Chapter 12 Thor's Fantasy

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Thor sat on his sofa running his hands through his hair. What had he done, why had she left? He was very distressed at the thought that he may have ruined his opportunity to be with Alina. It wasn't that he just wanted her sexually, he wanted to be with her, share his life with her, make her happy, protect her. Thor wanted to love her.

Thor knew that he had only known her for a short time, but Asgardians fell in love quickly and hard when they found the right person and he knew in his heart that Alina was that person. He once thought that Jane was that person, but he was wrong. What he was feeling for Alina was stronger than anything he could have ever felt for Jane, it didn't even compare. And now Thor was afraid that he had scared her away.

He groaned and stood up, Thor thought about following her, but he had another problem, he was still hard. He had never been this hard in his entire life, he really wanted to make Alina his. Just the thought of being inside her made his manhood twitch. Thor tried to think of other things but his mind always wandered back to how her lips felt, how soft her skin felt, how wonderful she smelled.

He couldn't take it anymore, he goes into his bedroom. Grabbing the lotion out of the bathroom he comes back into his room, strips and lies down on his bed. He squirts some lotion into his hand and spreads it over his manhood. Thor lets his mind wander as he begins to fantisize about all the things he would love to do to Alina, how he would love to taste her, touch her, drive his cock inside her. How he would love to feel her come around him and come inside her. As he continues to think of these things and go into agonizing detail, he starts to stroke himself. Slowly at first, swiping his thumb over the head of his manhood spreading his precum over the head, then as his need grows his hand begins to speed up. Thor's mind is going wild, imagining her between his legs, licking and sucking him off, while he holds her hair. Thor's hips start to buck into his hand as he pumps himself faster and harder, twisting the head of his cock, his other hand playing with his balls. He starts moaning out Alina's name, until finally he explodes all over his stomach.

Ropes of hot cum land on his stomach as he continues to pump himself, riding out his orgasm. Completely exhausted he lets go of his flaccid penis and lays there panting. He lies there with his eyes closed as the erotic images of Alina flash behind his eye lids. Then suddenly they change, now he sees himself dressed in his armor with Mjolnir hanging on his hip as he looks down the aisle to see Alina walking towards him in a beautiful white gown, looking like an angel. He sees them exchange vows and rings and him kissing her. Then the image changes to see her sitting in bed completely exhausted but glowing with happiness as she hold a small bundle in her arms. He sees himself walk over to the bed and sits down next to her while she hands the bundle to him. He looks down at the child, his child, with so much love it makes his heart hurt.

Thor's eyes fly open and he gasps, his heart pounding. What was it he just saw, was it a glimpse of the future, or was it a dream? If it was a dream, maybe it's a dream that he can turn into a reality. He reaches for some tissue to clean the cum off his muscular belly. He smiles, he had never had such images about any woman he had ever been with in his long life, not even Jane.

Thor wanted nothing more than to make those images come true, but first he had to figure out how to right what he had done wrong. He hoped that he had not ruined his chances with Alina, she meant so much to him. After a while Thor got up and made his way to the shower, he washed himself then got ready for bed. And as he slept, he continued to dreamed of a future with a woman he was positive he was in love with.

Meanwhile, Alina stumbled out of the elevator. She made her way to her room and stopped short. Sitting on her bed was a beautiful blonde woman wearing a white celestial gown with gold necklaces around her neck. She was brushing her hair when she looked at the door and smiled.

"Hello, little sister."

Alina rolled her eyes and stepped into her room, closing the door behind her, "Hello, sister, to what do I owe this visit?"

Aphrodite's smile grew, "I saw you run into a little difficulty with the god of thunder and I came to give you moral support."

Alina blushed as shame began to blossom within her. Aphrodite stood up and hugged her baby sister.

"Do not be ashamed of wanting to keep your virtue, I may be the goddess of love, but I do understand you wanting to give that gift to only your husband. Thor too will understand if you explain it to him and he will wait.

"What do you mean 'he will wait', wait for what?"

"For your wedding night, of course."

Alina's eyes widen, her sister rolls her eyes.

"Oh come now, sister, you must see it, Thor is in love with you."

Alina slowly shakes her head, Aphrodite sighs.

"Oh gods, clearly you are too much like Father, completely oblivious. Thor is completely in love with you, though he has yet to know how deeply his feelings run."

"But, Sister, I just met him. How could he be in love with me already?"

"Asgardians are quite different from humans, they fall in love fast and hard when they meet the right person. And you, Little Sister, are that person."

"But Thor was in love with another human before, from what he told me he was going to propose."

"He thought he was, but it was mostly gratitude he felt for her that he confused for love. She was never right for him, she didn't understand him, she was too demanding, too clingy. You, on the other hand, compliment him, understand him, and complete him. You are everything he never knew he wanted. His heart knew it that night at the party."

Alina started to back away, frightened by what her sister was telling her. Aphrodite gave her a sympathetic look.

"Do not be frightened, Little One, Thor is your destiny I have made sure of it."

"You mean to tell me you're influencing him?"

"No, I just gave him a nudge in the right direction, the Fates have long since decreed it, since before you were even born."

Alina smiled at the thought that she and Thor were destined, but then her eyes widened and she frowned.

"How will he take it when he finds out I am a demigod?"

"Surprisingly well, it is Father we have to worry about. He doesn't like Asgardians and he knows all about Thor. He knows what a womanizer Thor was and how he used women for his own pleasure. Though, Father is the same way, he will view this entirely different. I'm sure Father will think Thor is only trying to use you. It will be very difficult to convince Father that Thor has changed, you know how stubborn and overprotective he is of you.

Alina nodded, "What do we do?"

"Nothing, it is entirely up to Thor. Only he can convince Father that he has truly changed his ways. But enough talk of that, it is time for you to sleep. Tomorrow you and Thor will talk and this misunderstanding will be cleared up, goodnight, little one."

"Goodnight, sister."

With that, the two sisters hugged and Aphrodite vanished. Alina sighed, she went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. She got into bed and snuggled into her covers, she smiled at the thought of Thor.

"He loves me." She said with a giggle and went to sleep.

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