Chapter 3 Friendship With Bruce.

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Bruce Banner and Alina Macleod met when Bruce went to go visit Hank at Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters. The school was one of the few places that Bruce felt very comfortable, despite there being so many children. He knew that here, he wouldn't be judged or looked down on because of his condition, even if he wasn't a mutant. Which was something Hank wasn't totally convinced about. Hank thought that maybe Bruce had a dormant  X-gene that was activated with the gamma radiation blast. He thought that Hulk had always been with Bruce.

Bruce arrived at the front door, ringing the doorbell, he waited for someone to answer the door. When the door opened, there stood a pretty little brunette, her brow furrowed as she looked at Bruce, then suddenly her eyes widen as she recognised him. He smiled at her uncomfortably, he figured she recognised him from the news when he destroyed Harlem. But that wasn't the case at all.

"Oh my god, you're Dr. Bruce Banner, the famous physicist! I studied your work when I was in college. You must be here to see Hank, please come in." Alina said then stepped aside.

Bruce was pleasantly surprised, he thought for sure she was going to tell him she recognised him as the Hulk. He walked passed her into the mansion. The young lady shut the door then turned to him.

"I have admired your work for a long time, Dr. Banner. I've read everything you ever published since I was able to read. You're the reason I got into physics when I was a kid."

"Well, thank you…?"

"Oh, where are my manners, Alina Macleod, at your service, sir."

Bruce chuckled and took her hand, "It's nice to meet you, Alina, and did I hear you right, did you say you've read my work since you've been able to read?"

Alina blushes as she leads Bruce down to Hank's office. "Yes, sir, I've been reading since I was two. Been doing physics equations since I was three."

"Wow, that's impressive, how old are you if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh I'm 21 years old."

"Oh so you're a junior in college." Bruce observed.

"No, sir, I graduated when I was 16, four degrees."

"Really, in what, and you don't have to call me sir, Bruce is fine."

"I have a degrees in physics, engineering, micro biology and medicine. I'm working on getting a law degree right now."

"That's very impressive." Bruce said truly impressed.

"Thank you, Bruce, that means a lot especially coming from you."

They continued to walk and talk until they reached Hank's office. Hank looked up from his work and smiled at Bruce.

"Bruce, what a pleasant surprise, I see you've met Alina. Has she asked you for your autograph yet?"

Alina turned bright red, then without saying a word she left the two scientists alone. Hank chuckled as he watched Alina rush out of his office.

"My autograph, Hank?" Bruce asked.

"Oh, yes, Bruce, you are Alina's physics hero."

"How is it she knows all my work?"

"I used to read your articles to her as bedtime stories when she was a little girl. She already knew who your were before she was left on our doorstep when she was three."

A sad look crossed Bruce's face, "She was abandoned when she was three?"

"Yes, Alina manifested her powers very early and her mother couldn't take care of her properly, so she left her with us."

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