The consideration of nature

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Jungkook had returned to the table to find Jimin gone.
Raising his brows at Jin the other shrugged innocently,
"He said he needed the bathroom,I didn't notice he'd taken his jacket," he lied.
"I'm going..." Jungkook rushed out.
"You let him go didn't you babe?" Namjoon said.
"I may have suggested he run while he had the chance,"
"Babe, everyone knows you don't run from a wolf,especially an Alpha who's senses are heightened more than normal!"
"Oh yer...., we'll the stubborn idiots need a push,"
"Poor Jimin,"
"Yer poor Jimin"
Jungkook had got in his car driving off keeping his eyes open for Jimin.
Ten minutes later he caught a glimpse of him sitting on a bus. He smirked putting his foot down and passing it driving to Jimins, hiding his car behind a hedge.
He stood in the shadows of Jimins house and soon enough the small figure turned up.
He was mumbling away.
"Stupid Alpha I'm not scared of him,"
"Good I'd hate my mate to be scared of me," Jungkook said stepping forward.
"Holy shit!! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!?!"
"Oh no..., that's not the feeling I want you to have..." Jungkook smirked.
"Well...., I'm er tired so goodnight...." Jimin said trying to unlock the door but dropping his keys and bending over to pick them up.
"Aaaah now that's a view I could get used too,"
"Pervert, get lost!"
"You act like a little virgin..., but you can't be..., can you?"
"Duh! No I have mind blowing sex with anyone when my heat is on, !"
"Well now you'll have it with me, nobody else."
"Says you..I can do what I want,"
Jungkook stopped the banter and became serious,
"I mean it Jimin, no one but me, you understand?"
Jimin had managed to get the door open behind his back, he suddenly looked past Jungkook frowning,
"Tae? What's up?"
Jungkook swung around and Jimin rushed inside licking the door.
"You little.....," Jungkook growled banging on the door.
"Go away, I don't need you, I don't need anyone I don't choose!" Jimin yelled, but the words sounded like a scared small child and Jungkook was reminded what had happened to his little omega at his fathers hands.
He sighed," tonight I'll leave you be, but soon Jimin, I'm gonna make you scream my name..."
He went to walk away but Jimin had to have the last word.
"Well if your name is arsehole I'll scream that anytime!!"
Jungkook couldn't help himself, he laughed, his mate was a shy but fiesty character!
He went home, still chuckling to himself. If he was honest the to and fro of their conversations made life more fun, too many people gave in to him because he was the Alpha.
Once inside he made for the bathroom to ease Jungkook junior who was still hard. He thought of Jimin as he pleasured himself and his orgasm when it came was intense.
Jimin waited for the Alpha to leave but when he did he felt ansty. His body felt warm his wolf was berating him for letting his mate go. Unable to stop the bombardment of his senses he stripped off his clothes, opened the back door and transformed into a small white wolf.
He ran and ran,feeling slightly calmer but still had a niggle of something happening.
He got back and showered putting on a light t shirt and shorts as he still felt warm. He went to his room and lay down but couldn't get comfortable so he cocooned himself in his bed. About to drift off he shot up, this was like when his heat was due, but it couldn't be, he'd actually had his heat while in hospital and the doctors had sedated him so he wasn't affected much, he wasn't due his heat now.
Damn that alpha it was him getting him riled up nothing else, just stress .
It was Saturday Jungkook woke up rolling onto his back.
If his omega wasn't such a smart arse they could be here, together, probably doing the dirty with each other. He groaned as he felt himself harden. Getting up he went to the shower , relieving himself, but he felt tense inside like when his rut was due, although he knew it wasn't yet.
God he had to get Jimin inside before that happened!
His phone buzzed, it was Namjoon and Jin inviting him to meet up at the coffee shop.
He sent a message back then picked his car keys up and left.
Jimin woke up feeling like he was going to combust . He felt feverish and off kilter and wether he liked it or not his heat was here. He stood under a cool shower trying to calm his inner beast, then crawled back into bed, huddled under the covers holding his aching body. He had never gone through this alone, before convenient friends had helped but now....., with a painful moan he closed his eyes trying to sleep.
Jungkook sat outside the coffee shop with his friends.
"So.....,what's going on with you and Jimin?" Jin asked
"Right now nothing...., he knows he's my mate but I think because of his past he is wary of being anyone's partner...., I thought I didn't want a mate but....."
"You can't deny your mate, the pull is so strong ,"
"Yer...., I'm finding that out!"
"Well at least Tae and Hobi finally sorted themselves out." Namjoon said
"Oh yer you'd left by then, turns out Tae is Hobi's mate, they have been circling each other for months. Hobi wanted Tae to reach his potential that he knew he had in him, Tae just thought Hobi thought he was too irresponsible and young. Last night Hobi realised hour brother is all grown up and available, he didn't like the looks he was being given by others when he was dancing, so he claimed him."
"What! All this time..., when you say claimed....?"
"As in marked him last night in Hobi's office while they were doing the business..., as Tae gleefully told me this morning!" Jin said.
"Shit, if my baby brother can do it......"
Jin and Namjoon laughed.
Jungkook fidgeted in his seat feeling off.
"You ok Kook?" Jin asked.
"I dunno maybe I'm coming down with something, it's like I'm nearing my rut...., but it's not due....."
Namjoon and Jin looked at each other then Namjoon cleared his throat,
"Er Kook, sometimes if you've found your mate well..., nature gives you a little push, it somehow makes you both in heat....,at the same time, to join you sooner rather than later."
"What? Jesus, I hope Jimin changes his mind soon then!"
"Jungkook, when did you start feeling like this?"
"A bit last night but more so today, why Jin?"
"Damn, if your coming into your rut it probably means Jimins heat is already triggered, he's probably in pain if he hasn't got a willing partner."
"What! I've gotta go..." he dashed off driving straight to Jimins .
As he got closer to the front door the scent was strong, he breathed it in, feeling horny.
He knocked on the door..., minutes passed and he knocked again.
A small voice spoke." Sorry I can't aaaagh! I can't let you in....."
"Jimin it's me, your having your heat aren't you, let me in, I can help you.
""N-no imaaaargh!!" A small sob was heard," it hurts Jungkook..., make it stop ...,"
"Let me in baby, let me help you, I can take away the pain."
"Y-you won't mark me?"
Jungkook felt pain as his mate asked that,
"No it will be like your other...., partners,just help you through it,if you'll let me in?"
A few minutes later the door opened showing a sweating duvet wrapped omega curling up in pain.
Jungkook walked in kicking the door shut he walked to Jimin letting the omega nuzzle against him.
"So hot...., touch me Kookie," Jimin moaned throwing the duvet off and showing his mate his naked body.
"Oh fuck Jimin....., at this rate I'm not gonna last,"
He picked the boy up and carried him in to his bedroom.

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