And so it begins

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Jimin was woken by a continuous knocking. He groaned, he had only been asleep a short while worrying all night about the results that could affect his future.
The knocking got irritating and he got up and stomped to the front door bleary eyed..." WHAT???"
"Hello to you too,"
Jimin saw Tae standing there and behind him a group of workmen .
"Oh er Tae,hi what's up?"
"Can I come in?"
He stood aside as Tae turned and motioned to the men,
Tae walked in and a confused Jimin watched as the men dispersed outside his home carrying ladders, paint and gardening equipment.
He shut the door and walked to Tae.
"Who are they what are they doing?"
"Workmen to fix up the house and garden starting outside."
"I didn't employ them?"
"No,I did under the Alphas instructions."
"What! No tell them to go!"
"Jimin please...., I fucked up, I'm supposed to inform him of new wolves in town, I didn't ..., if I tell them to go he will be more me.this house has been empty for so long, it's my job to make sure pack land is safe. Jungkook always invests time into empty properties before they are sold, he doesn't want any wolf hurt by unsafe buildings. I had this place on my to do list..., I'm not good at admin, it's boring, but Kook gave me the job until I find something I'm good at, unfortunately for him he spends a lot of time sorting out things I've not carried out. Please..., for my sake..., let this place be sorted out."
Jimin could see how guilty the other felt, he sighed not wanting to add to his worries.
"Well, I suppose it won't hurt, so ok."
"Oh thank god! I know I'm a worry to him and I can't help being unreliable it's just, I can't get interested in boring admin."
"Boring..., hmmm, I love it, sorting things out, getting things running smoothly, organisation...., I was a CEO's personnel assistant , it was a great job."
Tae looked at him as if he'd grown two heads.
"Pleeeeze...., are you entirely sane, great job, eugh!"
Jimin giggled, his laugh infectious so that soon Tae was chuckling too."
"I'll make breakfast...,want some?"
Tae nodded and soon the pair were seated on stools in the kitchen eating some delicious food.
"Yum, this is good."
"Can I ask, where's your furniture?"
"Oh,I've ordered some, a sofa and chair plus a coffee table, the old stuff here I burnt."
"Well why don't you let the men paint in here before they come?"
"Erm.....,ok I actually have paint here,"
"Ok, I'll tell them, any other rooms?"
"Well mist need a lick of paint even though I've cleaned them but I was going to do them gradually, I have to buy more paint and I have to go into town to order furniture for the bedroom."
"What are you sleeping on?"
"The floor in a sleeping bag, let's just say I travelled lightly."
Not wanting to probe too much Tae nodded.
"I can go to town with you, the men can paint in here while we are gone?"
"I...,er it's a bit presumptuous of me, won't they get annoyed?"
"Nah, they work for the alpha, a jobs a job"
"Ok, let me wash up and dress then."
Jimin washed their dishes then washed and dressed coming out to find two men being organised by Tae.
"Is this the paint? Ok, we'll I'll let you guys get on."
"Thank you very much, I will pay you," Jimin said bowing to them.
"No sir, we are paid already and it will be nice to see this place brightened up, it used to be a lovely place."
"Oh, ok, help yourselves to a drink and thank you."
He grabbed a jacket and followed Tae out, amazed already at the tidiness of the garden being done while two men were on the roof replacing tiles.
They drove into town and Jimin saw another side of Tae. He blossomed out into a person who shone as they walked past fashion shops, pointing out good clothing impressive styles and how wrong some clothing had been paired up on mannequins.
"You like clothes I see...."
"Adore them, even draw up some designs when I'm supposed to be working," he said wistfully
"So why don't you do that full time?"
Tae bit his lip," believe me I'd love it but what if I failed."
"You don't know til you try."
That's what Hobi tells me,"
"A-a friend, he grew up with us, I like him but I think he just sees me as an old frivolous friend who doesn't take things seriously, he owns a nightclub here, successful, business man...."
"And you want him to see you as more?"
Tae nodded.
"I'd like to own a small unique clothes shop, my own designs you know everyday wear with my own take on it."
"So why not go ahead, you can get business loans if you come up with a plan?"
"Oh moneys not an object, I have that...., I guess I'm stalling for no reason except the fear of failing."
"I'm sure if you had samples of clothes run up and a place to start in you could get it going."
"I have a folder of ideas, even a names,'limited additions by Tae', or 'Top-notch',"
"Top-Notch is catchy, I like it, Ooh look, that place would be ideal, it's smallish and on the main walk way," Jimin said pointing at a little shop with a for sale notice.
"Mmm, it's a good spot, let me think on it..., let's get you a bed, come on this way."
Two hours later and both slumped in seats in a coffee shop.
"Ouch my feet hurt, do you always shop like this," Jimin groaned at Tae.
"Pretty much, it's why Jungkook has my work and his to do ."
Jimin actually felt sorry for the alpha, he knew how busy things could get.
"Well, we'll, here you are, as if I couldn't guess,"
Jimin was surrounded by that woonderful aroma .he turned to see Jungkook and a  woman.
For some reason it annoyed him to see the woman standing next to him.
"Tae I told you to get his house sorted why are you here?"
Taking pity on Tae Jimin spoke up.
"Don't get grumpy at him he is doing me a favour, I needed to shop for some furniture and he brought me here to see what they have."
Jungkook looked in surprise at the fiesty little omega and thought how cute he looked, his scent was affecting him already.
"You shouldn't talk to the alpha like that omega have some manners." The woman next to Jungkook said clinging onto Jungkooks arm.
"Why? I mean he's just a wolf like us no better or worse, just because you slobber all over him doesn't mean I have to," Jimin said although he wanted to rip her arm away.
"Jungkook you should punish him!" She said.
"Yer go on Jungkook I dare you!" A now extremely riled Jimin said.
Jungkook looked at him, proud he was standing up for himself and also turned on by it.
He tried to hide his smile and turned to Tae, "don't forget you have a job too"
Tae nodded looking unhappy, the devil inside Jimin just couldn't stop.
"Why not show an interest in what he actually wants to do instead of making him do a job he has no interest in?"
Annoyed Jungkook leaned down into Jimins face.
"I suppose you know what that is even though you've only known him five minutes?" He smirked
"Yes, he wants to own a shop selling his own clothes ,"
Jungkook laughed," sure he does,"
Tae stepped forward, " he's right Kook, I do and I'm finally going to do it, Jimins shown me that you should fight for what you want, I've been taking the easy route which isn't doing either of us any good. You end up doing my job as well as yours so....., I quit."
Jungkook was shocked but also proud that the brother he had always worried about was now showing determination.
"I'm sorry Tae, I never showed interest in anything else you may have wanted to do, I'll help you all I can, but I have to find a new assistant first!"
"Jimin could do it, that was his job before," Tae said eagerly.
Jungkook turned to Jimin.
"Well? Are you up for it or has all your bravado gone now?"
He thought Jimin would turn him down but,
"I can do it, are you ready to be more efficient?" He bragged.
The woman gasped and Tae laughed, Jungkook stared at him then held out his hand.
"Sure let's shake on it..."
He clasped Jimins small hand in his and both felt sharp tingles go through them.
"Nine tomorrow ," he ordered.
"No...., next Monday, my house will be sorted by then," he challenged the other.
"Ok, but don't push me too far onega you may not like what you get...,"
"Pfft, you alphas are so arrogant," Jimin said turning and taking Tae with him.
Jungkook chuckled, the little devil had to have the last word!

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