17. paper flower

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17. paper flower

"Ya, it's Kang Soojin. K-A-N-G space S-O-O-J-I-N,"


"So stop calling me... whatever that is you call me."

"O, you mean stop calling you Princess?"


"Wae, you act like a high and mighty princess. What's the big deal?"

"Your disrupted face would be a big deal."

"You sure talk like a gangster even though you call me one."

"That's because you are a gangster. Mismatched earrings, unnecessary finger rings, your always unkempt hair and never buttoned uniform, and this..." She pointed at his temporary tattoo on his hand, "whatever the stupid thing it is."

"Ya Kang Soojin, the way you keep noticing me. You sure you don't like me?"

"Me? Like you?"

"Ya, don't laugh."

"Then don't joke around."

"Aish, you're such a..."

"Intellectually well behaved brillant student?"

"Nah, an arrogant princess."

"What. Did. I. Just. Tell. You."

"Sorry, this gangster doesn't take orders from little princesses."



"I hate you."

"Oh no, my heart, pffftt. Good relevance."

"It's riddance."

Han Seojun chuckled as he waited for Kang Soojin to step out of the spa. It was funny how he remembered their bickering from years back, something he didn't know his brain had stored. It was true that Kang Soojin and he were never on friendly terms, they always bickered whenever they met mostly because she wanted to be with Suho and he didn't want to share his best friend.

He always liked bickering with the high and mighty Kang Soojin mostly because he loved when her nose would flare and expressions cringed. Also, he didn't really have any other friends than his trio.

"Why are you laughing? Do I still have the stains?"

Han Seojun snapped out of his flashback and looked at the girl who stepped out of the room, and in a moment, all of his nostalgia vanished as Kang Soojin stood in front of him. Her wet long hair falling over her back and the running droplets of water were in a race with his running heartbeats. She had changed from the dirty uniform to a jumpsuit, white t-shirt over black and Han Seojun never really noticed how pretty she was until now.

Her eyes were so tired and lost, the bruise on her lip still garnering his attention and moreover, her always blank expressions seemingly growing on him. It took two seconds for him to zone out and five for her to call his name.

"Ani," Han Seojun stood, slowly as he held both their bags, "you look..." He was hesitant and she looked down at her attire, she had bought the first thing she lay her hands on and quickly booked a bath in the nearest spa. She looked at him, the wannabe gangster who was lost for words, the insecurities of her mind kept telling her that she probably looked stupid but Han Seojun cleared her doubts. "Human."

"Gee thanks," She rolled her eyes, nevertheless it wasn't an insult so that ended her doubts. "You didn't have to wait for me." She walked towards him, taking her bag from his arms, in the process their hands brushed against each other. "You're missing class."

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