40. perfectly messy

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40. perfectly messy

The party was held for Lee Jooheon's success in his recent film and for his son's birthday. The entire hotel was booked for the guests. And alongwith few close friends and business associates of Lee Jooheon, the friends of Suho were invited too.

Unlike Kang Soojin, everyone else were thrilled to be invited to such a close and private event of the Lees. Kang Soojin couldn't and wouldn't care less about these suck up parties and honestly, if her father wasn't directly looking at her, she'd be working on the project.

For now she sat on the table reserved for Suho's friends, sighing in contemplation to what was to come.

Lee Suho was the centre of attention, with his father introducing him to every single one of the guests.

Soojin watched the duo, closely, she could see Suho smiling for real. His smile reached his eyes and that's how she knew that they had really mended their relationship.

The thought saddened her.

It was a relief because she liked Suho and she was glad that he could finally bid his past goodbye but the jealous part of her couldn't help but be miserable.

She looked at the direction of her father, he was sipping wine with his doctor colleagues, glaring at her at intervals. She then turned at her mother. Her mom was at the open bar already and with what seemed like two soju down.

Soojin sighed, rubbing her palms against the other. She didn't have the energy to go wash her hands so scrubbing them over and over helped too. She placed them on her lap, under the table to not attract any sort of attention.

The skin over her knuckles was wearing out already, although before she could rip it, a warm hand held hers. Soojin's gaze quickly raised to see who had a death wish to hold her hands but then Seojun's smile easily calmed her glare.

While he stood besides her, hand still holding both of hers, the rest of the Saebom School mates had arrived. Soojin was surrounded by pretty looking Jugyeong and Suah, and pretty passable Tae-hoon and the few couple of others Suho hanged out with.

She turned at the boy who wouldn't let go of her hands, bending to hold it.

Her breath was hitched instantly the moment she saw Han Seojun in a well cladded outfit. He wore a white shirt over black pants and a black blazer lay on his arm. His hair was neatly tucked and she couldn't help but gawk at the handsome boy.

"Handsome aren't I?"

That snapped her out and she gulped, averting her gaze. Seojun smiled, pulling the chair besides hers and sat up close.

"What are you doing here?"

"Suho's my best friend."

"Right. I meant here." Soojin tilted her head, meeting his strong gaze. "Besides me." She said that in a hushed voice, not wanting to garner more attention from the others, especially her father.

"Where else would I be?"

Soojin was taken aback at that and she gulped, averting her gaze again. Seojun's gaze was too strong for her to hold and she'd rather quit than lose.

While Seojun held her hands, refusing to let go even when she tried pulling it, the rest of them sat around the table. Jugyeong was eyeing Suho who had a bigger smile watching her walk in and while Tae-hoon and the others were already snacking, Suah couldn't help but stare at the mismatched duo.

"Hi guys," Suho greeted the lot, the most calmest greeting that was. And Jugyeong leaped out to give him a hug. "So pretty." He complimented her and the rest of them awwed, especially how pretty they looked with their matching outfits.

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