Chapter 19 Message from the Gods

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As the happy couple laugh and drink champagne with Tony, Bruce and Pepper, there is suddenly a bright light in the middle of the room in the shape of a hare and there appears a graceful blonde youth, wearing a winged hat and winged sandals holding a Caduceus staff. He smiles as his eyes meet Alina's.

"Hermes!" Alina says as she let go of Thor's arm and runs to her older brother, crushing him in a hug.

"Hello, Baby Sister." He says with a chuckle as he returns the hug.

"Why weren't you at the feast tonight, I wanted you to meet Thor." Alina asks with a pout.

"Ah, well, I was in the underworld with Hades delivering some souls, but I heard what happened. So let me meet your betrothed."

Putting an arm around his sister's shoulders and completely ignoring the mortals in the room, two of whom had their mouths hanging open, he walks up to Thor, looks him up and down then offers his hand.

"So you're the one who grudgingly got Dad's approval, good for you. But I have to tell you if you hurt my baby sister I will curse you with such bad luck, your great great grandchildren will suffer."

Thor smiles, "Do not worry, Hermes, I would rather cut off my own arm than harm your sister." Thor says as he hugs Alina to him.

"Good, now before this goes any further, who are these mortals in the room?" Hermes turns and spots Bruce, "Hey, Banner, it's nice to see you again."

Tony and Pepper's mouths fall open as they turn to stare at Bruce, he only smiles and walks up to Hermes and Hermes pulls him into a hug. He releases Banner then looks directly at Tony.

"And you are?" Hermes asks.

Tony clears his throat, "I'm, uh, Tony Stark, I'm a friend of your sister. And this is my girlfriend, Pepper P-Pots."

Hermes throws his head back and laughs, "Relax, Tony, I'm not going to smite you or anything. If Dad and Ares didn't when they met you, I have no reason to either."

"Yeah, but I didn't know they were gods at the time." Tony explains.

Pepper gawkes at Tony, "You met Zeus and Ares?"

"Yeah, but like I said, I didn't know who they were until we got back to the Tower."

"Well, it's nice to meet you both, now I've actually come on offical duty of the gods. I have come to deliver a message to the happy couple, Dad has talked to your father, Thor, and he has also given his blessing for you two to be betrothed."

Thor smiles brightly, he comes over and pats Hermes on the shoulder, "Thank you, my friend, is it possible for you to deliver a message to my father?"

"Yeah, sure I don't see why not."

"Please tell him that Alina and I greatly appreciate his blessing and look forward to seeing him soon."

"No, problem, Thor, now I really must be going." Hermes informs them.

"Well, wait, why don't you stay and have some champagne with us?" Tony offers.

"Thank you but, no, besides your mortal alcohol is too weak, next time I'll bring some wine made by Dionysus. That will get even Thor drunk." Hermes said with a laugh then vanished in a bright light.

"Oh I can't wait to try that." Tony says excitedly.

Tony looked over at Pepper and gave her an odd look, he places a hand on her shoulder and gently shakes her.

"You okay, Sweetie?"

"Wow, I just met a greek god."


Pepper rolls her eyes, "I don't mean it that way, I mean an actual greek god."

"Yeah, pretty cool, huh? "


Bruce stands up and yawns, "Well it's late I think we ought to call it a night."

"Yeah after the stress of watching my oldest brother nearly kill my boyfriend, I'm ready for bed."

Thor looked at her disappointed. He wanted to spend more time with her, but he could see it in her face that she was exhausted.

"If you insist, My Lady, then I shall escort you to your floor." Thor annouces.

"Thank you, Thor, goodnight everyone." Alina calls as she and Thor head for the elevator. Thor says the same, then they get into the elevator.

Alina hugs Thor around the middle and leans her head against his chest, closing her eyes. Thor wraps his arms around her and kisses her head.

"You look very tired, my love."

Without opening her eyes Alina answers, "I am, but after what Ares did to you, I don't want to let you go."

Thor chuckles and holds her tighter, "Then do not let me go, come sleep with me."

Alina's eyes shoot open and she looks up at Thor as if he had lost his mind, Thor smirks at her reaction.

"You misinterpret my meaning, little one, I mean only sleep. Let me hold you throughout the night and keep you safe and warm. We have taken a nap together, why not the whole night?"

Alina thought about it for a moment, "Okay, but, you sleep in my bed."

Thor frowned, "But, my bed is bigger."

"And your floor is unchaperoned, at least on my floor, Bruce will be there."

Thor huffed, "Nothing will happen."

Alina quirked an eyebrow, "Do you really want to take that chance?"

Thor thought about it, "No you are right, I do not want to chance it."

"Besides I have a big ass bed too, Thor, I like my space."

Thor chuckles into her hair then kisses her head, "Alright then I shall meet you on your floor. Let me go to mine and change. JARVIS, stop at my floor please."

**Yes, sir, Mr. Odinson.**

With that, the elevator doors opened on Thor's floor and he gets out.

"I shall see you momentarily, my love."

"I'll be waiting."

As the elevator doors closes, Thor put his hand out to stop them, he leaned in and kisses Alina one more time. He gives her a grin as the elevator doors close.

The floor opened up on Alina's floor and she rushed out, Bruce was in the kitchen his eyebrows furrowed as he watched her sprint by.

"Where's the fire, Munchkin?"

"Have to hurry and change, Thor's spending the night."

Bruce set his tea cup down and walked into Alina's bedroom, he could hear the sink running in the bathroom. She opened the door and smiled at him.

"What do you mean "He's spending the night" I thought you guys weren't going to do anything until you get married?"

"We are, all we're going to do is sleep."

Bruce quirked an eyebrow, "Really?"

"Really, why do you think we're sleeping here, you're the chaperone."

"I am?"

"Yes, of course, who better than you to keep Thor in line, besides Ares?"

Bruce thought about it for a moment, "That's true, okay then, besides I'm almost positive you're brother is listening." Bruce said with a smirk.

The smile dropped from Alina's face and a ball of fire appeared in her bedroom in the form of a vulture.

"I take that as a yes."

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