Chapter 14 Zeus Finds Out

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They leave the roof hand in hand their fingers intertwined. Thor decides to escort his new girlfriend to the lab. They walk into the lab, causing Tony and Bruce to look up. Tony immediately zeros in on the fact that they are holding hands, he glances over at Bruce who has noticed as well.

Tony waves his hand at the new couple, "What's this, what's going on?"

Thor grins at Tony, "Nothing, Stark, I am only escorting my lady to the lab."

"Your lady, as in girlfriend?" Bruce asks.

Thor and Alina look at each other and beam at each other, "As a matter of fact, that is exactly what I mean, Banner." Thor says, his grin turning into a full blown smile.

Tony claps his hands "I KNEW IT! I knew you guys would get together, not so soon, but I knew it would happen. I am so happy for you, Point Break, Munchkin."

"Thank you, Tony, we're happy too."

Suddenly, Tony get this glint in his eyes, "Does Papa Bear know yet?"

Thor looks at Alina confused, "Papa Bear?"

"He means Logan. No he doesn't know yet, this only happened five minutes ago."

"Ooh, can I be there when you tell him?"

"No, you can't be there, well maybe, I'll decide later." Alina tells Tony.

Thor smiles, he leans down and gives Alina a kiss, "Have a good day Little One, shall I see you later?"

Alina runs her fingers through his hair, "Thank you, Thor, and yes, I'll come looking for you when I'm finished."

Thor beams at Alina, kisses her one more time before he leaves.

Alina walks over to Bruce and gets to work with her equations, Bruce glances at her, "Does your dad know?"

Suddenly there was a roll of thunder and lightning that shook the Tower.

"What the hell, there was nothing in the forecast about a storm. JARVIS how does it look outside?"

**The day is perfectly clear, sir**

"Hmm, Thor must be pretty worked up about something." Tony said glancing over at Alina and Bruce.

Bruce and Alina look up, then at each other, "You think your dad knows?" Bruce whispers.

Again there was a roll of thunder and this time lightning struck the tower.

"I'd say he suspects, and is not happy."

Hours went by as the trio worked, every now and then Bruce would look up at Alina, he knew there was more she wanted to tell him but the lab was not an appropriate place. Bruce looked at his watch, it was already 3:00, he decided that now would be a good time for them to talk. That is, if they could get away from Tony.

Bruce took off his glasses and stretched, "Well, we've been at it for seven hours, how about we get something to eat?"

Alina and Tony both looked up with a shocked look on their faces. Bruce hardly ever stopped to eat, or drink, or for that matter go to the bathroom. So to say they were surprised was an understatement.

"Uh, okay, let's go upstairs and get some lunch." Tony said.

"Actually I was thinking of going out for lunch." Bruce said, giving Alina a look that she understood.

"Great, let's have Shwarma!" Tony declared.

Bruce and Alina looked at each other, they had no intention of going anywhere with Tony, but since he had invited himself, they couldn't say no.

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