Chapter 16 The Truth Comes Out.

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After Alina and Bruce went their seperate ways, Alina went back up to their floor to lie down. She had a headache and was very nervous, even though Aphrodite said that Thor would take the news well that she's a demigoddess. What she was really worried about was whether or not Thor would even want to go to Olympus to meet her father and prove himself to Zeus. Even though the Fates had decreed that Thor and her were destined to be together, in the end Zeus still commanded them.

Alina went to her room, she laid down in bed and asked Morpheus to help her sleep a bit. She suddenly felt drowsy and fell asleep straight away. An hour later she woke up, it was 5:00 in the afternoon and she knew she had to get this done before 7:00 or her father would not be pleased. She stretched and yawned, getting up from the bed, Alina walked out into the living room.

"JARVIS, where's Thor?"

**Mr. Odinson, is with Captain Rogers in the gym, training.**

"Could you take me down, please?"

**Certainly, Ms Alina.**

With that, the elevator doors opened and Alina descended towards the gym. When she got there, she saw Thor and Steve in hand to hand combat. They were grappling with each other when Alina walked into the gym. Hearing the door open Thor looked up, a smile spread across his face when he saw her.

"Alina!" He greeted, then he frowned when he saw the sad smile she gave him in return.

As Thor was about to walk towards her, Steve, not knowing what was going on, punched Thor in the face making him stumble back.

Alina gasped and covered her mouth, "Thor!"

"Oh, Thor, I'm sorry, I had no idea we had stopped." Steve said.

Thor playfully glared at Steve, he wipes his face to make sure he isn't bleeding, "That's quite alright, Captain, but I think our training session is over."

Thor motions with his head towards Alina, who looks upset for some reason, Steve nods and walks out of the gym. He nods towards Alina as he walks by heading for the showers.

Thor's brow furrows as he walks towards Alina, looking in her eyes he can see that she is very worried and upset about something, and it hurts him deeply to see her that way. When he reaches her, Thor takes her in his arms and hugs her tightly.

"What is the matter, little one, what has you so upset?"

Alina hugs Thor tighter, she takes a deep breath and looks up at him.

"I saw my father and oldest brother today. I'm not sure how but he found out about what almost happened between us last night and he wants to meet you now."

Thor smiles down at her, "Should I be worried?" He asked jokingly.

"Yes, you should, this isn't like meeting Logan, Thor, this is my real father and he is incredibly powerful. Incredibly protective of me and he doesn't like you."

Thor frowns, "He does not even know me, how can he not like me? Everyone likes me."

"First of all, my father doesn't like Asgardians, and he know of you. How you are, or more how you were, a womanizer."

"Wait, why does your father not like Asgardians, when has he ever met one of us? Who is you father?"

Alina pulled away from Thor and walked away from him, "Thor how much do you know of Earth's deities?"

"Odin taught us a little, he said that there are myths of other gods and goddesses on Earth, from an area know as Greece."

"Good, that's good, except like you, they're not myths. The Greek gods and goddesses existed and exist to this day."

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