Evil against innocent

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Jungkook stood up immediately going to jimin and walking him around the others to stand next to him at his desk.
"Good you know each other, no need for introductions."
"Alpha Jeon..., this omega is from my pack, he behaved dishonourably and I and his father here want to take him back."
Jungkook pretended to be confused.
"Behaved dishonourably ? That doesn't seem like Jimin, what is he supposed to have done?"
"He refused the mate I chose for him" Jimins father said.
"As is his right he isn't a belonging to give away?"
"But I'm his father!"
"Surely that means you should support your sons choice?"
"It seems Alpha that you don't realise the ways the pack should work, an omega does what it's told, alphas are in charge and I agree with Jimins father."
"Actually Alpha Lai, it seems you have forgotten that in previous meetings it was agreed we should cherish our omegas as without them there would be no pack, only they have the ability to produce our pups as Alphas and Betas we should protect them at all costs."
The other alpha glared at him,
"He was supposed to be my partner I demand you hand him over.!"
"Leave me alone I'll never be yours I have my mate," a small voice said.
"Liar your not marked!" His father shouted.
"Seems you are father? is that scar because he couldn't get what he wanted?"
His father smirked," no it was a present your mother gave me before she....unfortunately died."
Jimin gasped stumbling.
"Y-you killed her?"
"Unfortunately your mother died after I asked her about a certain bank book....., seems she gave it to someone...., she went crazy in her wolf form and scratched me,she accidentally ran out of the house and got hit by a truck...."
Jimin stared at his father in disbelief, there was no sorrow just annoyance in his fathers voice.
"You knew didn't you, you knew she helped me.....!"
"And I thought I'd trained her so well....."
"You bastard!! Jimin leapt at his father only to be held back by Jungkook.
"I think Mr Park ,Alpha Lai you should go, maybe we can converse at the party later..."
The Alpha huffed stared at Jimin and then walked out with Mr Park following .
Jimin fell to the floor tears streaming down his face,
"She died, she helped me and died...."
"She did what mothers do Jimin she loved you ,"
"I hate him Kookie I wish he was dead!" Jimin sobbed.
"Baby I'm taking you home you don't have to come to the party just rest up ."
Jimin stopped crying and looked up his eyes suddenly cold.
"I will go back I'll even sleep a while but I'm damned if I'm going to hide, I'm doing this because I am free, I'm doing this for my mother..!"
Jungkook nodded and drove Jimin to his house, watching over him while he changed and climbed into bed his face grief stricken.
Jungkook rubbed his back just being there for the other and eventually Jimin slept.
Going into his home office he contacted Suga.
He explained what had happened.
"The bastards, poor Jimin,"
"Can you and your special friends attend the party, I think they will try something."
"Sure let's hope they give us a reason to put them down."
Jungkook heard his doorbell go and realised the people he'd hired to set up his home for the party were there.
For the rest of the day his house was a hive of activity.
Tae came over with Hobi and they kept Jimin company .
"I bought our outfits over can we use a spare room?" Tae asked as the evening drew near.
"Sure, Jimin and I will get ready now too."
Jimin was already showered and sat wrapped in a towel as he dried his hair.
"You ok? You really don't have to do this..."
"thanks Kookie but I've been thinking, not turning up is letting them win, it means my mum died for nothing."
Jungkook hugged him and then left to shower, when he came back in Jimin was dressed, Jungkook just gaped open mouthed.
"You like?" Jimin asked twirling.
"Holy fuck!! That suit should be illegal everyone will be staring at you.!!!"
Jimin suit and shirt were red and accentuated his figure, the whole effect made Jungkook want to throw him down and fuck him.
"You better hurry the times getting on, I'll go down."
Jungkook scrambled to dress, he didn't want to have others ogling his mate in that outfit.
Jimin saw Tae and Hobi downstairs chatting with Suga who had come early.
"Wow,I don't know who to congratulate first, you for looking good or Tae for designing it!" Hobi said.
"Definitely Tae, I'm just wearing it."Jimin said.
"I bet Jungkook is flustered," Tae said as he saw his brother rushing over to stand next to Jimin.
"Tae I said nothing revealing!" Jungkook whined.
"No you said no skin showing......"
"Damn it he's gonna be looked at all night!"
"Great! Free advertising !" Tae laughed.
Before Jungkook could respond the doorbell rang announcing guests arrival..
Jungkook looked at Suga who nodded..
"Come on Jimin, show me what food I can look forward too," he slung his arm across Jimins shoulder surreptitiously planting a small device under his collar.
Jimin grinned at the other liking his No nonsense style.
"This way Suga, I've tasted some already I'll show you the best!"
He led Jimin away, jungkook quickly turned to Hobi and Tae.
"Jimins father will be here with his alpha boss, they are right bastards I want to keep Jimin away from them as much as possible if you can help?"
They both nodded looking worriedly at Jimins retreating back.
Jimin mingled as much as he could but wasn't at ease unless he was around Tae, Suga and Hobi.
Namjoon and Jin came in looking like the it couple, good looking and knew it.
They joined the others exclaiming over Jimins suit and Tae's skill. The two in question high fived each other and Joked that if Jimin modelled everything Tae would sell out.
Jimin excused himself to go to the bathroom. After freshening up he stepped out to find the hated alpha standing outside, his father further away keeping a look out.
"So my omega, you seem to be getting on well with the Alphas brother,"
"So what my friends are none of your business,"
He went to go past but the alpha gripped his wrist painfully.
"Everything you do is my business, you think I'll let you go again? "
"You have no rights over me and I told you I have a mate..."
"Oh yes this imaginary mate who hasn't claimed you, who is it?"
Jimin was about to say but stopped, this man was dangerous he didn't want Jungkook hurt.
"You'll be gone in two days and then I'll never have to see you again."
"You know you really should be more obedient , it would be such a shame if the Alphas brother met with a fatal accident..."
"What! No you can't !"
"Oh you know I can Jimin and I will, if you don't return with me in two days your friend is dead!"
"Alpha..!" Jimins father hissed.
A tall stern faced male walked towards Jimin.
"Mr Park is everything ok?"
"Who are you to butt into a private conversation?" The Alpha snarled.
"I'm Mr Jeons security and Mr Park is wanted," he gestured for Jimin to pass him and they both left.
"Alpha we should be careful, it seems Alpha Jeon has a lot of people here..."
"That young pup is nothing he's not a true Alpha like me, ruling with an iron hand! Your brat will need to be shown his place when we get him back.."
"Yes Alpha."
The two walked back to the main room.
Jimin felt like he would pass out, if he didn't go back his friend would be killed, nobody would think another Alpha would dare to kill an Alphas family member he would do it so there was no evidence but Jimin would know and he knew he couldn't let that happen.
"Jimin you look pale are you ok?"
Suga looked worriedly at the suddenly pale boy, he placed his hand where he could retrieve what he'd put there earlier.
A waiter came by and Suga pretended to get a drink placing the device on the tray murmuring," get it looked at now!"
The' waiter' nodded disappearing outside to a large van passing it to some men waiting.
"Oh er Suga I um," he put his hand up to brush his hair back.
"What's that!" A dominant voice said.
Jungkook was there staring at Jimins wrist which looked bruised.
"Jimin tell me...,"
"Ah Alpha Jeon, such a nice gathering, it seems I am one of the oldest here, at least I can contribute a lot of knowledge to the meetings."
"Alpha Lai..., Mr Park..., yes I'm sure you can and also learn some new ways."
"I'm not sure I understand?"
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks...," Suga muttered loudly.
"I think your being disrespectful young man!" The Alpha said pompously.
"I'm glad you got my point," Suga said with an evil smile before he dragged Jimin off to Tae and the others.
"You keep strange company Alpha Jeon!"
"Oh I kinda like him, excuse me while I mingle,"
Alpha Lai glared at the other Alohas back.
"These fools, they're so immature,an Alpha has to be strong not weak, that's how a pack should be run with an iron fist! Two days then Jimins mine and I'll make Damn sure he never gets away again!"
Jimin was rather out of it for the rest of the evening. He knew this was it for him there was no escape he couldn't let his friend die because of him...
Suddenly there was a clink of glasses and Jungkook was standing before them all.
"Good evening and thank you for coming, I had hoped this party would get us off to a friendly start but something has been brought to my attention and I think it should be reviewed by you all. We know our laws and we take great pains to follow them if not the  culprit is put in front of the supreme Alpha."
Murmurs were heard and then someone walked forward to stand next to Jungkook who bowed deeply to that person as did the other Alphas.
"Thank you for inviting me Jungkook, like your father before you you keep everyone on the straight and narrow."
"Thank you Supreme Alpha...,Suga if you please."
Suga stepped forward," I'm Suga and I work covertly for our Supreme Court , I'm based here so when I was told of a concern Jungkook had I set the ball rolling.
Tonight a member spoke of having Jungkooks brother killed."
Jimin and Tae stood open mouthed.
"What the fuck!" Tae said then," ooops sorry Suga continue"
Suga grinned at him. He then turned to the crowd,
"Alpha Lai, did you not say this?"
"What! How dare you accuse me, who's been spreading these lies.., is it him...." He pointed angrily at Jimin." Did he spread these lies because I said he should do as his father wishes!!"
"Alpha Lai, your saying it's not true?"
"Ask my subordinate , his father he will tell you Jimin is a liar."
"Yes,yes it's true, my son always lies!"
"So how do you account for this...,"
Suddenly through the houses sound system the whole conversation that had been said earlier played out.
Gasps were heard and both Alpha Lai and Jimins father looked panicked .
Jimin didn't know how it had been done but at least now he knew Tae was safe.
"I was jesting that's all,"
"Kind of a sick joke isn't it?"
"You also accosted Alpha Jeons mate."
"What? I've never met his mate!"
Jungkook stepped forward and drew Jimin to him.
"Jimin is my mate and you hurt him," he said holding up his bruised wrist.
"Your mate! Yours! He was meant to be mine the little shit needs to learn his lesson!" Alpha Lai charged towards Jimin but was held back by Sugas security that suddenly appeared.
The supreme Alpha held his hand up, everyone waited.
"It's clear to me Alpha Lai that you ignored our laws and tried to threaten Jimin that his friend the Alphas brother would die unless he gave into you. All of you who agree with me on the Alpha comittee raise your hands."
One by one the hands went up
"You weak fools you think this is how Alphas should behave.....!" Lai shouted.
" my judgement is that you Alpha Lai will be stripped of your rank, home and belongings , you will no longer have a pack and will be banished too our secret penitentiary where you will live til you die.
Mr Park you have been under our radar for a while, members in your pack put forward concerns over your wife's death, it seems it didn't happen like you say a witness came to say you placed her on the road after her death and made it look like she'd been run over after not as you say she ran into the road . I'm sorry Jimin you had to hear this here, Mr Park you will serve out thirty years for her death."
Both men looked shocked, yelling and cursing before they were dragged away by security.
Murmurs were heard around the room and Jungkook stood again," apologies everyone but I will never let anyone like that bring down our community, there's laws for a reason and I hope over the next two days we can reiterate our belief in them."
Loud claps and cheers were heard and Then suddenly Jungkook heard Tae shout..." Jimin!"
Jimins stress levels had already been sky high but after the convictions the relief had been overwhelming , Tae was safe, he was safe! He never had to deal with them again, the room started turning and blackness came he passed out only to be caught in strong arms.

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