Chapter 18 Celebrating and Speaking With Odin.

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When they appeared at Stark Tower, Thor eyes were shining. He enjoyed traveling by lightning immensely, he reached down and picked up Alina hugging her tightly to him, then kissing her gently.

"That was amazing, my love, I truly enjoyed it. Do you think you can teach me to travel in the same manner?"

"I may not be able, but my father might, once we're married and he's forced to consider you his son - in - law." Alina says with a giggle.

Thor smiles brightly, "I cannot believe it, my love, we are betrothed. I was not expecting these turn of events but I am nevertheless very happy."

"So am I, Baby, so am I. Now let's go tell Brucey. Oh my god, I forgot, we have to tell Logan too. You may have another fight on your hands."

Thor throws his head back and laughs, "It is completely worth it, my love, now let us go inform Banner."

When they walk inside Tony, Bruce and Pepper are all in the penthouse. Tony rolled his eyes when he saw the happy couple.

"Oh please tell me there aren't any marks from the bifrost on my landing pad."

"No, Tony there isn't, we traveled by lightning bolt." Alina informed him.

"Is there a scorch mark?"


"Good, so what happened with Papa and why do you both look so happy?" Tony asked as he went to the bar and poured himself a whiskey.

"I met Alina's father, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters. We feasted, I was interrogated by Alina's father then I fought her oldest brother almost to the death to prove my love for her."

Bruce choked on his tea, Tony's eyes widened as he drank and Pepper gasped.

"Zeus made you fight Ares?!" Bruce asked.

"Yes, it was a glorious battle."

"Wait a minute, Zeus, Ares, what are you guys talking about?" Pepper asked, completely confused.

All four of them looked at each other, then it occured to Alina, "Wait, Tony, how did you figure it out?"

"Oh I just translated what your dad told you at the restaurant and Bruce filled in the rest."

"Oh, well since you know, we might as well tell Pepper. You see, my father is Zeus, king of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky, weather, thunder, law, order, and fate."

"You're joking."


So then you're a god like Thor?"

"No, I'm a demigod, I'm half mortal. I'm actually Zeus' youngest child."

"So then your oldest brother that Thor fought is Ares god of war?"

"That would be correct."

"Oh my god, Thor, how did you survive?"

"I almost didn't."

"What?!" Bruce and Tony said at the same time.

"No, Ares had pretty well beaten me, but when he asked me if I would yield and give up Alina, I told him no I would never give her up. Zeus stopped the fight stating that I had proven my worth. He then gave us permission to court and we are now betrothed!" Thor said with a bright smile as he brought Alina's hand up to his lips and kissed it.

"Are you serious, you guys are going to get married?"  Tony asked.

"If our courtship goes well, yes." Thor said.

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