ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱

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 After leaving Nevermore and returning home Hecate had to endure the fussing of her mother and the extenuating interrogation she faced.

 "You have to understand Hecate" Lilith began after nestling on one of the red velvet chairs of the living room "You never wanted to lead the coven, you used to hate your obligations as my right hand and leader in training so you see my confusion when you come home out of the blue saying you're done with teenager experiences and schools and that you want to dedicate to the coven full time."

 "And I've told you, Nevermore really helped me get things into perspective." Hecate sipped from her black tea looking at her mother through her long lashes "Besides I was counting on you being ecstatic."

 "Do not mistake my concern for lack of excitement, I am very happy you finally embraced your legacy but I know it was something to do with you and Xavier breaking up, Azriel and Morgana were quite displeased with him breaking up with you."

 Hecate stood from the chair in a quick and elegant movement rolling her eyes at her mother's information "Az and Mor need to stay the fuck away from my business."

 "Hecate!" Lilith shouted getting up, and glaring at her daughter she could see how hurt and broken she was, it was so evident now she had shed her thick skin that whatever feelings were bottled up inside would cause an explosion sooner or later.

 "He broke up with me and I know he had every reason to do it so, after all since when does a witch can be with a mortal, he would be dying and me halfway to my prime years, it was doomed from the start and I was a fool to believe otherwise."

 "And that was the single reason it ended? Seeing Draco again had nothing to do with that? I know how close the two of you were, everyone knows."

 "I'm done with this conversation, I need to rest, I have a big night later I assume."

 "Yes, you do but I'm not done with this topic, I care about you Hecate, I don't want you cooped up inside yourself."

 "I like to be cooped up" Hecate lied and left the living room walking up the stairs to her room.

 It had been months since she had returned, everything was exactly the same, and the sense of familiarity was enough to make Hecate exhale a long breath she had no idea she was holding. She sat down on the lounge chair looking out the big window, night would be forever her favorite but dusk came to a close second.

 The tall trees outside kissed the purple sky, the Black mansion was surrounded by a dense forest, it was both a refugee for Hecate and now a reminder of how much she had loved the woods in Nevermore, how she walked them with Xavier. With a loud groan of annoyance, she stood up crossed the room and entered her bathroom.

 Waving an idle hand hot water started to run filling the large white tub and a thick circle of black candles formed on the black marble floor, she needed a bath to relax her mind before taking her position in front of the coven later.


 Xavier for the first time in a very long time lacked the inspiration or desire to paint. The various portraits of the monster surrounded him but those were the ones haunting him, Hecate painted in all kinds of positions and colors engulfed him in an almost parallel world where he couldn't think of a single thing to paint other than the white-haired witch.

 Holding out his hand to a portrait he twisted it slightly forcing the paint to twist and bend giving life to it, Hecate was laughing, it was his favorite yet, her, simple and naked on top of his bed laughing after he had said something he could no longer remember, it wasn't important, all he cared was how she laughed, so carefree and young.

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