Chapter 7 Thor Watches Alina Train

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Thor woke up in an incredibly good mood, his lips still tingled from where he had kissed Alina, making him smile. He got up,  took a shower and changed into a pair of black sweats and a grey t-shirt. He was going to work out with the Captain, but first he wanted to see Alina before she went to work with Bruce and Tony.

Thor headed for the communal floor where everyone had already gathered with somber faces, everyone in the room had a terrible hangover.

"GOOD MORNING!" Thor boomed.

"Shh, Point Break, not so loud, have some respect for the dead." Tony said as he drank two aspirins with his coffee.

He then passed the aspirins to Clint, who passed them down once he took some too. Thor smiled at his friends, he had missed watching them the day after parties. He always found it quite amusing. As he looked around at his friends he noticed that Alina was missing, he couldn't help but become concern. Natasha saw the expression on Thor's face and smirked.

"She won't be here this morning, Thor."

"Is Alina alright?"

"Oh sure, she doesn't get hangovers either, must be a mutant thing like Logan." Tony said as he pulled an ice pack out of the fridge.

"Is she already in the lab?" Thor asked, he was about to walk out when Tony called to him.

"No, Logan's here today."

Thor gave him a questioning look.

"Right, you don't know. When Logan shows up that means she's going to train with powers, so she'll probably train all day."

"Are they in the training room?" Thor asked.

"Yeah, but I don't recommend you going down there. Logan is very private about their training, he nearly killed me the one time I tried to sneak in to watch. JARVIS won't even record them, Logan threatened to destroy JARVIS' system if he did." Tony said.

"He pulled me out of the vents and beat the crap out of me once. If Alina hadn't have stopped him, he would have put me in the hospital." Clint added.

"How did he know you were in the vents?" Thor asked.

"He smelled me."

Thor cocked a brow, that was the strangest thing he had ever heard.

"The only person he allows in there is Bruce." Nat said.

"I will take my chances, I would like to see Alina train." Thor said as he walked out of the room heading straight for the training room.

"It's your funeral, man, he really likes her, doesn't he?" Clint asked.

The others nodded.

Thor was walking towards the training room when he heard the sounds of an animal growling visciously, his pace quickened towards the sound. When he opened the door he saw a man with wild hair and what looked like claws coming out of his knuckles standing over Alina. Without even thinking, he threw Mjolnir as hard as he could towards Logan. The hammer hit Logan right in the chest, sending Logan flying across the room. What Thor was not expecting was the sound of metal reverberating throughout the room. He was even more surprised when the man got up as if nothing happened and the man was pissed.

Logan snarled at Thor, he unsheathed his claws and rushed him. Thor was in such shock that he barely had time to react to Logan's attack. When Logan took a swipe at Thor, the only thing that Thor could do is dodge the attack. Logan wasn't letting up on him, he kept attacking Thor, never giving him the chance to counter. Finally Thor was able to summon Mjolnir to him and was able to block Logan's attack. Thor swung his hammer and hit Logan in the face with it, hearing once again the reverberation of metal. The force of the blow knocked Logan's head to the side and cut his face. Thor's eyes widened when he saw metal gleaming under Logan's skin then the cut heal over, leaving no trace, Logan growled and popped his neck. Logan and Thor swung at each other at the same time, but did not connect. There was a gust of wind that threw each man in opposite directions.

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