Chapter 13 A Life Changing Discussion

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Thor woke up the next morning with his boxers sticky, he had a sex dream about Alina and had come in his shorts. He grimaced at the sight and was completely embarrassed, something like that had not happened to him since he was a teenager. What was this woman doing to him, she would be the death of him if he did not have her.

Thor stripped off his shorts and threw them in the hamper, getting up he went to take another shower. While he was in there he began to imagine Alina soaking wet under the shower. He imagined himself on his knees in front of her, lapping at her folds, tasting her sweet nectar. Shaking his head, he tried to dispel the image, but it would not leave him. He became so hard it hurt, Thor had no other choice but to stroke himself in the shower. He groaned out her name when he came, and slumped against the shower wall panting. When he finally came down from his high, he finished washing, got out, dressed and went for breakfast. He was hoping that Alina would be with the other Avengers also having breakfast.

As it turned out, she was there cooking breakfast for everyone. She was making a stack of waffles, bacon and eggs. She had placed yogurt and fresh fruit on the table so the Avengers had something to eat while she cooked. Once she was finished, she brought the serving platters to the table, a fresh pot of coffee and a pitcher of orange juice, then she went to sit in between Tony and Bruce. Thor was completely disappointed, he was hoping she would sit next to him, but apparently she was no longer comfortable around him.

That wasn't the case at all, it was out of habit that she sat in between her two friends and she was so embarrassed by her reaction last night, she was sure that Thor was irritated with her. The Avengers served themselves and began to eat, they chit chatted about this and that, never once talking about anything that had to do with any missions or the Avengers. They didn't want Alina to leave the room.

Thor would every now and then glance up and look at Alina and she would shyly do the same thing. When their eyes would meet, Alina would blush and Thor would smile at her. The rest of the Avengers thought it was cute how they shyly flirted with each other, though Tony thought it was completely out of character for Thor. Something must have happened to make him suddenly so shy.

"So how was your date yesterday, you guys?" Tony asked as he looked between Thor and Alina. Everyone stopped talking, no one else had known that they had gone on a date and they were all intrigued.

Alina looked up from her plate and looked around, they were all staring at her, including Thor.

She cleared her throat, "It went very well, we had lunch and spent the entire day together until late last night."

Thor beamed at her response, he was hoping she had enjoyed herself and that what happened at the end of the night hadn't spoiled everything.

"What did you guys do?" Clint asked.

"We had lunch at a Mexican restaurant, then went sight seeing. She took me to several museums then to Central Park. Where we visited the zoo, some of the gardens and Strawberry Fields. Then we came back to the Tower and watched some movies and had pizza for dinner.

"Aw, that sounds so cute, do you two have any plans today?" Natasha asks.

"No, I think today, I'll go work in the lab with Bruce and Tony." Alina said.

"And I believe I shall train, if you are up for it, Captain?"

"Yeah, sure, Thor, we can go after breakfast."


After breakfast, everyone went their separate ways, but before Thor could leave the kitchen, Alina grabbed his hand.

"Thor, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to talk with you about last night and my reaction."

"Of course, My Lady, where would you like to talk?"

"How about we go to the roof?"


They get into the elevator and ride up in silence. When they get to the top, Thor lets Alina get out first. Alina walks over to the edge of the roof and looks out over the city. Thor gazes at her watching as her hair blows in the wind, his heart skips. She stands there for a few minutes just gazing over the city, Thor begins to worry that Alina is going to tell him that she doesn't want to see him anymore.

He comes to stand behind her, "Alina."

"Thor, I… I just want to apologize for last night."

Thor is surprised at her words. "You have nothing to apologize for."

"Yes, I do, I should have never let it get as far as it did last night."

Thor feels his heart drop, did that mean she regretted spending time with him?

Alina turns to see the shattered look on his face, "What I mean is I shouldn't have let our make out session get so far, I wanted you last night."

Thor brightens, he moves to bring Alina into his arms, "I want you too, Darling."

"You don't understand, I want you, but I can't give myself to you."

Thor looks down at her, his brow furrowed. Then it dawns on him, "You are still pure." He says with a beautiful smile gracing his face.

"And I want to save myself for my husband."

Alina blushes and looks down. Thor places his finger under her chin and lifts her head, he kisses her lightly.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about, it is a wonderful thing that you are saving yourself for marriage. That you wish to give this gift to only one man."

"You really think so, you're not mad?"

Thor chuckles and kisses the top of her head, "Yes, I do, and I could never be angry with you, I only hope that I could be the man you bestow that honor upon."

"What are you saying?"

"Alina, even though I have only known you for a short time, I care for you very deeply and would like to ask you for the opportunity to court you."

Alina was stunned, her sister was right. Of course she was right, she is the goddess of love.

It took Alina a few minutes to answer and Thor started to worry, maybe it was too soon for Midgardians.


"What? Oh my god, Thor, I'm sorry. Yes, of course, I would love for you to court me."

The biggest smile Alina had ever seen spread across Thor's face. He grabbed her in a tight embrace and spun her around, laughing. Putting her down, he kissed her deeply then placed his forehead to hers.

"Thank you, My Dove, you have made me so happy. I promise you will not regret this."

She kissed him back tenderly, "I'm pretty sure I won't either.

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