Sugar and spice and all things nice

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Jimin was all over Jungkook craving his touch wanting the needy pain to go.
"Wait up Jimin let me undress too..."
He stripped off, for Jimin it was like being served up a feast, the muscular Alpha was perfect .
Jimin leapt up into his arms, hooking his legs around the others waist and peppering Jungkooks neck with kisses.
Jungkook held onto the other his hands on his butt, squeezing feeling himself harden and Jimins arousal between them.
"Please......, just fuck me...."
"I don't care about the niceties fuck me now it's been hurting so long..."
Jungkook let out a low growl, pinning Jimin against the wall and positioning himself at the others wet opening, he thrust in powerfully, Jimin moaned in delight .
Both knew it wouldn't be long, Jimin didn't care he needed this right now and Jungkook was just as needy.
He thrust into Jimin as he kissed him passionately, swallowing down the others moans.
"Fuck your scent is like an aphrodisiac...."
"Harder please, I need ,I need......aaaaaaagh!!!!"
Jimin came, releasing between their bodies, with a few more harsh thrusts Jungkook followed.
He released hard inside Jimin, feeling the other clenching on his length.
Jimins head flopped against Jungkooks collarbone.
Jungkook walked to the bathroom turning in the shower and stepping under it with Jimin still like a koala around him.
"C'mon babe stand up now and wash up you can sleep better then."
Jimin stood on his feet swaying tiredly, not arguing when Jungkook washed him then dried him off carrying him back to the bedroom placing him in the bed.
"You need to sleep while you can, who knows when your heat will rise again..."
Jungkook lay behind him spooning him and Jimin was soon asleep.
Jungkook couldn't believe the feelings that erupted through him cuddling up to his mate. He'd heard how close that connection could be but had brushed it off but the reality was he knew he'd do anything to keep this little omega close and safe.
He dozed slightly but then he woke with a raging need, fuck, his rut had hit.
Jimin was restlessly moving in his sleep sweat had begun pouring off him.
Jungkook began kissing his neck, the others scent making his teeth want to elongate and bite down, but he held back, aware of his promise. Instead he nibbled along Jimins collarbone then down his chest.
"Don't stop me, my rut has hit too, I need to bury myself deep in you but first...."
His long tongue lapped Jimins skin, all the way down to the omegas growing arousal.
Jimin moaned out, his heat made him feel things more.
In seconds he felt Jungkook take him in his mouth, swirling his tongue around his length.
"Ahhh...,more "...., Jimin groaned.
Jungkook took his mouth off him and slipped lower to his puckered hole, eating him out.
Little panting breaths came from Jimin. Jungkooks long fingers found their way inside and he pushed in deeply licking the wetness that poured out of jimin.
"Oh god, please....."
Jungkook heard the neediness and growled then flipped Jimin over onto his knees. He nudged his legs apart then thrust inside deeply. Jimin whimpered in pleasure at the force of the others thrusts.
"Fuck your like a glove around my cock, so good......"
He watched his length disappear inside Jimin, the sight was erotic.
Jimin was screaming in pleasure and soon came hard.
Jungkook growled deep in his throat as Jimin clenched around him.
He pulled out quickly then flipped them, sitting Jimin astride him and re-entering him.
"Ride me..." he ordered
Jimin was exhausted and felt shy. He could see Jungkook staring at him as he rode him . His face reddened as he felt like he couldn't hide his reactions, so he closed his eyes, he bit his lip subconsciously as he rode his alpha.
Jungkook looking at him thought he'd never seen such an erotic sight. He could tell Jimin was shy about looking at him but he wanted him to.
"Look at me Jimin," he said using his Alpha voice.
Jimin couldn't help but obey, he stared down into the lust filled eyes looking up at him a rosy blush on his face.
Jimin felt Jungkooks hands on his hips as he started thrusting up quickly, it was like a dance between them both eager to reach their goal.
"I-I'm going to cum..." Jimin panted
"No..., wait for me," the alpha commanded.
Jimin writhed in pleasure holding onto his much needed release, as Jungkook started groaning and thrusting harder until...
"Now!" Jungkook ordered.
Both let their release come.
"Eurghhhhhh sooooo goooood!"
Heavy breathing was all that was heard, jimin flopped down onto Jungkooks chest.
"Rest my little omega ....., my rut will make me thirsty for you," Jungkook said knowing how sexual he was during his rut.
His announcement proved true the whole of the next day either he or Jimin pounced on each other stopping only now and then for food, sleep or showers.
It was early Monday morning when Jimin woke up feeling the heat gone he looked at the sleeping Alpha next to him and could see he too was in a more natural sleep.
He crept from the bed quietly washing up in the bathroom and then dressing. The Alpha hadn't moved, seemed like he normally was a heavy sleeper.
Jimin ate an apple and drank some milk then when the other still hadn't woken he wrote a note.
Thank you for your help, I've gone to work as your the boss I suppose it won't seem unnatural if you come in whenever you do, but obviously for appearances I need to be on time so that nobody gets suspicious.
That should do he thought as he let himself out of his house and made his way to work.
Jungkook had the most marvellous sleep his rut was over and the tiredness that came after had made him sleep solidly. He sighed as his hand reached out only to find an empty bed.
His eyes shot open," Jimin?"
Silence surrounded him, he got up calling the other then prowled around the house finally seeing the note.
He looked at it unbelieving...' thanks for your help' he felt like a used toy, but then wasn't that what his kind did in their heat and rut? But why did this anger him so much, was it because Jimin was trying to hide it away from others, whereas he wanted to shout it from the rooftops?
He growled out his frustration then dressed, he looked at the bed then stripped the used sheets off putting them in the dirty laundry he could have remade the bed but the petty side of him decided not to.
He went to his car, driving to his home then showering and dressing in his work clothes before driving off.
Let's see how Jimin would react to him in work, he wasn't going to make it easy on him, he'd had his mate and he wanted to keep him.

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