ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯

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 The group of teen misfits waited patiently inside the crypt for Wednesday and Enid to arrive, Yoko and Davina embraced as they hid behind the tomb, Ajax was carefully curating a big fat joint, Kent was growing bored and Hecate was lost in thought next to a curious Xavier.

 Leaves rustling, careful steps and the occasional threat from Wednesday was what the group waited as they emerged shouting surprise.

 -What part of on party under the penalty of death did you not understand? -Wednesday threatened as she turned to face Thing.

 -I thought my cake design was pretty inspiring. -Xavier smiled finally pulling Hecate to reality he decorated a cake for Wednesday? as her brows scrunched together and her eyes light up with a display of jealousy.

 -This is Latin. -Wednesday pointed as she looked attentively at a carved up inscription on the wall. -Fire will rain when I rise.

 -That's not exactly a wish. -Enid explained confused at the girl.

 -The first part of that sentence was burned onto Nevermore's lawn. It can't be a coincidence.

 -Wait, we're never eating that cake are we? -Ajax asked, his mind much more focused on the chocolate cake than at whatever revelation the girl was making.

 Wednesday carefully brushed her fingers along the inscription and the jolt of a vision stiffened her body causing the girl to fall back and provoked the images she was experiencing to be transferred and experienced along by Hecate that stumbled back but managed to stay on her feet.

 As images flashed along the witch's brain the soft pressure on her shoulders and then the swift change in scenario as she was teleported to a dark room was all it took to stop the vision.

 -Really Draco? Teleporting me? -she pushed herself back and swept her hand across her shoulders as she was dusting of something.

 -I felt your mind going berserk what happened? -he questioned as he took a step closer to Hecate but she ignored him walking away towards the door. -Don't do this H, don't pretend we're strangers and don't act like I don't truly care for you. -he pleaded making the girl stop on her tracks.

 -What do you want me to say Draco? You've been relentless about being with me again when you know I'm with Xavier, we're soulmates! -she shouted but the warlock simply snorted.

 -Soulmates. -he scoffed as if it was mocking the bond. -Do you know that soulmates are so deeply connected they can't be with anyone else ever again? Not even through manipulation, either mind control or magic. -he spat at the witch and inside Hecate something ached and disrupted her balance making her stumble back.

 -But you agreed Xavier was my soulmate you even said the bond between me and him could bring my death if I tried to break it.

 -Did I agree? Did I say you two were soulmates? -he approached the girl. -I only went along with your beliefs Hecate. -he cupped her cheeks holding her face gently as they looked into one another.

 -Just say what it is you teleported me here for. -she pushed his hands away.

 -I already did, I was worried.

 -Please Draco stop this game you're playing at, we were separated for a decade now, I haven't seen you since the day you disappeared with no explanation or whatsoever so you can stop the I care about you bullshit.

 -I was called to deal with coven issues and had orders not to contact anyone.

 -Right. -she scoffed.

 -Believe me, all I ever wanted was to be next to you all those years. -he breathed out approaching the witch again. -I never lied to you, not ever, not about me, not about how I felt about you, not about a single thing so please don't act like my words are meaningless.

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