A home.....of sorts

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Jimin looked at the room he had just cleaned, whoever had owned this place before hadn't taken care of it, probably why he got it so cheaply.
After the fiasco with his family he had spent time in hospital, the beating he'd taken severe. His fathers words 'this is for your own good' as he hit him over and over waiting for him to give in, we're words he would never forget or forgive. What parent would nearly kill their child just to get them to cave in?
His father had left him on the floor and stormed out, his mother had called a cab telling the driver to take him to hospital, she had pressed a rucksack with some clothes and his phone then an envelope into his hand and whispered," I'm sorry Jimin, I'm not strong enough to go against him, this envelope contains a bank book that has money your grandmother left you, he didn't want you to have it but couldn't take it from you, go, get better but don't come back, he will kill you, I'm so sorry Jimin, be safe.I'll make it look as if you left while I was asleep."
The cab driver had been paid extra not to talk and to see Jimin was looked at.
Jimin had been seen immediately, when asked who did it he had turned away. The doctor realising that the omega may have been hurt by family booked him in under the name Jiyhyun so that anyone searching would not find him.
Jimin had spent three days in hospital. He used his time wisely looking up time tables and places to stay. He finally looked at the bank book astonished at the amount there, he'd changed his search to places to buy and had found this house online.
It had said in need of repair but Jimin was taken with the fact it was on the edge of town and backed onto a forest.
He'd paid for it unseen and made his way here after being informed by the doctor that an alpha was looking for his runaway partner.
Arriving here after two days of travelling rather than be disheartened by the place he felt excited to make it better.
The few belongings he had brought were put in the bedroom, the first room he cleaned , his chest hurt but he was determined to have one room liveable.
He'd gone to a shop for food then saw the tattoo parlours advert.
Now two days later he was the proud owner of a home and a tattoo!
A lot of the furniture that was left was old and rickety, he burnt it in the back yard.
He slept in a sleeping bag on the floor and couldn't wait for the few items of furniture he had ordered to be delivered .
Hot after cleaning the bathroom he sat outside with a cool drink. He knew he could get people in to do this work he still had enough money plus he had the earnings from his old job where he had worked as a PA to a young CEO.
He frowned, he had liked working there, had never felt unworthy and could hold his own against arrogant Alphas who thought he should be honoured by their interest.
It was the young CEO that had placed a large box on his desk one day telling him that maybe he would feel better taking these.
On opening it he found tablets and a note which said one a day would make him less susceptible to an Alphas advances and it was true.
He had hidden them in his rucksack not wanting his parents to know, he was now down to his last packet so he needed to contact the site that sold them.
He thought back to the day he had his tattoo and the handsome Alpha, funnily enough he had smelt the others scent more strongly than usual but he put it down to the effects of the previous days immunity wearing off. His routine had stopped while he was in hospital maybe he needed it to build up again, as even if the Alpha was handsome didn't mean he had to let him know. Alphas were off the market for now as far as he was concerned.
Standing up he went back inside smiling as he saw the now gleaming bathroom.
Next the kitchen, although he'd swept and run a cloth around it needed a lighter colour to brighten the place up, so getting the paint and brushes he'd bought this morning he started painting satisfied with the pastel blue colour. He jumped as a sudden clap of thunder started, he wasn't a fan off storms but he gritted his teeth and carried on painting ignoring the outside rain and thunder as he concentrated on giving new life to his home.
Jungkook stared out the window as lightening shot across the sky, the day had turned dark wet and miserable, it suited his mood.
"I found him!"
Jungkook turned as Suga came in.
"Where? Where is he?"
"Right under our noses, old man Choi , his old house"
"What? Is that place even liveable?"
"The agent I spoke to said they sold it to him at a reduced fee, due to the state of it. They said he didn't even quibble about the price."
Jungkook turned to the window looking at the heavy rain.
"What if the roof leaks....."
"Why don't you just go? You've been grumpy since you last saw him,"
"Have not..., anyway why wasn't I informed we had a newcomer in town?"
"Dunno agency said they sent the report through,"
"Damn it...," he pressed a button on his desk phone,Tae come in here."
A moment later a handsome male walked in.
"Can you at least pretend you acknowledge me as the Alpha ?"
"Duh, ok, you called mighty alpha how can I help,"
Jungkook looked at his brother who could be very irritating.
"Did you get notice of someone moving into old man Chois place?"
"Erm...., oh yer."
"So what? Some dumb fuck is moving into that ramshackle place, it will probably fall down around them!"
An angry growl was heard and Tae felt his shoulder gripped hard," that dumb fuck' is my mate!"
"Woah easy bro, I thought once they saw it they would reconsider, you mean they have actually moved in, fuck!"
"Easy Jungkook, you know Tae didn't know he was your mate."
"He?wow the bitches in town are going to be pissed!"
"You have some objection to my mate being a male omega?"
"Hell no! Is he cute can I see him?"
Jungkook suddenly smiled,
"What a good idea Tae let's go now as the town welcoming party."
"But there's a storm outside!"
"All the more reason to make sure my mate is safe, you damn idiot!!" He growled collecting his keys and pushing Tae out the door.
It had seemed a good idea Jimin thought as he hung on trying not to slide down. Water had started dripping through the ceiling first slowly then at a faster rate, although pouring he had gone outside and looked at the roof to see tiles dislodged in the wind, they just needed to be pushed into place. He had found a ladder in the shed and after some effort got it up against the roof.
Gingerly he climbed up,' it will be ok' he thought the mantra going through his head over and over as he fought against the storm to climb up. He hated storms and he hated heights but unless he wanted the ceiling to cave in he had to do this.
Shaking as he got onto the roof he made his way to the hole. He slid a bit and he felt his heart pound. Gulping he got to the tiles pushing them into place then suddenly heard a thud. Turning he saw the ladder was no longer there, shit now what! He curled up as lightening flashed across the sky, was this it he thought, would his gravestone read 'died due to a storm.....' he started laughing hysterically,oh god he didn't want to die! If he could transform he's sure the jump wouldn't kill him but for some reason an overwhelming fear of storms stopped him being able to change , so here he was stuck on a roof that was wet and slippery.
Jungkook thought over how he'd introduce himself,
"Hi remember me we met the other day"
"Hey omega your my mate want to party?"
"So mate how come your not affected by me?"
All these thoughts ran through his head as he neared his destination.
"What the hell!" Tae said
Jungkook looked to where Tae was looking ," oh fuck!!"
He and Tae watched the small male trying to hang onto the roof.
"Why doesn't he change and Jump?"Tae asked worriedly
Jungkook parked up getting out quickly.
"I dunno there must be a reason," he started to run to the house Tae following.
Jimin was cold and wet and resigned to something bad happening.
He suddenly heard a voice," hold on I'll get you!"
That and the sudden loud clap of thunder made him jump, his precarious hold gone he found himself tumbling downwards relieved as his world turned black and he passed out.

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