58. demons

862 79 32

I wanna hide the truth
I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide

- demons (imagine dragons)

58. demons

"Don't let the wound be exposed or it may cause an infection, also do apply this antiseptic cream - "

Kang Soojin noted everything that the doctor told her. After their very weird conversation, Han Seojun had called in their agency doctor to check on Soojin who for reasons they both knew, didn't want to go to any hospital.

There were a set of doctors assigned to the band and to the agency as a whole. Dr. Kim was a kind, old man, whom Seojun listened to more than the others. He was also the one who suggested Seojun to take up therapy and convinced him to consider taking medications.

Ever since, Dr. Kim has been deemed a very important person by the agency considering the impact he had on Seojun.

"This might sting a bit." The doctor brought out a tiny needle, injections never scared her but Seojun who stood next to them flinched. The doctor noticed how Seojun looked more affected than the girl who didn't bat an eyelid. "Seems like Seojun-nnie here is feeling the pain."

Soojin and the doctor chuckled when they saw Seojun's expressions change from worrying to a frown. He folded his arms across his chest and looked elsewhere, feigning anger. But he stood besides Soojin - throughout the entire thing.

The doctor bid the duo a sweet goodbye, asking Soojin to keep changing the dressing at intervals and to take caution with the bruise. Seojun noted everything that was told to her, snatching the prescription note from the doctor before Soojin could take it. He stuffed it in his pocket, after messaging his team assistants to get the required medicines.

"You should eat something - the dosage would be strong."

"It's just a little bruise." Soojin shook her head. She never had anyone fret over her in years - the last time being a decade back when Seojun would worry about her hands. "It'll heal on its own."

"That's exactly the kind of stupid I'd expect you to say."

Soojin frowned. "Did you just call me stupid?"

"Is there anyone else I'm talking to?"

They were in a staring contest. Both of them - despite nearing the age of 30 - looking like little kids from middle school.

"You're stupid."

"Wow, your comeback game is at the lowest, Kang Soojin."

Soojin gasped - folding her arms across her chest - but that was a mistake since the sudden movement caused a shiver of pain run through her arm. She flinched, holding her arm but Seojun beat her to it. He held her side, ever so gently as he helped her sit back in her seat.

"Is it hurting a lot?" He asked, on his knees yet again as Soojin glanced at the concerned boy. "I told you to be careful - " His little air puffs were providing no comfort to Soojin, but his actions were.

"How are you so bothered by a little wound of mine and then expect me to be nonchalant about the burdensome life you're living?"

Seojun stopped - his eyes darting to nothing in particular as he froze midway. His hand withdrew from hers, taking a minute or so to stand up and change his concerned expressions with the cold eyes.

Before Seojun could leave - more like run away again - Soojin held his hand, her warm touch resonated through the cold walls of his mind.

"What can I say or do to make you stay?" She sounded vulnerable, an emotion Seojun had never seen Soojin as. "I'll do anything for you. Anything - whatever you want, I'll do it. Just - just don't leave."

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