7. breathtakingly good

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7. breathtakingly good

"So you guys ran away from the goons, and then?" Suho enquired, watching Seojun as he stood across from him.

"And then we landed here." Seojun carefully skipped the part which would have made the atmosphere all the more tense. Soojin looked at him and he did too, and after a minute of silence, Su-ah yelled.

"They are still standing down." She pointed from the sill and they all rushed towards the window, Soojin seated behind. "Ottuke?"

"Ya Suho, glare at them." Seojun spoke in a hushed voice as Suho and Lim Jugyeong looked at him, "your icy glares are enough to shoo everyone away." To that Seojun and Jugyeong chuckled, sharing a high five while Suho only glared at the duo.

The other classmates were eyeing the goons who stayed behind, watching them and the leader yelled. "Ya Han Seojun," To that Seojun ducked, and Suho shook his head. "You and your girlfriend better watch it. I'll wait here till forever if it means I'll get back at the both of you." Su-ah shut the window immediately while the others were baffled at the news.

"Girlfriend?" Jugyeong asked, frowning, "Han Seojun-ah," She pouted, hitting the guy lightly on his stomach, "you dating someone and you didn't tell me?"

"Wae wae," Seojun ran his hand through his hair, "why should I tell you, are you the dating police?"

"Ani, I'm your best friend." Jugyeong smiled at the dumbfounded guy who only stared at Jugyeong and her one smile was enough for him to forget about everything else. It hurt so much to see her with someone else, even though it was his best friend. "I have the right to know."

"Aniyo," He pushed her away by placing his hand on her forehead. "I don't even know you, crazy lady."

"Crazy? Lady?" Jugyeong gasped, ready to hit Seojun who shielded his chest with his hands. "Ya!"

Soojin on the other hand sat in the corner of the room, eyeing the group of friends having fun, especially Jugyeong and Seojun. She felt a pang in her chest when she saw Suho smiling at them, and realised how she could have also been on the other side than here.

Su-ah however was the most crossed, because Soojin had somehow disrupted their evening and she looked at the girl, "Kang Soojin," She garnered attention from the disinterested girl. "Why are you here?"

That stopped the chaotic duo from bickering and a tense atmosphere remained static in the closed room. Soojin gulped, to hear her full name from her best friend was a blow, and she knew she deserved it.

"She was with me." Seojun spoke from besides Jugyeong, "we ran from the..."

"I'll leave," Soojin interrupted him, standing up and holding her hands as firm as she could. "I know I'm not wanted here."

"That's because we don't associate with backstabbing bullies." Su-ah said, and Seojun was sure he could hear a pin drop in the other room. It was dead silent and Jugyeong tried pacifying Su-ah but the latter didn't listen to anyone. "You're not wanted here because you don't deserve to be here." Su-ah was hurt, Soojin could see that, especially the way she was fighting her tears as she spoke.

It was rage and insults for the others, but for Soojin, it was tears of heartbreak.

After all Su-ah had been Soojin's only friend since middle school and they were peas of the same pod.

"mianhaeyo," She said with no emotions and a straight face, "for all the trouble." She headed towards the door only to be held back by Han Seojun who had held her wrist. She turned to meet his eyes, a little confused, a lot upset.

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