Chapter 33 Wedding Bells

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The following morning, Alina woke up in her room on Mount Olympus. She looked around, surprised, then sighed, “Morpheus,” She said to herself and fell back onto her pillows. He was the only one that could have transported her to Olympus without waking her. Alina sat up and stretched; she sighed and was about to leave the bed when her sisters and aunts burst through her door. The goddesses greeted her enthusiastically, Aphrodite pushed her little sister back in bed, and Hera placed a tray of food on her lap, “Ah, ah, ah, you are not getting up until you finish your breakfast. Today is your wedding day, and we plan on doting on you,” Aphrodite explained.

“Okay, but why did Morpheus kidnap me and bring me here? The others are going to think I ran out on Thor.”

Athena rolled her eyes, “Don't be ridiculous; I left a note telling Pepper where you have gone. As your family, we reserve the right to help you prepare for your wedding.”

Alina settled back in her bed and ate her breakfast. She noticed that all her favorite food was prepared, but some ambrosia was also there. She looked at Hera and Aphrodite curiously, “Why is there ambrosia?”

Hera smiled and looked at her daughter to explain. Aphrodite sat next to her baby sister, “It's for your wedding night.”

Alina stared at her sister, not understanding.

“We decided you should have Ambrosia with you in case Thor hurts you.”

Alina looked affronted by her sister's comment, “Thor would never hurt me.”

“We know that, Sweetling, but Thor is a full God, and you are a demigoddess. He may not intentionally hurt you, but if Thor gets carried away, he might, and none of us want you to be injured, especially me,” Aphrodite explained, “So, before your wedding night, take the Abrosia; it will heal you. It would not do for Father to see you the next day in pain. He may lose his composure.”

Alina nodded, understanding what her sister was talking about, but Alina didn't think she would need it. Thor had always been gentle with her. The Thunder God understood that while Alina was sturdier than humans, she was still only a Demigoddess, and he could still hurt her. Alina accepted Ambrosia to ease her family's mind.

After Alina finished her breakfast, The Goddesses swarmed her to get her ready. Alina was taken to the baths, where she bathed with her aunts and sister in the revitalizing Olympian waters. The warm water eased Alina's muscles and nerves. She enjoyed talking and laughing with the female members of her family. The Goddesses fussed over her and sponged her down, washing Alina's hair and adding scented oils to her hair and body. After her bath, Alina got a full body massage, and the preparations began.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Pepper read the note left behind by Athena. She nodded and called Natasha to inform her that Alina was taken by her family to help her get ready for the wedding. Pepper was disappointed that she wouldn't be there to help, but she understood. Alina was the baby of the family, after all, and of course, her sisters and aunts would want to help her on the most important day of her life; it was still a little disappointing. Well, since Pepper couldn't help Alina, she would ensure everything on Earth would be perfect. After all, it wasn't every day that she got to supervise the wedding of a god to a demigoddess.

Pepper decided it would be best to tell Thor that his bride was on Olympus before he panicked. He didn't like the Midgardian tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding, and Pepper was positive that Thor would try to sneak up to see Alina. Pepper called Bruce and told him what was going on. Bruce sighed, “I should have known the girls were going to kidnap her. I'll let Thor know. I see him trying to sneak by right now,” Bruce commented.

Bruce called out to Thor, “Don't bother, Thor; Alina is not in here.”

Thor poked his head into the living room, “What do you mean she's not in the hotel? Where is she?” Thor asked frantically.

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