26. don't die

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26. don't die

Han Seojun had a very weird dream.

Everything about that dream was weird, unreal and seemed too far fetched to even happen, that is how he knew that it was a dream. Firstly, he woke up in the morning, on his bed, a place he did not remember laying down. Then as a severe headache made him question the fact on whether or not did he pass out drinking last evening but that was stupid since he was not even of age. Then he rubbed his eyes, which brought his attention to the scrunchie in his hand, neatly rolled around his wrist and Seojun did what anyone in his place would do.

He screamed.

Why in the world did he have a pale yellow scrunchie in his hand? How does he even know that is what a scrunchie is and who would play such a mean joke on him?

His sister?

It all came in bits and pieces to him.

That is not how soup is made!


Wow, that  would look so good on me


My heart is hurting, Kang Su, my heart... or maybe it is my head? HELP


Han Seojun rubbed his hair, frustrated when his sister and mother rushed in, scared about that hauntingly vivid screaming. "What is the matter?" His mother asked lovingly, and then proceeded to touch Han Seojun's forehead, "the fever is gone, thankfully."


"Omma, what happened?"

"You tell us," Go-woon rolled her eyes, nevertheless she held Seojun's arm to check on his temperature, "you screamed like a madman."

"My head hurts, I feel so numb and what is this?" He showed his family the scrunchie on his wrist, "why is this thing here? Is it yours Woon-iee?" He asked but Go-woon shook her head, and his mother smiled at the boy. "Why are you laughing? Omma?" However, Han Seojun's mother only left with giggles as he looked at his sister for help.

"You don't remember?" She pushed her spectacles back in distaste, "your girlfriend was here last evening. That is hers." With that Go-woon walked away, clearly not liking the turn of events as Seojun frowned even more.

What girlfriend?

What is the matter with his family?


He had no idea what was happening to him, especially with these weird cringey flashbacks. But there was only one person who could give him the right answers.

Kang Soojin


Soojin had a headache, the cold which she had very stupidly ignored was now taking a toll on her. She could not see well, the tears blurring her vision, a little excessive sound would make her head ache to accelerate and her throat hurt, even the coffee she had in the morning tasted like a bland liquid to her. But she could not miss school, not because she loved attending boring lectures, rather she did not have the strength to sit back at home.

She would be pestered by her father, the tutors, and herself for being sick and she would have to wallow in guilt throughout. The last time Soojin was sick, was two years back, high fever and running nose and when she asked her father if she could stay at home, he simply asked her to drop out of school if a little cold would make her so weak. 

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