Life now

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"Why hasn't he woken?"
"Kook he's had a lot of stress,"
"Look at his little wrist he got hurt and I wasn't there.."
"The bruises will go..."
"But he hurt him!"
"And now he can't hurt anyone again..."
"But Jimins still....."
"Eugh! Shut up you two so noisy!!"
Jimin opened his eyes to see a concerned looking Jungkook with Jin by his side.
"Jimin are you ok you passed out.."
"I'm fine, I suppose I just felt a bit overwhelmed."
"I'll leave you two alone, the guests have gone anyway."
Jimin sat up quickly," oh damn Kookie your party!!!"
"They understood..., Alpha Lai and your father are gone too, they won't bother others again. Your old pack has some suitable people there it just needs to be decided who should be the Alpha of the pack."
"At least others won't suffer anymore......"
"And you need to think about the fact you don't have to look over your shoulder anymore,your free of them."
"Yes.....,I want to find where my mother is buried or her ashes at least....."
"Can you wait a couple of days I will take you?"
Jimin thought then nodded,yawning.
"Ok, this suit isn't going to be comfortable to sleep in, you need to change."
Jimin put on a whiny voice......" but I'm too tired...."
Before he knew it he was stood up and firm hands undressed him.
"You looked really good in this suit but you look even better without it."
"We are not having sex..."
"Did I say we were?"
"No but Kookie junior looks ready,excuse me I'm showering...alone!"
He went to the bathroom closing and locking the door.
Jungkook looked ruefully down at himself,
"Sorry junior..., not tonight!"
A short time later and Jimin came out went to Jungkooks closet and pulled out a t shirt, he had taken a shine to wearing them. He crawled into bed hearing the sound of the shower and that was the last he remembered.
Jungkook came out drying his hair, he looked at the bed and saw Jimin curled up fast asleep.
He stared at him for a while and brushed his hair off his face.
"Mama......." The little omega mumbled obviously dreaming of her.
Jungkook felt sorrow for his mate, life hadn't been kind to him, but he was determined to make things better.
He climbed into the bed gently pulling Jimin across him and leisurely rubbing his back his hand sliwing as he fell asleep.
He woke to an empty bed, washing and dressing he came downstairs to hear Jimin talking with Tae and Hobi who had stayed over.
"I'm fine honestly, so what do you want for breakfast?"
Jungkook walked in to see his mate with dark circles under his eyes.
"Jimin didn't you sleep well?"
"Um I just woke up early..."
"How early?"
"Four  thirty"
"Go back to bed"
"Your obviously tired..."
"I'm fine! I'm going to work we have plenty to do!"
"Oooh, bossy Jimin, neat," Tae said.
Jungkook glared at his brother and Jimin turned to start cooking food.
Soon all four were eating, Tae's gaze darted between the mates about to say something Hobi nudged him and shook his head, so Tae sighed instead.
Jimin collected the plates and took them to the sink.
"It's ok Jimin, I'll do it go get ready for work," Hobi said.
Jimin nodded thanking him.
He was tired but he felt pathetic giving into it, he was stronger than this.
He washed and changed coming back down.
"Well we are off,take care Jimin don't let my bossy brother take control."
"Tae..." Jungkook growled.
Jimin couldn't help laughing and waved the two off.
"Ready?" Jungkook asked in a neutral voice not looking at Jimin.
"I'm sorry...., I just want to keep busy and stop feeling pathetic...."
Jungkook hugged him," your not pathetic, you've been dealing with a lot it's bound to affect you..., let's go get this show on the road."
They entered the boardroom which gradually filled up with the other alphas and their staff.
The meeting got underway,at first it was easy going then to Jimin it seemed like they turned into squabbling kids,one wouldn't like the fact that he had to get more homes built for his growing pack,another whined about there not being a security staff like Jungkook had, it went on and on.
Jeez these were the so called responsible Alohas Jimin thought.
He looked up to see everyone staring at him, Jungkook was hiding a smile.
"What?" He whispered.
"I don't think you meant to say that out loud love,"
Jimin was mortified.
"Oh sorry um....."
"How would you deal with this then ?" One of the younger alphas said smiling at him.
"Me? Oh I........, well as your asking. You've all come here to discuss your packs and rules but that's it, why aren't you combining forces at other times? You sir, get Jungkooks security to train some of your pack and you... surely the other packs can help build homes and the rest of you, share the talents of your pack find out what is needed. We are multi packs, but we serve one law, we should combine computerised lists of what is needed to be done and where, pack members could volunteer if it was made available to them."
The room was quiet then,
"You have yourself a true mate there Alpha Jeon, he will make a good Luna to your pack."
"I thank you and yes he is unique,"
Jimin blushed and apologised for butting in,sitting down quietly.
The meeting carried on but Jimin felt his eyes drooping,Jungkook noticed.
"Let's have a break shall we? Coffee will be served."
Staff members brought jugs of coffee in and began serving. Everyone stood around chatting,Jungkook pulled Jimin aside.
"Go use my couch in my office,I'll tell staff not to go in."
Jimin nodded and went into Jungkooks office laying on the couch he didn't know why he felt so tired but he gladly fell asleep.
The meeting progressed and then it was lunch,caterers brought in food and the Alphas ate and laughed and joked .
"So Jungkook, I expect next time we see you you'll have pups?"
"Not in my plans at the moment , plenty of time."
"Oh? I'm sure your mate will want some,won't you Jimin?"
Jungkook turned seeing Jimin there.
"Ah Jimin do you feel better now?"
"Yes." He said in a monotone.
Jungkook frowned," er maybe you should eat?"
"No thank you."
Jimin walked away talking to some other omegas that were staff of the Alphas.
The food was cleared and the meeting resumed. Jimin sat quietly taking notes,after this mornings mayhem the afternoon flew by in fact by end of day everything that needed to be discussed had been.
"Well gentleman I admit to be surprised we got through it all in one day! Your rooms have been kept for tonight as well so please make use of them and travel home safely tomorrow."
There was a lot of patting each other on the back as they left.
"That went well.., I'll be ready to take you back in fifteen minutes Jimin."
"It's ok I'm staying at mine tonight I'll get a taxi."
"What? Why...."
"I need to pack to travel, also I've been thinking I might stay a few days there so I will go by train you have plenty to do here."
"Stay?do you need to?"
"Yes,apart from locating my mother I have to go to the house it needs to be emptied out, he won't be going back."
"Oh...,I didn't think of that..., but I can still take you."
"No,it's not necessary and I ...., I want to be alone for a while."
Jungkook was irritated,Jimin seemed to be brushing him off and he didn't like it.
"Well I don't like it," he said stubbornly.
"It's not a case of what you like it's my decision not yours....,good evening,"
He left leaving a frustrated Jungkook behind.
Damn it why couldn't he be a little more obedient sometimes?
He eventually left too, deciding he'd call Jimin in the morning to talk him around.
Jimin sat in his taxi, he noticed they were passing a pharmacy .
"Oh can we stop a minute I have to pick up something."
He returned a few minutes later with a bag clutched in his hand.
Once home he stared at the bag, he couldn't be could he? Is that why he felt tired?
Taking the contents out he followed the instructions.
He gazed in bewilderment at the lines that appeared.
He was pregnant!!
Earlier when he'd come into the room behind Jungkook he had heard the Alpha ask Jungkook about children and Jungkooks answer. At the time he felt upset that Jungkook was telling this to others before talking to him and then the more he thought about it he realised he'd been remiss in taking the contraception tablets even though he and Jungkook had an active sex life.
What would Jungkook think, hell they weren't even mated!
It just seemed to Jimin he fell out of one predicament into another . It was al too much, throwing the test in the wastebin he ran to his room and thre casual clothes into a case, he called a taxi and when it got there he was driven to the train station. Forty minutes later he was on his way back to the place he'd run from  his mind feeling frazzled and in shock.
Travelling through the night he got to his home in the early hours. He got dropped off at his old home and wearily walked to the door.
He searched for the spare key in the hiding place his mother had always put it in case Jimin forgot his late at night.
Slumping down on the sofa he pulled a throw over him turned his phone and fell into a deep sleep.

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