Love and harmony

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Jimin rushed out the house as soon as Tae got there.
"Your eager Jimin?"
"Yep , let's get this show on the road, I've booked us in at a hair salon for nine thirty."
"Ok let's go,"
They got there and had their hair restyled both going for lowlights to be added, Tae had a glossy chestnut tone added and Jimin decided on two darker blondes to be put in.
Once done both were pleased with the results.
Jimin had to keep to a time table so said to Tae he had messaged the other two to meet at Jungkooks for two.
"Hah, bet they weren't expecting that "Tae said.
"Before we go to your shop can we get a snack we are hungry"
"We?....oh of course, don't worry pup, uncle Tae will see you are fed."
They found a small cafe and ordered.
"At least this time you chose something edible Tae said watching his friend eat a chicken and avocado sandwich."
"Mmm, yummy"
Once they were done they went to Tae's shop . Jimin strolled around.
"These clothes are lovely Tae, your so talented."
"Thank you, I was thinking linen for a casual we look like models lunch?"
He went to a rack pulled out a dark brown suit with wider legs and loose long jacket topped with a caramel linen shirt.
"Oh Tae that will set your hair off perfectly!"
"Now for you...."
"Tae I think I've already put weight on since my red suit?"
"Let me measure...."
Two minutes later," gosh Jimin you've suddenly got a little bump how cute....!"
"It may be cute but it's already hard fitting into my normal clothes!"
"Hmm how about these?"
He pulled out white linen trousers with a loose pale blue linen long over shirt that had white embroidery featured in a panel either side.
"The secret is its a drawstring waist which the shirt covers, looks casually elegant especially with your hair and comfortable loafers ta da!"
"Wow,you have it all here!"
"Oh nearly forgot my man accessories, silver neck chain for you and these earrings ..., perfect, I'll wear a slim gold chain maybe a ring?"
"No,no ring....., I mean simple is best isn't it?" Jimin gabbled not wanting Tae to have a ring on as Hobi had one.
"Ok..., no ring..., shall we get ready?"
Both stepped out looking amazing, glancing at each other they both laughed.
"Damn who could resist us!" Tae said.
Jimins phone buzzed.
"I'll just take this Tae," he stepped aside Tae cleared up their old clothes and told his shop assistant to put them in his office.
"Jimin where are you please say your near Hobi is driving us nuts!"
"Just leaving is the house all done?"
"Ages ago mum was on full throttle , guests here flowers done just waiting for you two."
"Shit, Kookie how do I explain the cars in the drive!"
"Oops forgot that, never mind I'll come out as soon as you get here."
"Ok see you soon."
He turned round to see Tae walking towards him,
"That was Kookie he asked if we are on our way, you know reservations and all that...." He lied.
"I've a good mind to make them wait..."
Jimin panicked," er no baby needs to be fed come on."
They arrived at the house.
"Look at all these cars what's going on?"
"Er..., isn't that Jins maybe something had happened to Kookie er or Hobi?"
Tae rushed to the door just as it opened.
"Jungkook what's happened is Hobi ok?"
The alpha stared at his brother confused.
"Jins car..." Jimin indicated and Jungkook understood,
"Yes, it's his heart....."
Tae ran in," his heart ? Jimin giggled.
Jungkook shrugged as the pair walked in to find Tae frozen on the spot.
"Mum, dad?"
"Hi cutie surprise!"
The room was suddenly filled with friends clapping but Tae wasn't at ease until he saw Hobi step forward.
"Hi love er surprise! Sorry I've been ignoring you lately but I had to get this set up with Jimin and Jungkooks help of course."
Tae turned around," you knew and you let me bleat in about it! Jimin you have listened to me all morning!"
"I know Tae Tae and boy can you whine but look at this now, you look glamorous and you have your mate waiting to give you something."
Tae swung round to see Hobi on one knee,
"Tae will you do me the honour of becoming my life partner, my best friend, love of my life?"
He held out the ring, Tae looked down tearfully,
"Of course I will you nincompoop! You did all this for me? I love you!"
Hobi slipped the ring on Tae's finger and they kissed to loud whoops of joy.
Music suddenly blared out,
"This is DJ Suga let's get this motherfucking party started..., oops sorry Mr and Mrs Jeon!"
Everyone laughed,
"Don't worry Suga we agree with you!" The elder wolves said twirling together to the music, Hobi and Tae were smooching each others faces off as they danced and others joined in the dancing one by one.
Jimin felt Jungkooks arms encircle him from behind resting on his stomach.
"Your looking very sexy babe," Jungkook whispered into Jimins ear.
"Why thank you your not so bad yourself,"
Jimin leaned back against his husband.
"You know I'm really craving food right now..,"
"I'm craving you we haven't done it since the parents stayed over."
"Soon , they go in a few days."
"I don't know if I can wait that long !"
"Kookie! Take me to the food we are hungry..."
They both went to the king table where food was set up, Jin and Namjoon were there.
"Hi guys," Jimin said
"Hi yourself congrats by the way," Namjoon said
"How you doing Jimin?" Jin quizzed
"Fine, really..."
"Not doing too much?"
Jungkook frowned he could sense something from his mate, was it fear or something else.
"I've been pampered all day first Tae now Jungkook."
Jungkook then sensed an easing from his mate.
"That's what I'm here for babe," he kissed his mark on Jimins neck sending shivers through him.
"Who knew Hobi was this romantic," Jin sighed
"I'm romantic too I got your name tattooed on me," Namjoon said.
"It's where you got it that's the problem"
Jimin looked confused while Jungkook burst out laughing.
He whispered something in Jimins ear making him go red and look at the other couple.
"Yep, who wants a dick named after them," Jin sighed
"I told you honey it's not named after you it's more, this dick belongs to Jin!"
Jimin couldn't help it he burst out laughing bending over and shaking with mirth..
"I-I'm s-sorry Namjoon.....Jin he d-did it with good intentions! And it must have hurt!"
"I know,I know," Jin sighed," but romantic it's not!
"Yer I suppose you can't have it as a conversation piece"
"Can you imagine? Hey show us your tats, whop! There you go" Jin laughed joining Jimin.
"Jinnie!" Namjoon whined.
"Ok,ok sorry.. come on let's dance, try not to stamp on my feet though..."
The pair went away,
"Do you regret I gave you nothing,," Jungkook asked.
"I don't want a dick tattoo!"
"No I mean a ring like Hobi did?"
"You can get one for my birthday you already gave me something..."
"I did?"
Jimin took his hand and pressed it against his stomach..,". This...."
"God I love you. ..., come..."
He ran upstairs getting to their bedroom. He licked the door then carefully undressed Jimin and stripped his own clothes off .
"On all fours," he demanded.
Jimin did so and gasped as Jungkook thrust into him, both were holding their moans in, Jungkook reached around to pump his mates member, in no time at all Jimin came muffling his screams in a pillow, Jungkook followed groaning harshly as he filled his mate up.
"God I needed that..."
"Do you think anyone heard?"
"No the music is loud, I'll wash quickly and dress then go down if anyone asks I'll say your resting for a while, take your time shower lay down whatever, join us when you want."
Jungkook cleaned up and redressed," lock the door baby ok?"
Jimin nodded doing as he was told. He then leisurely showered. And sat in a bathrobe for a while on the bed, he actually napped for twenty minutes. When he woke he dressed and went downstairs.
"Jimin you ok?"
It was Mrs Jeon," yes I'm fine I went to clean up a bit and fell asleep!"
"Jungkook said he thought you might, come on sit in the garden with me we can watch everyone else wear themselves out."
So Jimin sat with her, later being joined by her husband then Jungkook who carried plates of food offering them to Jimin along with some juice.
The day and evening were successful, laughter could be heard .
Tae and Hobi came over at nine.
"We are leaving now, can we pop round tomorrow for a quiet family meal?"
"Sure two ok? Jungkook said.
The two nodded shouting their goodbyes they left.
Gradually people left. Jimin stood up and began collecting plates and glasses while he yawned.
"No Jimin go to bed, we will get this cleared," Mrs Jeon said.
Jimin smiled and thanked her going to the bedroom he took his shirt off then stood in front of the mirror looking at his stomach there was a small bump there he rubbed his tummy,
"Are you going to be tall like your daddy? We will love you so much my little baby."
He undressed and went to the bathroom then came out putting one of Jungkooks T shirts on before climbing into bed.
He fell into a restless sleep fidgeting. When Jungkook came in Jimin was sprawled on his back the T shirt had ridden up high the cover kicked off.
He stared at his beautiful mate then saw the curve of his tummy. He washed up climbing into bed after. He kissed Jimins tummy," daddy wants you to let your mother rest no more sickness ok?"
He pulled the t shirt down then covered them both with the cover. Jimin stopped fidgeting as he sensed his mates closeness finally relaxed into a deep sleep.

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