Forever grateful for what I have

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As the weeks went by Jimin got more nervous and snappy.
"Jimin I have a business dinner tomorrow would you like to come?
"Do I look like I should eat more? I'm like a hippo, I can barely move I look fat and ugly!"
"You look adorable,"
"Huh, no I'm not going,"
"Shall I cancel then I don't like to leave you on your own?"
"I'm an adult Jungkook I can manage to look after myself."
"But it's only two weeks til your due..."
"Exactly,two weeks,just go to your meal ..."
Jungkook sighed, he knew Jimin was struggling with the whole thing. He didn't feel in control of his own body and got annoyed because of it.
The next day Jimin got up late, he'd finally admitted that he couldn't go into work anymore so now he got up when he wanted.
"Ouch! What are you two up to in there?" He asked as he felt a niggle in his abdomen.
He got up lazily dressing, he looked through baby books and did his daily check on the nursery to make sure everything he'd read about was there.
He went out in the garden to pick some flowers, dropping one he bent down to pick it up.
"Oooof!ok kids this isn't fair behave,"
Jungkook rang.
"Jimin you ok,"
"Of course.... I'm picking flowers,"
"Oh,ok, I'll be home slightly early to change, you sure you don't want to come, it's a boat restaurant?"
"Eugh no I'll probably feel sick from the movement.."
"Oh ,well I'll see you later,"
Jimin pottered around  then lay out some clothes for Jungkook to wear , he looked at his own wardrobe forlornly , "your mumma is fat...., but that means your growing well, so I won't worry about how I look."
A sharp kick caught Jimin unawares,
"You two are showing me whose boss Eh?"
Jungkook came home and showered, Jimin looked at his sexy mate who stood with just a towel around him drying his hair. He sighed.
"You sure your ok? I've felt like you've been a bit off?"
"I'm just wondering if I will ever feel confident in my body again......., you look so sexy and I feel like a blob,"
"Well your my blob and I love how you look,"
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"Did it?"
"Nah...., it's ok I'm just feeling sorry for myself today."
"I can stay if you want me too?"
"No I'm just being a diva, you go out and show them how clever my Alpha is."
"Will do babe, rest up I'll see you later," he kissed Jimin thoroughly making his heart flutter then left.
The restaurant was a steam paddle boat that moved slowly along the river then back.
Many people got on board, Jungkooks group had one of the best tables.
Jungkook was being his usual social self, but he felt uncomfortable, it was niggly maybe something he ate didn't agree with him.
Jimin had a shower he grabbed Jungkooks sweats and T shirt putting them on. He had to bend down to roll the legs up a bit.
"Aahh! " a pain shot across his stomach, he bent over holding his sides.
He felt scared, these pains today it was normal right? He looked for his phone he would call Jin and ask.
It wasn't upstairs so he must have left it downstairs, he walked quickly going down the stairs when his stomach cramped.
" not now!"
He quickened his steps not realising the trouser leg had come down, as if in slow motion his foot caught and he tumbled down the stairs cradling his stomach but knocking himself out cold.
Jungkook  was restless he was sure something wasn't right, he excused himself and tried calling Jimin but there was no answer, maybe he was asleep?
He couldn't sense much from Jimin but if he was asleep that would make sense? He gripping pain shot through him and he gasped.....
He made his way to the staff member overlooking the diners.
"Yes Alpha can I help you?"
"When do we get back?"
"In about forty minutes,"
"No I need to get off sooner, something is wrong,"
"There is a landing spot ten minutes away I will get the captain to divert."
"Thank you,"
He made his way to his dinner guests apologising that he had to leave.
He stood at the boat edge frustratedly waiting when his phone rang.
"K-Kookie....,help me,it hurts, I-I fell ,I've killed my babies, Kookie help me ple......."
"Jimin! Jimin shit baby hang on!"
He rang Jin,
"Jin somethings happened I'm stuck on a boat Jimins fallen....,he said the babies...."
"Kook I'll go right away, where are you docking,I'll send Joon,"
"Hurry Jin he sounds weak,I can't lose him, the door key code is 1395,please save him...."
Jin called for an ambulance to meet him at Jimins, Namjoon hurriedly drive off for Jungkook while Jin got to Jimin.
He put the code in hurrying inside, Jimin was passed out holding his phone, he had a huge bump on his head.
He dropped down to examine him. Jimin came around,
" Jin I fell, they're not moving..., I killed my babies....!"
"Sssh,calm down ,did you hurt anything else?"
"My head and my ankle I think but that doesn't matter..."
Jin worriedly checked him over , suddenly the ambulance arrived, Jin quickly relayed what had gone on , they came to Jimin when suddenly he groaned,
"Jin I don't feel....."
"Jimin! Jimin! Shit hurry up let's get him to hospital it's an emergency!"
When Jungkook and Namjoon arrived, they were greeted by Tae,Hobi and Suga.
"Where is he what's happened? " Jungkook yelled
"He's in surgery," Tae whispered with tears in his eyes.
"Oh god Jimin...!"
Sudden cries were heard and they all looked at each other. Jungkook paced back and forth staring at the operating doors. Forty minutes later they opened Jin walked through followed by two nurses pushing cribs.
"Congratulations Jungkook you have a girl and a boy," he said tiredly.
Jungkook looked down to see two small perfect beings,
"They are ok?"
"Yes they are fine the nurses will take them to the nursery.
Jungkook nodded then looked around him,
"When will Jimin be out he's ok isn't he?"
"Sit down Jungkook....."
"What,no he's not....,"
"No,no, when Jimin fell he was experiencing an abruption, he might have had little niggles through the day. When he fell I'm assuming the pain caused it. He banged his head badly and twisted his ankle. His BP went sky high, I think because he was trying to get help..., he came to when I got there but blacked out..., he...., Jungkook the abruption was bad we got the twins out in time but Jimin was losing a lot of blood, we had to take out his reproductive organs there was too much damage on top of that he's slipped into a coma..., I'm sorry..., they will take him to a private room soon."
Jungkook was stunned, his baby had been hurt bad,he hadn't been there.
He bent over in the chair howling in grief. The others stood with tears in their eyes seeing him so distraught.
"Jin.., Jimin will recover right?" Tae asked.
"Yes, I'm not sure how long the coma will last but it helps that he's out of it so he can heal."
Jungkooks head came up," I'm staying with him,"
"Ok we can arrange that but while you wait go hold your babies, Jimin can't be there but you can."
"I'll call mum and dad," Tae said
Jungkook nodded then all of them went along to the nursery.
The others stood outside looking in as Jungkook gingerly went in.
"Alpha here's your daughter..."
The baby girl was asleep a definite pout on her lips. Jungkook took her to the window for the others to see, they all smiled and looked on.
"Hey little girl you pout like your Mumma when he can't get his own way,"
The baby gripped his finger in his sleep and he cooed at her, putting her down he picked up his son,
The baby was wide awake staring at him with doe eyes like his own,
"Oh daddy can see who you will be like have you had enough of sleeping and want to see the world, come look at your uncles"
Carrying him over he held him close to his own face so they could see the resemblance . Big smiles greeted him.
"These people will always be there for you son so be good to them"
His son yawned and almost gave a tiny growl before falling asleep.
Jin walked in," Jimins in his room, he's being given blood and a lot of machines are monitoring him,as he can't feed them yet they will be given donated milk, come I'll take you to him."
He went out and they all followed Jin.
"Your babies are so cute, I'm an uncle! Mum and dad are flying back as soon as they can."
Jungkook nodded then they all stepped quietly into a room.
Jimin looked small and pale a massive bruise on his head machines beeping around him and a drip feeding blood into him.
Jungkook went and sat with him holding his hand the others watching with tears in their eyes.
"Hey baby, you didn't need to scare me like this, I told you I would have stayed now look at us... Jimin wake up baby I need you so much, I want to see your smile, I want to hear you tell me off...., come on baby wake up!"
"Kook I'll go back and get some stuff for you both ok," Tae said unable to watch his brother in this state. One by one they said their goodbyes leaving Jungkook alone with his mate, finally crying as he held his hand tight.
Two days passed, Jungkooks parents came and gushed over their grandchildren while comforting their son. They made him take a walk outside as he'd been stuck in the hospital for two days.
He was learning how to take care of his babies too, nurses brought them to the room showing him how to feed them a bottle and change them.
As if they knew things weren't right they barely cried in the hospital room.
Jungkook lay each one with Jimin so they could get used to his scent, they nuzzled his chest as if they wanted to suckle.
"Soon babies soon,"
Jungkook slept on a sofa in the room , refusing to go home. Sometimes he lay next to Jimin cradling his still form.
Friends and family came by each day but Jimin didn't rouse.
Nearly two weeks passed,Jin said Jimin was healing well internally and the bruise had gone down, so had his swollen ankle.
They spoke about moving the twins home as they were healthy but Jungkook couldn't bring himself to do it yet, he had been doing work on his laptop as well as looking after the twins but all he wanted was Jimin to wake up.
A day later and Jungkook was asleep on the sofa it was nine in the evening and the hospital was quiet.
Jimin opened his eyes wondering where he was, it came rushing back to him and he placed his hand on his now flat stomach. Pitiful sobs came from him waking Jungkook up.
"Jimin! Thank god! Baby don't cry your going to be ok," he rushed over to hug him but Jimin turned his head away.
"I-I'm sorry...., I killed our babies..., I'm useless you probably want someone better....."
Jungkook forcefully turned his head to him claiming his lips passionately.
"Don't you ever say that, our babies are fine, like me they have just been waiting for you to wake up."
"Really? They are ok?"
"They are, we have a son and daughter,"
"I want to see them!"
"You will but...., Jimin there were problems ,we nearly lost them and you...., they...they had to do surgery to remove your uterus..., I'm so sorry Jimin but there will be no more babies..."
Jimin stared up at him with watery eyes," I'm sorry Kookie..., I'm sorry I can't give you a big family...."
"Baby it's you I'm worried about, as long as I have you I'm fine!"
"You don't see me as deficient?"
"No never!"
"Well then..., we have two children so we should be grateful for what we have shouldn't we?"
"I am, very grateful to you for making my life complete and giving me my family,"
"I love you Kookie,"
"I love you too, now let's see about getting the babies here and telling everyone your awake!"
Jimin was checked over then the twins were brought to him. He stared at them in awe," so beautiful,"
"Yes," Jungkook said but he was looking at Jimin who blushed." They are hungry little devils too, but I can feed them and change their nappies!"
Jimin looked sad," I had hoped to feed them guess I can't ,"
As if to prove him wrong his son nuzzled against him causing a wet patch to appear on his shirt.
"Wait,let me help,"
Jungkook lifted Jimin top to see his nipple leaking milk, he placed the baby near and it latched on suckling hungrily.
"Whose a clever boy then?" Jimin whispered to his son.
Jungkook thought it was a beautiful sight and he was slightly jealous that someone other than him got to suck those sensitive nipples .
"Stop perving I know what you're thinking, what names shall we give them?"
"What do you think?"
"Erm..., Jiah after my mother and Kwan, it means strong, I think he is going to be strong like you."
"They are great names, Jiah and Kwan,"
Baby Kwan had stopped feeding and dozed of, Jiah chose that moment to wake up and mewl so Jimin let her feed from the other side before she too fell asleep.
Jungkook then helped Jimin to the bathroom where he had the quickest shower as he was still wobbly then changed into fresh pjs .
The pair cuddled together on the bed falling asleep together and taking care of the twins when they woke up.
Seven weeks later and the whole family were back home settled in a routine and enjoying family life.
Jungkook had a hard time when his rut came weeks earlier as Jimin hadn't been given the ok yet so he suffered the pain insisting it wasn't so bad.
His parents doted on the babies and now that they were permanently bottle fed everyone helped out.
Jimin had been out during the day, he went to get his hair done and pay a visit to Jin, he'd also spoken to Jungkooks parents who arrived at his house not long after Jimin did.
"Hey mum dad, nice of you to come over," Jungkook said opening the door carrying his babies as Jimin said he had something to do upstairs.
"Oh we are not stopping dear, are Jiah and Kwan ready?"
"Hi , mum, dad, this holds their clothes, this one has their formula nappies etc, you can put them in one crib we put in your spare room, so yes they are good to go."
"Jimin why are they going, what's wrong?"
"We are babysitting Jungkook, give you and Jimin time on your own, we do know how to look after babies you know!"
"I know but, aren't they too young, what if they cry because they miss us?"
"I've put a t shirt of yours in with your scent on, Kookie they will be fine now put them in their car seats,"
Jungkook grumbled but did as he was told,
"We will come over lunchtime tomorrow is that ok?" Jimin asked.
"Of course sweetie, bye bye,"
They drove off, Jungkook was still grumbling,
"You didn't even ask me, why give our kids away, they. Will probably cry, then how will you feel huh?"
Jimin stared at his dumb mate, didn't he wonder why Jimin had done it, he huffed going upstairs and slamming the door stripping off his clothes and cursing his mate as he showered.
Jungkook sat on the sofa holding a teddy, he suddenly felt all Jimins emotions, why had Jimin done it he hadn't bothered asking.
He went upstairs opening the door to find Jimin drying his hair a towel slung around his slim body.
"Was there a reason you arranged this?"
"Oh now he's interested, you think I want my babies away from me no, do I think we need alone time yes and now Jins given me the all clear I....."
He barely finished when he was grabbed and thrown on the bed jungkook hovering over him.
"You have, I'm sorry baby it's been a while so I wondered why but now..." he whipped Jimins towel away his eyes travelling possesively over him, he leaned down latching onto a sensitive nipple sucking hard.
"Mmmm these are mine now...."
He quickly undressed and the room was soon filled with panting breaths and needy moans, loud screams and silence only for it to start up over and over .
Jimin fell over his lover.
"No more.... It's too much pleasure at once and my ass hurts!"
"I can't help it babe, your too irresistible , what time did we say tomorrow, oh , today?"
"Hmmmm? One more for the road?"
'Oh Kookie 'was soon followed by ' more Kookie', then the pair fell asleep tangled together.
Life was different now but good different, every day they were thankful for what they had, their children, their family and their everlasting love for each other.
The End

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