37. kisses

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37. kisses

Han Seojun had never felt the adrenaline rush through his veins as he did at that very moment. He felt akin to when he would play in the court, or sing back then, but this was the only time that topped the others. If there was anything better than this feeling, even then he would not give this up.

To kiss someone was one thing, but to kiss Kang Soojin was another.

She had held him closer, hands holding his the collar of his jacket, demanding more everytime they were panting and pulling him closer like they were not two but one. She tasted different than the last time he kissed her, it was more sweet, more addicting and more of his scent mixed with hers. He liked it, rather he loved it. So he hungrily kissed her, caging her soft lips in his, pinning her on the wall, her hands were also pressed against the wall.

And Seojun enjoyed how frustrated she was because of the lack of movement. He had taken all of the authority between them, towering her and not leaving her any room but to comply with the kisses. He would never let go of her if it was he could wish for.

Kang Soojin hated being under the hold of anyone, she was never the one to oblige to anyone's orders. So when Seojun held her against the wall, taking his sweet time in kissing her lips and curling her toes, she felt both helpless under his hold and captivated by his hungry kisses.

She had never been kissed like that. It was more demanding, more meaningful than the ones she had before, and this one meant so much. It was the only reason why she'd kiss the boy than tend to her paining ankle.

As much as she would want to let Seojun take her down slowly, she had to do something to turn the tables.

So she did what she could think of, she frenched her way out of this because the moment she let her tongue touch his, Seojun was taken aback for a split second and she took her chance. She turned immediately, slamming him behind as she kissed him more, even though they were breathless, they just could not let go.

Seojun was already stunned by Soojin's grit. But he would be lying if he said he did not enjoy it, to be taken control over than being in charge for once.

They broke apart when Soojin winced, unable to hold the pain of her ankle and panting for breath, they had to take a minute to calm down.

Seojun was in a daze, he was kissed like what he had heard and seen only in movies or when the girls he kissed told him that they were blown away. So this is what it felt to be kissed the heck out of him. But when he did catch his breath, he tended to the girl who sat on the bed, holding her ankle.

"I am so sorry," He said, kneeling down as he faced the girl, "is it hurting a lot?" He asked, concerned but Soojin held his shoulder, shaking her head.

"Ani," She replied, wiping the tears from her eyes, "just..."

They looked at each other, this time Soojin was inches taller than him and they were for the first time gawking at each other, without the need to hide it. Her hand holding his jacket, his hands on the either side of the cushioned bed and all they did was stare at each other.

Of course they wanted more, a lot more and whatever it was, no matter how twisted it seemed, it was nice.

"This may seem weird to say," Seojun replied, hands rubbing the back of his hair. "But is there something to eat, I am famished."

Soojin tilted her head, of course Seojun would talk about food post their moment. "geureom," Soojin said, reaching out to the landline in her room. "What would you like to eat?"

Seojun stood up, getting rid of his damp jacket, running the water off his head by vigorously shaking it. "Whatever there is at home?"

"We have it all cooked as per personal preferences, what do you want?"

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