Chapter 34 The Final Celebration

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After the nuptials were said, the bride and groom retreated to another area of the hotel where the banquet was held. As per tradition, the bride and groom would have one final dinner with their guests and then retire to separate bedrooms. The marriage would not be consummated until after the third day of the celebration when Thor and Alina left for their honeymoon. Those unfamiliar with the custom found it odd, but they were told it was part of Alina's heritage

This was part of the celebration that Thor was not looking forward to. He wanted to consummate the marriage that night, but Zeus was firm that they would follow the ancient ways or there would be no wedding; Thor agreed. So the couple left the dining hall and went upstairs to their respective suites. They stopped in front of Alina's room and Thor kissed his bride goodnight. She kissed him back and Thor went to his suite. The good thing was that the celebration began early, and only lasted until the afternoon.

Thor closed the door to his suite, went to the bathroom, and got ready for bed. He came out and looked at his bed and sighed. It would have been wonderful to have Alina in his bed, but Thor knew that no matter how much he wanted his wife in his bed, he knew that Alina would never disobey her father.

Thor sighed again and climbed into his empty bed. The only thing Thor could do was imagine his honeymoon night and relieve himself with his hand. Jerking off helped ease his tension but Thor was still looking forward to having his bride under him. Thor finally fell asleep with his last thought being about his upcoming honeymoon.

The next morning, Alina woke up early and changed for the day. Once she was ready, there was a knock on her down; when she answered it, she found Thor on the other side with a wide smile on his face, “Are you ready, my love?”

Alina smiled at her husband and took his offered hand. The newlyweds intertwined their fingers and went downstairs to have breakfast with their family and guests. They arrived shortly after everyone was seated. They sat down on the large dais between Alina's father and her Uncle Poseidon.

Once everyone was settled, Zeus clapped his hands, and breakfast was served. The wedding party and their guest were served a hardy breakfast of a wide variety of bread, pastries, and Greek yogurt. These foods are high in nutritional value and a great source of energy; as the couple would need them for the day's celebration.

After breakfast was served and eaten, the gifts were presented to the newlyweds. They ranged from household items for their new home to jewels from Alina's family. When Aphrodite presented her gift to Alina, she whispered that it should be opened in private, knowing how shy her sister was, and it probably would enrage Zeus. As it was, Zeus still struggled with the knowledge his little princess was married.

Once the gift-giving was completed, the dancing began. It was all traditional Greek music and some ancient tunes. Zeus took his daughter's hand, taking her to the dancefloor, they had their father-daughter dance. As they danced, Zeus looked at his daughter, “Are you happy, my child?”

Alina beamed at her father, “Oh, yes, Papa. Thor makes me happier than I have ever been.”

Zeus kissed the top of Alina's head and leaned his cheek on her head, “Good, though I must warn you, if the Asgardian causes you a moment of pain or sadness, he will have to deal with my wrath and that of your uncles.”

“I know, Papa, and you have nothing to worry about.”

“Of course, I worry, you are my most cherished daughter and your happiness means more to me than anything.”

Alina looked up at her blonde father as he smiled down at her, “I love you, Papa.”

“And I love you, my sweet girl,” Zeus answered.

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