15. the nicer Soojin

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15. the nicer Soojin

The hot warm noodles, spicy tteok-bokki and alongwith a cooling refreshing lemonade helped Kang Soojin to forget all her table manners as she ate. She hadn't eaten a proper meal since the past three days and it was only fair she could gobble this without the need to act prim and proper. Han Seojun, his mother and his sister looked at the girl who although elegantly, yet hurriedly kept eating the food, a bite of gimpab, then the ramyeon and then the tteok-bokki and this was all when Han Seojun was about to slurp his noodles.

Go-woon pushed the specs back on her nose, leaning towards her brother, "was she starving all the whole?" He shushed her soft whispers and watched Soojin gulp the food without biting.

"Ya, why are you breathing the food?" He called her out, getting Soojin's attention immediately and she realised she was under the radar and that made her concious enough. That led her to keep the bowl down on the table hurriedly as it let the dish on the left to drop down and spill its contents.

Soojin was red in embarrassment, this wasn't what she was taught. Afraid she was making a mess, she bowed her head. "joesonghamnida, ma'am, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't-"

Han Seojun clicked his tongue while Mrs. Han chuckled, waving her hand like it wasn't a big deal. "It's okay, Soojin-ah. It's just a little spill. We'll clean it up later, why don't you finish the food, you seem famished."

"Is it... Is it really okay?" She asked, horrified on knowing how silly her mistake seemed to them. If this was her home or her father was dining with her, this would have taken a different turn. "I can clean it now, ma'am..."

"Aish, what is with this ma'am." Mrs. Han eyed the girl with what seemed like fake anger, "you're Han Seojun's friend, you should call me Emo. Seyeon and Suho would call me Emo too."

On the mention of his late friend, Han Seojun's gaze lowered and the vibes a bit heavier, nevertheless Soojin nodded.

"Ye, Emo-nim,"

"Always the polite one." Mrs. Han smiled at the girl, "teach my Seojunnie some manners too. All he does is goof around with his friends and rides on that bike of his."


"Wae? You don't?"

"I do, but still... Why are you complaining about me to Soojin."

While the mother and son's banter went on, Soojin looked at the spilled food and then at her hands. It was a blessing this wasn't her home or they'd be at the suffering end. Go-woon tsked at Soojin to grab her attention.

"I know my Omma and Oppa likes you, but I don't. So please, don't expect me to greet you with respect, unnie." She glared at Soojin and then at her food leaving Soojin to ponder on what was happening.

It would have hurt the previous Soojin a lot, to see herself being destroyed and changed, to see that her actions had consequences.

But this Kang Soojin was not going to sit back in the filth of her wrongdoings. Respect or not, she didn't care, all she had to do was stick to the plan, and once she was done, she wouldn't have to be reliant on anyone, not for respect, not for love.

She ate the noodles in peace and with a smile, a smirk rather. The countdown to her finale had started already.


Han Seojun was never the one to pay attention in school. He never could, and didn't have to since his grades never improved no matter how much he'd break his head on it. Back when he was with his trio, Suho would tutor Seyeon and him and his notes would help them both to pass but ever since their friendship disrupted so suddenly, things haven't been the same for him.

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