Chapter 21 Papa Bear and the Mission

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"LOGAN, STOP!" Alina cries as she tries to pull him off of Thor. Thor for his part does nothing to upset the already irate father figure that is the Wolverine.

"I have done nothing, Logan," Thor assures him.

"Bullshit, I smell you all over her, and it's stronger than before. I swear that if you did what I think you did I'll chop your dick off and shove down your throat!"

Tony and every guy in the room wince at Logan's words closing their legs, but Thor is completely insulted, with one hand he shoves Logan back hard, causing the big man to stumble back and nearly fall, Thor glares at Logan.

"How dare you suggest I would ever take advantage of Alina, she has made it quite clear she wishes to wait until we are married and I respect her wishes," Thor explains angrily.

"What do you mean, until you get married?"

"If you would have given me a chance to explain, Logan, I would have told you that Thor and I are betrothed, it was all arranged last night with the approval of my father," Alina explains.

"Betrothed, Huh? And the big guy said it was okay?" Logan asks.

"Yes, Logan, it was his idea."

Logan's eyes narrow as he looks at Thor, he huffs and runs his hand through his hair, "Fine, I guess I should say congratulations, but I'm telling you right now Goldilocks, you hurt my little girl and I'll slice you open from neck to nuts then make you eat them."

Thor, puts his hand out, "You have my word, Logan, I would never hurt Alina, she is the love of my life."

"You better hope not now let's get to this mission."

Tony clears his throat and claps his hands together, "Well that was thoroughly entertaining in a violent sort of way, why don't we head out to the Quinjet and head to the helicarrier."

Cyclops nods and gathers his team together so they can head out to the Blackbird, while the Avengers head to the Quinjet. Thor and Alina linger in the conference room a little longer, Thor pulls Alina towards him and kisses her. He lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. Thor tangles his hand in her hair and deepens the kiss. They kiss for several minutes until Tony sticks his head back into the conference room.

"Oh, come on you guys break it up, we're going to the same location just in different ships. Surely you guys can be apart for 20 minutes?"

The couple turns and looks at Tony, "No," They both say.

"Tough shit, you're gonna have to be separated for a whole 20 minutes, how will you ever survive? Tony ask while rolling his eyes and walking out, but not before he yells back.

"If you don't stop, I'm telling Papa Bear."

Thor sighs and puts Alina down, "Stark is right, we will only be separated for a little while and I do not wish to upset Logan any further. Let us go, my love."

"Alright, Love, I'll see you on the Helicarrier."

They walk out of the conference room and head towards the landing pad. When they reach the landing pad, Thor takes Alina's hand and kisses it then he heads off towards the Quinjet while Alina goes off toward the Blackbird. Once aboard the Blackbird, Alina takes her seat next to Logan, he looks at her and raises an eyebrow.

"Don't give me that look, Okay? Nothing happened, we just kissed."

"Sure, that's why your hair looks like a rat's nest."

Alina's eyes widen and she starts running her fingers through her wild hair trying to tame it.

Meanwhile, Thor happily gets into the Quinjet and sits down next to Hawkeye, Clint turns and looks at Thor.

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