Chapter 30 Wedding Plans

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Thor continued to work on the sword for his beloved while Bruce continued to tell him about Zeus and the Olympian gods. He also told Thor about Alina's demigod half-siblings throughout Greek history and their adventures. Thor found the stories of Alina's siblings fascinating, but Thor also thought it was sad that their lives ended so tragically. He made a vow to himself that no matter what, Thor would protect Alina from the same fate befalling her.

By the end of the day, Thor had finished the sword. He was pleased with the way the sword had turned out. It was firm yet elegant and light enough for Alina to hold comfortably, though Thor never expected her to use it in battle. It was only a symbol of his ability to protect her. Now that Thor's task was complete, Bruce led him into the palace and took him to his room so Thor could bathe. Thor was surprised that Bruce had a bedroom on Olympus; Bruce only shrugged

"Being best friends with the King of the god's youngest daughter has its perks," Bruce said dismissively.

Thor nodded and went into the washroom to bathe quickly.

While Thor was doing that, Hephestus examined the sword that Thor had made for his little sister. He took the sword from Bruce and eyed it critically. Hephestus would not allow Thor to give his sister a substandard weapon, even if it was only for show. After a few minutes, Hephestus nodded, "The Asgardian did well, considering that he's a novice."

"You think so?" Bruce asked.

"Yes, in fact, I think I'll make the sheath for the sword for him. It shouldn't take me that long to make it," Hephestus informed his little sister's friend.

Hephestus took the sword back to the forge to measure it and make the sheath. When Thor returned, Bruce informed him that Hephestus was making the sheath for the blade. Thor smiled at Bruce, "That is very kind of him."

Thor and Bruce went back into the forge to watch Hephestus work on the sheath. Thor watched intently as Hephestus worked the metal and shaped it to fit the sword he had made for his bride-to-be. It took Hephestus less time to finish the scabbard than for Thor to make the sword. When the metal had cooled, Hephestus slipped the blade into the sheath and handed it to Thor. Thor smiled at his future brother-in-law.

"My thank you, Hephestus, for your help."

Hephestus nodded, "No, thanks needed, Thor; consider this my contribution to my little sister's wedding present. And now that that's finished, I shall get started on the wedding bands for you and my sister," Hephestus informed Thor.

Thor brightened and began to tell Hephestus exactly how he wanted the bands to look and the runes he needed to be placed on them. Hephestus made notes of everything Thor was telling him and told him that once he was finished, he would take the rings to Hecate to bless them with her magic. Thor thanked Hephestus, and then he and Bruce left Olympus.

Meanwhile, back at Stark Tower, the girls had arrived from their shopping day. Pepper went to her bedroom and found Tony peacefully sleeping. She smiled down at her boyfriend, thankful to both Alina and her cousin Morpheus for helping Tony finally get the rest he needed. Once Pepper was satisfied that Tony was alright, she left their bedroom and went to the living room to help the women put the bags away. Pepper thought it best to keep Alina's wedding dress so that no one would risk seeing it before the wedding. After that, Pepper and Alina began to make dinner for everyone, and the Goddesses went back to Olympus.

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