Chapter 22 Mission Accomplished

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Alina and Logan leave her room and head to the hanger where they meet up with the rest of the X-Men and Avengers. Fury is also there with Coulson and Charles.

"Alright, the Avengers will go in first and secure the area then the X-Men will make their way inside and free the prisoners. While they do that, Stark, you and Romanoff hack into their system and get as much information as you can while the others capture the scientists and top agents. Do not forget that these guys have a tendency to commit suicide to avoid getting captured."

Both teams nod and head for their respective planes. But before Alina can board the Blackbird, Thor quickly takes her in his arms and kisses her gently.

"Be safe, love."

"You too, dearest."

The Quinjet takes off first followed by the Blackbird. As soon as the Blackbird is airborne the plane simmers and disappears. Tony and Hawkeye look at each other.

"Why the hell don't we have tech like that?" Hawkeye asked.

"Because, the X-Men don't share," Tony said bitterly.

They arrive at the base a few minutes later. The Quinjet landed on one side of the base while the Blackbird landed on the other. It was decided that the X-Men would go in first and rescue the hostages before the Avengers took down the base.

They weren't sure how many prisoners there were so Cyclops gave the order for them to split up. Cyclops gave instructions for Wolverine and Aegis take one side of the detention facility while he and Colossus to the other. They left the Blackbird and each team stealthily made their way towards the base.

Thor watched anxiously as his betrothed and Wolverine made their way into the base. He was surprised to see a man as big as Wolverine move so easily through the compound avoiding any and all soldiers. They disappeared from sight as they entered the base.

Bruce, seeing Thor's expression puts his hand on the god's shoulder, "She'll be alright, Thor, this isn't the first time she and Logan have done this."

"I know but I still cannot help but worry."

"It's only natural, you love her."

"Very much."

Inside the base, Logan and Alina easily avoided all the guards and make their way down to the cells. When they arrived they were horrified at the conditions the children are in. They are filthy, wearing nothing but rags, covered in welts and bruises. The children cringe and push as far as they can into the corner of their cells to get away from Alina and Logan.

"It's okay, kids, we're here to help you. You don't have to be afraid of us. We're just like you."

One of the braver kids moves closer to the bars, "Prove it."

Alina slaps, Logan, "Show him."

Logan sighs and slowly extends his claws then retracts them and shows the kid that the wound healed.

The boy's eyes widen, and he looks at Alina, "Now you."

Alina snaps her fingers and produces a little lightning. She cheated that was her demigod powers but he didn't need to know that. The boy turns around and looks at the other children.

"It's okay, they're like us."

The children move forward and Logan slices through the locks setting the children free. In total, they freed 10 children. At the other end of the base, Cyclops and Colossus found another 10.

Alina touches her earpiece, "Okay, now would be a good time for you guys to distract the guards," Alina tells Steve.

At that, Steve signals Hawkeye who fires an arrow at the far end of the base blowing it up. With the explosion cover up the noise, Colossus punches a hole through the wall big enough for the X-Men to lead the children out towards the Blackbird. Cyclops in the lead with Colossus in the middle and Logan and Alina bringing up the rear.

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