29. all face, no brain

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29. all face, no brain

"I hate her, I just hate her. She is such a..."

"Leave her be, Seojun-ah. Soojin is just different that does not make her bad." Se-yeon, the calmest of the trio often had comforting words for every human. 

Seojun rolled his eyes, "different does not mean being a rude bitch."

"YA Seojun," Suho looked at him, things were getting serious, "Soojin is my friend, do not speak like that about her."

"Jinjja? You are taking her side even after what happened today?" Seojun got up, keeping the guitar aside, irritated by Suho's bias towards the girl than him. He was immediately blocked by Suho, who also resonated the same anger.

"Why must you always act like a kid?" 

"Well, why do you always defend Kang Soojin," Seojun took a step closer to the upset Suho, Se-yeon could sense a huge fight coming. "Is she your girlfriend?" 

"Han Seojun, stop." Lee Suho hardly lost his cool, he was not a hothead like Seojun, but not cool as Se-yeon either. "You do not know half the story, so please, stay away."

"What story is there to a girl who humiliated and embarrassed me in front of the entire class." Seojun huffed, he did not mind smart people, he knew he was not gifted in intelligence and respected people who were but to see a girl mocking him, over a mere set of math problems, that he would not stand for. "Do you even know how little I felt today?" He was seething, the class had broken into laughter when Soojin called Seojun a 'all face no brain' boy because he did not know the basic formula for the equation.

"I understand, Seojun-ah," Suho stepped back, clearly Seojun was hurt and he needed to be the bigger person here. "But..." How was he to tell Seojun that Soojin's coping mechanism was to outsmart everyone. He could tell by her swollen eyes that she had cried the entire night again, and that seeing her back at school was a relief. "But..."

"But you just side with her," Seojun pushed Suho's hand from over his shoulder, to him it only seemed that Suho cared more about his childhood friend that his best friend. "Why not side with me?" 

"Seojun-nnie," Se-Yeon called out, he did not like fights, they always made him anxious but it was not just anger that Seojun had, it was more of heartbreak and shame. "Let's talk this out with ice-creams..."

Seojun scoffed, shaking his head in a low attempt to shake his tears off, "Why don't you ask Kang Soojin for it, sure Suho might like that more." With that, Seojun grabbed his jacket and took off, Se-yeon following the angry boy leaving Suho behind. 

For Seojun, Suho was a bad friend, someone who could not take a stand for him and let the class jeer and mock him, and for Suho, he was just trying his best to hold onto the both of them, albeit, making wrong choices by the end.

"So," Soojin tilted her head, looking at Seojun who was contemplating the choices he had, "what have you decided?" 

It was two days since the breakdown Soojin had in the Han house and two days since Seojun worrying over the girl like a puppy obsessing over its master. She did attend school the next day, but looked better than before and smiled more, if that was even possible for her. However, her smiles were reserved only for him, because the rest of the time, she kept herself busy with studying. 

"Why?" Seojun shifted his chair to align with Soojin's, he did not know what to make of the offer Soojin had placed, "why are you being kind?" 

Kang Soojin never felt what it was to be loved and pampered by someone, and when Han Seojun's mother held her, comforted her, tended to her sickness and called her thrice in the last two days to ask if she was feeling okay without her saying a single word to the lady, Soojin felt what love was. Mrs. Han had no obligation towards her, she was not even Seojun's friend in the sense of being treated like a family yet the lady had gone out of her way to reach out to her.

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