Chapter 1 The God and His Broken Heart.

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Thor had been desperately in love with Jane Foster and her with him, but it wasn't enough, Jane wanted more. She wanted Thor with her all the time and couldn't handle him leaving for Asgard for long periods of time or working with the Avengers. She would become depressed to the detriment of her work and to her health when he was away. Thor had offered many times for her to go with him to Asgard, but after her first visit, Jane had decided that she was definitely not comfortable in Asgard. He had also offered for her to live in New York with him, but that was not where her work was.

One day as she was in the middle of her work with Darcy and Erik when something suddenly dawned on her. If she was to stay with Thor, someday she would have to leave Earth to become Queen of Asgard. The more she thought of it, the more she began to panic. Darcy looked up from her work, noticing that Jane was beginning to hyperventilate.

"Jane, what's the matter?" Darcy asked, causing Erik to stop what he was doing and looked up at the panicked look on Jane's face.

Jane started to shake her head as tears began to gather in her eyes. "I can't do it, I just can't do it."

Erik and Darcy looked at each other, puzzled, "Do what, exactly?" Erik asked.

"I can't become Queen of Asgard."

"Um, what are you talking about?" Darcy asked.

"It just hit me, Thor is Prince of Asgard, he will eventually be king and if I stay with him, he's going to eventually want me to be his queen. I can't do that, I can't leave all this behind, my work, my friends! Besides, as beautiful as Asgard is, I hate it there."

"What are you going to do?" Erik asked.

"The only thing I can do, I have to end it with Thor."

While Jane is contemplating how she was going to end her relationship with Thor, the Prince of Asgard was in the process of picking out a ring with the help of Clint and Natasha.

"What do you think of this ring, Big Guy?" Clint asked, calling Thor's attention to a ring in the display case.

Thor bent down to get a better look at the ring, when Natasha walked up to them and asked the Jeweler if they could see the ring. The Jeweler took the ring out of the case and handed it to Thor, he then began to explain what kind of cut it was and the quality of the diamond. Thor scrutinized the ring, then nodded.

"This ring is perfect for my Lady Jane, I will take it."

Thor handed the ring back to the Jeweler and the Jeweler sized the ring for Thor. Thor was so excited that he was going to ask his Lady Jane to marry him. They had been together for quite some time and he felt that the time was right. Thor thought that Jane would make the perfect queen for him.

When Thor had informed Clint and Natasha of his intent to ask Jane to marry him, the assassins looked at each other giving each other a skeptical look. Natasha was a great judge of character and she felt that Jane was all wrong for Thor, she was too whiney, too needy, too clingy and too demanding. She was sure that if they got married, it wouldn't last long, Jane would eventually get frustrated with Thor and leave him. Clint had to agree with her, he liked Jane well enough, but she was all wrong for Thor. Most of the Avengers felt the same way, though they would never voice their opinions to Thor.

So with the credit card that Tony had given Thor, he proceeded to purchase the engagement ring. Leaving the Jewelry store with a happy grin, Thor thanked Clint and Natasha for their help and informed them that he would be making his way to Washington, where Jane was currently working, for a date that he had planned with her. The two assassins wished him good luck and watched him take to the sky.

Natasha crossed her arms, "This is not going to end well." Clint completely agreed.

Meanwhile in Washington, Jane was getting ready for her date with Thor, her mind made up. She was going to break up with Thor. After coming to the realization that she did not want to become queen of Asgard, she began to examine her feelings for Thor more carefully, she finally came to the conclusion that she in fact did not love him as she once did. That she did not want to spend the rest of her life with him. After coming to that conclusion, Jane felt a great weight lifted off her shoulders. She knew she loved him, just not enough to sacrifice her entire life for him.

Jane looked at herself in the mirror and sighed, Darcy came up behind her, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, Darcy, I'm sure, it isn't fair to Thor and it certainly isn't fair to me to hold on to a relationship that isn't going anywhere."

Darcy sighed, "Okay, I'm going to miss the godly hunk."

Jane met Thor at the designated restaurant and 7:00 he stood up and greeted her with a hug and a kiss. Jane kissed him back, but not as enthusiastically as she normally did. This did not go unnoticed by Thor, though he didn't think anything of it right off.

"I am so happy to see you, Jane, it has been a long time." Thor said with a loving smile.

Jane gave him a strained smile, "Yeah, Thor, it has been a long time, how have you been?"

"I have been well, missing you greatly, I apologize for my long absence but unfortunately with my duties in Asgard and my work with the Avengers I had no way of returning to you any sooner."

"I understand, Thor." Unfortunately at this point, it really didn't matter to her anymore.

"Why don't we go ahead and order now?" Jane suggested.

They ordered and began to make small talk. It was at this point that Thor began to notice the strain that hung in the air between them. He noticed that if he didn't ask her questions, she really wouldn't engage him in conversation. He began to realize that something was seriously wrong. When their order arrived they ate in uncomfortable silence. As soon as the meal was over, Jane asked if they could leave, Thor obliged her.

They decided to take a walk along the Patomic River, the silence and tension was so thick it was almost suffocating. Thor could no longer take it, he stopped Jane, taking her hand he looked down at her. Looking deep into her eyes he came to only one conclusion.

"You no longer love me, do you Jane?"

Jane looked down at the ground then looked up into his intense blue eyes with a sad look, "I love you, Thor, but I'm not in love with you anymore. I can't handle you always being away leaving me all alone all the time, I don't want to be in that kind of relationship. Then just the other day it occurred to me that one day you will be King of Asgard and… I don't want to live in Asgard. I don't want to be Queen, I'm so sorry, Thor, but I have to break up with you."

Thor stood there with his head down, "But Jane…"

"I'm sorry Thor, it's over." With that she turned and left him standing there in the summer night. Suddenly storm clouds began to roll in, lightning lit up the night sky, thunder rolled, and the heavens opened up and it began to pour. Thor stood there soaked to the skin as tears ran down his face.

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost." Thor whispered and in a flash of light Thor was gone.

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