62. those eyes

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Cause all of the small things that you do
Are what remind me why I fell for you

- those eyes (new west)

62. those eyes

"So this is what you meant by going out?"

Han Seojun looked mildly disappointed at the set-up he easily fell for. They were seated in one of the finest restaurants of the city, a private room booked only for them.

And their friends.

Apparently, when Soojin said 'go out with me,' she meant with them all as a group and not just the two of them. She had plans for dinner with the Saebom High clan and wanted him to tag along while Seojun was inadvertently on a different tangent altogether.

Even so, I wouldn't wanna go out with her, he muttered to himself.

"Yes," Soojin looked earnestly at the stoic man. "What did you think?" She asked, seated across from him on the ten person table arrangement.

She was excited and nervous to meet the rest of the group, especially Suah. Seojun could tell with the way she kept rubbing her hands. He would have pacified her, if he wasn't sitting a continent away from her.

"Nothing, just." He was nervous too. This wasn't what he planned to do for the night and definitely did not want to meet his old friends.

If they even were his friends.

He hadn't spoken to Chorong and gang since his idol training and never made time for Jugyeong and Suho, since the accident. He had let go of all his friendships and relationships after having nothing to do with them and didn't quite know if they were still his friends.

Clearly not, because he had abruptly cut them off from his life.

"I don't feel quite well." Seojun wasn't too comfortable being in public, despite the privacy the restaurant provided. That and he'd rather eat alone at the hotel than at a gathering. "I should leave."

Seojun got up to leave only to find Kang Soojin blocking his path with a determined expression. She folded her arms across her chest and still couldn't match his height even with those heels.


"Ani - " She met his dark beautiful eyes, always flinching with the way he looked at her. "You're not leaving."

"I don't want to be here!"

"Well, too bad. You said yes and now you have to stick to your word."

Seojun scoffed, replicating her actions by folding his arms and rolling his eyes. "Do you take me as some noble King of the 17th century who'd keep his word?" That made Soojin pout a bit, and for Seojun to linger a bit more on those lips. "I don't care."

He walked past her but froze midway when a jitter of current passed through his body at the touch of Soojin's hand on his. She held his wrist, stopping him from leaving and making it impossible for him to disobey.

"Please don't go, I really need you today." Her request and her soft gaze made Seojun ponder on how deep he was in this mess. "I've not met them since a decade and you're the only one who can understand me."

Seojun sighed, "they're your friends. I'm sure you'll be okay."

"They were my friends." She corrected him, hand still holding his with a tighter grip - afraid he'd go away. "I'm not sure where I stand in the friendship status."

Kang Soojin could easily be a shaman with the way she could lure him with those eyes. All she had to do was look cutely at Seojun and he was all hers.

"Then why did you say yes to this - arrangement."

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