Chapter 8 Breakfast With a God and Mutants

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There was that hint of jealousy in the air again, causing Logan to smirk. Logan led Alina and Thor out of the training room to the elevator, they took the elevator up to Bruce and Alina's floor. Logan didn't like eating with the Avengers, they got on his nerves. Just because they had beaten a few aliens, they thought they were the greatest team on earth.

Logan scoffed at the notion, 'Let them go up against an omega mutant, like Magneto, and see how they fair. Magneto would crush Stark in that tin can suit of his in the blink of an eye.' Logan thought.

So, when they got to Bruce and Alina's floor, Logan went straight to the kitchen to make breakfast. He pulled out two cartons of eggs, hash browns, ham, sausage, bacon, and steaks. Logan stepped out of the kitchen to ask Thor something.

"Hey, Goldilocks?"

"Logan, his name is Thor."

Logan rolled his eyes and huffed, "Fine, Thor, are you joining us for breakfast?"

Thor looked at Logan, surprised. "If it is not an inconvience."

"Nah, Bub, just need to make more than usual, Alina, come help me."

Alina immediately obeys Logan and went into the kitchen, but she popped her head out.

"Oh, Thor, could you check on Bruce for me, please? And could you tell him that Logan is making breakfast, if he wants any?"

"Yes, my lady." Thor says with a smile and a wink.

Alina blushes and ducks her head back into the kitchen. Thor chuckles as he walks down the hall to Bruce's room. He knocks very quietly on the door, Bruce gives a muffled response and Thor opens the door.

Bruce was lying on his stomach when he looks up at Thor.

"Good morning, Thor, what brings you here?"

"Good morning, Bruce, I have come to inform you that Alina and her friend Logan are making breakfast and wanted to know if you would be joining us."


Thor beamed, "Yes, I shall be having breakfast with them as well."

Bruce sat up, noticing that he was still in his rumpled clothes from last night. He rubbed his hands over his face.

"Okay, let me take a quick shower and I'll be out there in a minute."

Thor smiled, "I shall inform the others."

Thor went back to the kitchen, "Banner said that he will join us for breakfast."

Alina smiled at him, "Great, we'll need to make more, My Logan."

"Okay, Munchkin, let me get some more meat." Logan said with his back to her.

Logan smirked when he got the whiff of jealousy coming off of Thor again. Logan went to the fridge to get more food. Once he grabbed more ingredients, Logan pulled out a pan and started frying up the steaks. While Alina started frying up the bacon and sausage, Thor stood in the doorway watching. He thought it was the cutest thing, seeing Alina with an apron on, concentrating on not burning the food. She looked up from what she was doing and gave Thor a grin, beckoning him to come into the kitchen. Thor pushed away from the doorway and came to stand next to Alina.

She looked up at him, "Do you want to help?"

"What can I do, my lady?"

"Well, you can start scambling the eggs. Here take this bowl crack about 15 eggs in it then whisk them with this wire whisk." Alina instructs handing the bowl, whisk and two cartons of eggs.

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