their property kept tidy with limited staff, now apparently they were back, Jungkook had meant to get in touch but circumstances recently had made that impossible.
Ten thirty came and a knock announced their arrival.
"Mr Lee, Mai, nice to see you both again,"
"Jungkook, look at you, I heard your father had bestowed the Alpha title on you must keep you busy?"
"Yes,mum and dad are away travelling, he's enjoying life to the fullest."
"Jungkook....., I always knew you would grow up to be handsome, but not this good looking...."
The girl Mai said brushing her fingers down Jungkooks arm.
"Mai, don't embarrass the poor man, you can talk later,"
"Er....., sit down both of you I will get some coffee brought in."
He went to his door signalling Rosie," would you mind bringing in a tray of coffee?"
"Of course not,"
He went back and sat down, not comfortable with the covetous stare of Mai.
"So are you back for good?"
"Well, I was thinking , our families used to be very close at one time, I have many contacts abroad that could be beneficial to you...., in return ...., I want you to take Mai as your mate...., it will give me the foothold over here I seem to have lost."
"Mr  Lee , it's a kind offer but....."
"Jungkook it was long thought you two would become a couple by myself and your parents...., I know I had a silly falling out with them, but let bygones be bygones,Mai is keen to do this too."
"Of course daddy, I've always wanted Jungkook to be mine...,"
She sauntered over to him just as a knock came on the door.
It opened and Jimin walked in with a tray of coffee, he'd seen Rosie bringing it and when she said Jungkook had visitors had offered to do it in case he was needed there.
He'd also sensed unease from his mate so wanted to check he was ok.
"Jungkook the coffee you wanted..." he started walking but Jungkook came and lifted the tray from him.
"Thank you Jimin but you shouldn't carry it it's heavy."
His mate frowned at him while a female voice said,
"Really Jungkook? It seems you are too easy on your staff?"
Jimin immediately disliked the voice then the female as she placed a hand on jungkook.
"I'm sorry Jungkook I didn't realise you had a meeting shall I take notes?"
"Go away little man this is personal no need for someone like you to hang around," she informed him.
"I'm sorry miss..., but I don't take orders from you?"
"He's a bit impertinent isn't he Jungkook?" A male voice said.
"Jimin come here," Jungkook said softly. Jimin came over standing next to his mate glaring at the visitors
"Allow me to introduce you to Jimin my personal assistant..."
"Rude assistant," the girl interjected
"And mate...!" Jungkook finished.
"What! He can't be..., him, but daddy you said this would be easy you promised me...."
"Jungkook, is this true?"
"Oh he's my mate," Jimin said grabbing Jungkooks face and kissing him fully on the lips before turning with a smirk at the pair.
The girl seemed really incensed,
"You chose him rather than me? I've waited years, is it because daddy stole from your father? That was a measly amount! This, this slut has nothing to keep you satisfied,!" She swung her arm out smacking Jimin across the face.
An unearthly growl was heard,
"Don't you ever lay hands on my mate!"
He'd grabbed the girls arm in a painful grip.
"Daddy,Argh daddy make him stop!"
The other male knew better than to take on an enraged Alpha.
"Er Jungkook, we apologise, I guess we took too much for granted, did you do it because of the money I stole?"
"You know my father never let on why you disappeared suddenly so thanks for the info. There has never been a chance in hell I would ever mate with your daughter, she's a spoilt bitch, as for you knowing what I do now I don't want anything to do with you and will take more of an interest in your financial behaviour, I have very good people who can do that research, it would be such a shame if they found some discrepancies ...."
"Mai,come on we are leaving...., I don't think coming back was such a good idea...."
He led his daughter out she turned to look at Jungkook only to find Jimin poking his tongue out at her.
"Stupid bitch," he mumbled raising his hand to his mouth.
"Babe your bleeding ! Let me clean you up."
He sat Jimin down dabbing with a tissue at the corner of Jimins lip that was bleeding ."
"Sooty babe shall I kiss it better?"
"No you ass it will hurt more....well maybe a little," Jimin decided.
Jungkook pressed a gentle kiss on Jimins lips.
"I'm sorry Jimin I had no idea...."
"She's a bit psycho isn't she?"
"I'm going to look into his business dealings I don't want him in town doing dodgy stuff, I'll phone Suga.."
"Ok.... Have your coffee first shame to waste it."
Jimin stood up and went back to his office, the Adrenalin from earlier completely gone, now he felt tired and stressed.
He rang Jin to get an appointment for the next day and once done sat back in his chair,closing his eyes for a moment.
Jungkook came to check on him and saw him fast asleep, he picked him up and carried him to his office placing him on the sofa and covering him with his jacket, his scent comforting the sleeping omega .
He was worried, was it normal for Jimin to be this tired he knew nothing about pregnant omegas...,
He rang Jin only to find Jimin had not long made an appointment for the next morning.
He'd go with him and ask questions but in the meantime..., he made a few calls then smiled before getting on with his work.

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