54. I miss you

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Nothin' happened in the way I wanted
Every corner of this house is haunted
And I know you said that we're not talkin'
But I miss you, I'm sorry

- I miss you, I'm sorry (gracie abrams)

54. I miss you

"We'll start from the start..."

The band was practicing for the Busan concert due in a couple of days. It was the first concert after the Gangnam mishap and Seojun got a warning for his last unprofessional act. He had run off from the stage at the very last minute and it took two months, a public apology and a deal with a non profit to get Starlight back in the light.

The Busan concert had to go smoothly so they could have atleast few days without any controversy.

"Something isn't right." The manager - Mr. Jang - had been trying since morning to get the band to practice for the concert but Seojun seemed lost - again. "Han Seojun, where's your attention?"

Seojun couldn't focus. After the storm named Kang Soojin had barged in his life - all he did was think about her. It was like she came into his life and changed the course of it completely. And the worse was that she didn't show up after the first day.

It had been day three since he signed the agreement and Kang Soojin was nowhere to be found.

Maybe she changed her mind? Maybe she didn't want to pry in his matters? Or maybe she thought it best to leave - he would have - and keep to herself.

But he wanted to see her. He'd never admit it - not aloud atleast - but he couldn't get enough of her. It was like there wasn't a decade of a gap between their last meet. Like he had just kissed her last evening - and kissed her again - and -

What the fuck was he thinking?

Kiss? Kang Soojin? Where did that come from?

"I need a minute." Seojun unwrapped the guitar from his side and got off the stage. He walked out of the auditorium and sighed - he was losing his focus - trying to get his head back in the game. "Focus on KMF - not some girl - definitely not her."

"I better not be some girl to you!"

Seojun recognised that voice. How could he ever forget the voice of an angel - a pretty angel- the girl he first loved.

Lim Jugyeong smiled with a little wave when she stood across from him. She looked just as pretty - as Seojun remembered her - without her makeup and in the formal attire. Once a week Jugyeong would drop everything to meet Seojun - and the band - to give him some of his favourite side dishes and sit silently with him for some time.

Seojun didn't speak much - not even to tease her - and Jugyeong would rather sit with Seojun in silence than not at all. She didn't nudge him to speak to her or share what was troubling him - Suho often updated her - but she liked how he couldn't say no to her.

Seojun nodded with a small - tiny - smile as Jugyeong reached for a hug. She left the polythene bags on the floor as she wrapped her arms around the tall guy - Seojun's hands lay on his side - enveloping him in her sweet strawberry scent.

"Did you miss me?" She chirped, smiling ear to ear as she looked at him - Seojun nodded - "I missed you too! I'm sorry i couldn't come last week, I got caught up with work - the most insane thing happened -"

Seojun heard her, intently. He didn't have a interesting life - no life - so Jugyeong's tidbits about her work and clients and friends seemed interesting to him. That and he didn't have the heart to ever say no to the girl.

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