Mine for always

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If you asked Jungkook or Jimin what they ate that night neither could tell you.
After dropping their bags into their room they went down to the restaurant.
They barely spoke just eating quickly and glancing at each other a buzz of awareness between them.
Walking to the lift Jungkook held the others hand and then they both walked quickly to their room.
No sooner in it when Jungkook growled his patience at his limit he pulled Jimin to him kissing him passionately.
Jimin gave as good back, he felt needy, horny and nervous.
"Too many clothes..." he managed to say as his small hands unbuttoned Jungkooks shirt.
Jungkooks eyes were ablaze with lust, he quickly stripped his length full and aching.
He stripped Jimin off kissing his body as he went, he kissed his stomach then froze ,
"Will it hurt the baby,"
Jimin giggled," no it's normal to do this,"
"Hmm, ok...."
He carried Jimin to the bed intending to carry on his assault with his mouth but Jimin sat up pushing the other onto his back,
"Let me...taste you...."
Jungkook groaned in anticipation.
Jimin kissed his lips then his sharp jawline, he nipped at his collarbone then licked his nipples til they pebbled.
Jungkook let out a low moan," oh baby ....."
Jimin smirked then kissed downward past the hard abs onto the reward below .
His tongue licked along the length then teased the slit.
Jungkook got even harder.
Jimin felt a rush of wetness pool from him, he was so needy....
He closed his lips over Jungkooks tip bobbing down, his mate was too large to encompass him all but he licked sucked and teased the other to the brink.
"Damn..., no more..., I'm gonna taste you!"
Jungkook rolled Jimin onto his back, he mimicked what Jimin had done to him but suckled harder in Jimins sensitive nipples.
Jimin gripped the sheet and thrust upwards.
"So needy baby look how wet you are...."
Jungkook dove down to the dampness seeping from Jimins puckered hole. His tongue licking around it while his hand pumped Jimins hardened length.
"Your so wet babe I don't need to prep you...!"
"Kookie fuck me, make me yours....I love you....!"
Jungkook stopped gazing down at Jimin,
"What ? Say it again,"
Jimin cast his eyes down embaressed at blurting it out.
"I-I said I love you..."
"Thank god! I love you too Jimin , I love everything about you, I want you to mark me too."
The pair kissed passionately then still looking down at his mate Jungkook thrust inside him.
Jimins eyes rolled back at the pleasure that shot through him.
"More Kookie..., more..."
Jungkook grunted hitching Jimins legs back and thrusting in.
"So fucking good, you...., this .....is all mine you understand?"
"Yes alpha ," jimin panted out.
Jungkook leaned closer to Jimin as he thrust in causing Jimins length to rub against him.
"Oh Kookie...,this is so good,"
Jungkook leaned down to kiss his mate.
"Jimin I'm not going to last much more,are you ready?"
He could feel himself and Jungkook hardening pre release, he turned his head to the side offering himself,
"I fucking love you ...," jungkook shouted as he felt himself release at the same time as Jimin, his teeth lengthened and he bit into his mates neck piercing the skin.
The harsh bite was replaced by overwhelming pleasure. As Jungkook withdrew and lapped at the spot to heal it he then offered his own neck to Jimin who bit in, Jungkook gasped at the pain, pleasure effect.
Jimin lapped at the mark then flopped back, Jungkook rolled off him panting.
Jimin felt a rush of emotions knowing they were coming from his mate, Jungkook too felt the connection,he could also feel Jimins wave of tiredness.
"Let me clean you up your tired, we can shower tomorrow."
Jimin tried to get up but felt like he had no strength in him so he nodded.
Jungkook washed himself off in the bathroom then brought a wet cloth and a towel out, wiping Jimin up.
He knew Jimin must be really tired as no way would he let the other do this intimacy at another time, even though each knew the others body.
He came back to the bed, Jimin was on his side allowing Jungkook to see what the mark had transformed into, it was a crown, he smiled.
"Your my queen," he murmured
"Prince...," a tired voice said.
"Princess," Jungkook countered," your mark is a crown..."
"Let me see yours," Jimin opened his eyes.
"What is it? Is it manly and strong like me?"
Jimin chuckled.
"It's a crown too....,with a heart around it!"
"Why did I get the heart not you?!?" He whined.
Jimin smiled," because I've given my heart to you,and you are like a king to me, someone I love and look up to,"
"Hmmm ok...."
"Even when your being a childish brat," Jimin added.
"Hey!! Be nice...,actually go to sleep I can feel you have no energy left,"
"And I can hear and feel your dominant attitude, I'll let you get away with it now because your right, cuddle me Kookie, I've missed that."
"Sure....., get comfy babe and I'll cuddle you."
Jimin did so easing into sleep as soon as Jungkooks arms were around him.
Jungkook sighed finally his mate was his , it had taken a while but they got there.
He dozed off comfortably .
Three hours later Jimin woke up feeling nauseous , he covered his mouth slipping from the bed and hurrying to the bathroom.
He threw up sinking to the floor and hugging the toilet,
"Jimin?" A rough sleep filled voice said, he walked into the bathroom .
"Baby you can't stay like that!"
"I know I just eurgh!" He threw up slightly and then felt better. Flushing the toilet he got up looking pale.
He cleaned his teeth and then Jungkook picked him up and carried him gently to the bed.
"There's bottled water in the fridge, do you want some?"
Jimin nodded so Jungkook got it. Jimin sipped some then lay back.
"Sorry I woke you, "
"Don't be silly Jimin, we both made this pup, I can't do much for you your doing all the hard stuff."
"Will you still love me when I'm fat and ugly,"
"Hey! You'll be never be ugly, you will get big of course but that's because your keeping our pup safe."
Jimin made grabby hands,
"Come here my sweet talking mate, your scent calms me I will go back to sleep...."
Jungkook spooned his mate gently rubbing his stomach. Jimin drifted off easily while Jungkook stared into the darkness ,Dad...., smiling as he thought of a little pup running around after him.

The Strong Alpha and shy omegaWhere stories live. Discover now