Chapter 15 Tony Learns the Truth.

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Bruce and Alina leave the restaurant, but Tony hangs back a minute, he touches the bluetooth in his ear.

"JARVIS, did you record that conversation that just happened?"

**Yes, sir, and there was some interesting information in that conversation.**

"Okay, tell me when we get to the Tower."

**Yes, sir.**

The drive seems to take longer than normal, Alina was just dreading having to tell Thor the truth. Don't get her wrong, she had every intention of telling him she's a demigoddess, daughter of Zeus, but not the first day they started dating. But she had no other choice, her father knew and had ordered her to. So she was going to go lie down for a while, build up her courage then go talk to Thor.

When they got to the Tower, Bruce helped Alina out of the car, he gave her a big hug.

"You okay, Munchkin?"

"Yeah, just need to gather my courage first, then I'll go talk to Thor."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

Alina paused for a moment, "Maybe, I'll call you if I do."

With that she kissed Bruce on the cheek and went to their floor. In the meantime Tony had gone ahead and went back to the lab.

"Okay, JARVIS, what information do you have for me?"

**Well, sir some interesting facts about Alina's father and brother.**

"Like what?"

**Like their names, Dion Vasiliá Ton Theón, for instance. The English translation for that is Zeus, King of the gods.**

Tony's mouth fell open, "You're joking."

**No, sir, and his son's name, Enyalius, translate into Ares.**

"As in the god of war?"

**I would assume so, sir.**

"Then what did her dad tell her in Greek?"

**You will tell him that you are a demigoddess this instant! And you will bring him to meet me tonight! Am I understood?!**

Tony shakes his head, "No, that can't be right, check again and make sure."

**Sir, I have checked and translated it 100 times, it is correct.**

Tony sat down on his chair, "Holy shit."

At that moment Bruce walked into the lab.

"Did you know that Alina is a demigoddess?"

"How the hell did you find out?!"

"JARVIS translated their little conversation, so it's true? And did you also know we were sitting with Zeus, king of the gods, and Ares god of fucking War?!"

"Watch how you say that, Tony, Ares could be listening. Though I doubt it, he's probably getting ready to kill Thor."


"Didn't you get JARVIS to translate that last part?"

"Oh no, I forgot. What do you mean kill Thor?"

"Well, Ares told Alina he was going to try not to, but if Zeus tells him to, he will."


"Because you heard what Alina said, Zeus doesn't like Thor. If Thor wants to be with Alina, he needs to prove how much he loves her."

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