64. strawberries and cigarettes

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You always leave me wanting more
I can't shake my hunger for
Strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you

- strawberries and cigarettes (troye sivan)

64. strawberries and cigarettes

Popular K-Pop Idol Han Seojun in cahoots with a school bully? Netizens outraged at the past video...

Kang Soojin could not stop scrolling through the articles. She hated how each of them were worded so negatively and already made her the villain. She knew that there was nothing she could do to clear her name and hence she kept to herself for the next couple of days.

Both Move Entertainment and her work had asked her to stay put, to avoid passing any comments and to avoid getting any media attention, while they decided what they would do with her.

There was nothing much, Soojin thought. She was definitely getting terminated and removed. Being associated with both Han Seojun and being a bully in the past did not help her case. She was going to be ridiculed and bothered for the rest of her life – or until they remember about the incident.

In those two days Soojin was driving herself crazy. She felt the sudden urge to wash her hands despite them being clean and to run away from her house despite no one else being there. She wanted to talk to someone, anyone for that matter but she was asked to avoid being seen in public or to speak to anyone else. Jaehun was busy with his exams and spend most of the time outside home.

In all, Soojin was alone. Back to where she always was.

But even in the most stressful time of her life, all she remembered was the incident that led to all of this and that night she spent with Han Seojun.

They were drunk, but not too drunk to forget everything that happened. Then why hadn't he called? Why did he not reach out to her?

Surely, he remembered what happened right? Or he probably was asked to ignore her until everything cooled down.

Soojin sighed, sitting back in her bed and watching the sun lower its guard and welcome the night. It was a long time since she had a little time to herself and not be occupied with work.

Her phone beeped with countless notifications all of it from the news reporters and social media wanting to speak to her. She had no friends per se and did not expect any of them to reach out to her either.

Although by the end of the second day she did get her termination letter from her office e-mailed to her. They had charged her an insane amount of penalty for the breach of contract with Starlight and Move Entertainment and deducted her severance pay completely. She had to now pay back additional sum rather than receive anything from them.

Congratulations, Kang Su, you are doing amazing!

Soojin sighed, making the mistake of scrolling through her social media account and found the response to the news at an all-time high. They ranged from people asking her to kill herself, to people who mentioned how shameless and disgusting she was, to people demanding an answer from Soejun and the band.

She did not mind the accusations. She knew that she was wrong when she uploaded that horrible video on the school forum and even worse, doing it after knowing how Jugyeong felt.

If given a chance, would she go back and stop herself from doing it? Absolutely but she could hardly do anything about it.

What she did mind is the pointless and baseless accusations raised against Han Seojun and Starlight. They had nothing to do with it. Seojun would never condone bullying or anything remotely about bullying and Soojin wanted to scream at everyone who were pointing their fingers at the innocent man.

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